Well...I always wanted a big family...3-4 kids.
That is, until today.....
My cousin watches a 22 month old boy, today she had to take her DD to the doctor so I was asked to watch him from 9:30 to 1:30. So I did. Now, I am no longer babysitting the 2 year old girl so it was just Braxton, Addie & the boy (Blake.)
The first 45 minutes was fine. He was still in the shy phase and just sat around sheepishly looking around. However the more comfortable he got the more crazy things got.
Addie didn't sleep for over 4 hours (she usually naps every 1.5 hours) because everytime I would get her *almost* asleep, Blake would bring a noisy toy in and start playing quite loudly. & she is fully awake again. *Repeat, over and over and over again.* It's now 3 pm and he is still here and Addie has got *maybe* 15 minutes of uninterrupted sleep. She is cranky, I am cranky. Braxton & Blake are running around being loud little boys.
Blake is in the stage where he is in.to.EVERYTHING. He's climbing into cabinets, playing in the toilet, putting anything and everything in his mouth, climbed in to the dryer once, made a complete mess of my house and will not, will not, will noooooot, listen to a word I say. You're probably thinking..."oh you're just not watching him good enough." but TRUST ME, I am watching him as GOOD as I can with a 7.5 month old cranky baby around. Who knows what he could have got in to if I wasn't watching him well,....my house is sooo not child friendly! Time to babyproof (yes I still haven't gotten around to that)
Okay, so I am not trying to rant...just trying to paint you a picture of what my hectic day was like. Which leads me to this point:
I don't think I want anymore kids. Two is good, I guess. Braxton never went through the above "phase" luckily. Hopefully Addie won't either. It's tiring...stressful...overwhelming. So I say-quit while I'm ahead! Life is good, I love my two kids and I think I am happy with just that...two GREAT kids! :)
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