I've been thinking about homeschooling for quite awhile. I think Public schools are just getting worse and worse each year. DH doesn't like the idea of homeschool & has his doubts about how I will manage it. I gave in for awhile and filled out an application for the 3 year old program the school offers.
However, tragic stories about public schools keep popping up on the news and its pretty hard to say "Oh, that wouldn't happen to my child, it will be okay." It could happen to anyone. This one story in particular is what REALLY made me change me mind, it just pushed me over the edge:
So I am now looking into homeschooling. I found a great Christian based homeschool curriculum called Heart of Dakota. They have a 3-4 year old curriculum for about $40 so I think I will try it out. It goes all the way up to age 15 I believe.
I'll let you know how it goes (that is if I can talk DH into it!)
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