We have started a "change jar" for the baby. We just put change, dollar bills in there whenever we have it and when the baby is born hopefully we'll have alot of money! My cousin did this and they had like $150 saved. We also decided to buy 1 pack of diapers a week for the baby in various sizes. That will give us about 30 packs of diapers. (Also we're having a diaper raffle at my shower so hopefully we won't have to buy diapers for a while!!)
We did this my 2nd pregnancy around 7 weeks and as you know, that didn't turn out as planned. But since we saw the heartbeat we feel confident about this one. :)
My first ultrasound is in 4 hours! I am soo excited! Praying we see a ♥beat! I'll post the photos later!
My morning sickness seems to be getting worse. This morning I was so nauseous, I was dry heaving for nearly 15 minutes! Sometimes I just wish I would vomit so my stomach would feel better! It's getting to the point where I can't go 30 minutes without eating something or I get really sick so I've been buying huge bags of sunflower seeds so that I'm constantly eating but I won't gain too much from it, haha. I'm so scared of gaining too much weight. I gained almost 50 lbs with Braxton and still haven't lost it all. So far I've just been losing weight (which I secretly hope keeps happening) I need to find a weight chart for pregnancy so I know how much I should gain each week.
Ugh well I'm getting hungry/sick so I'm gonna find some lunch! :D
DH and I went to the doctor this morning to get treated. It was really quick, we each had to take a Z-pack (azithromicen) and that was it! Now we just have to wait a week to be completely cured. I'm so glad I know what caused the previous miscarriages, it gives me such hope for this pregnancy. I keep tellin my little "olive" to hang in there one more week, til mommys better! Thats my biggest fear right now, miscarrying before I'm cured. It's a slow process but I'm trusting in God.
The medicine they gave me is making me sooo sick. We went up there at 8, I got up at 7. (I get really sick if I wake up early, also if I eat early in the morning I get sick too.) So I didn't eat before we went and it was a 30 min drive. I had 1.)morning sickness & 2.)car sickness. So by the time we got there I was pretty nauseous. So I was handed the pills and the dr asked if I ate today. I said no. She offered me crackers and the thought of crackers made me want to hurl, so I said no I'll be fine. I took the pills and felt just fine til we got on the road. Oh boy!! The nurse told me I couldn't throw up the pills for 2 hours or I would have to come back and take more. That was a challenge. By the time we got home I seriously thought I was gonna be sick. I ran in the house and popped two nutri-grain blueberry eggos in the toaster! That helped a little...and now here I am, eating another waffle trying to keep down the pills..ughh. Also, apparently diarrhea is a side affect from the drug, so I'm not really looking forward to that!
Blagh, what a morning!
Hunger or morning sickness?
I can't tell the difference anymore.
It seems I feel just fine when I eat.
but if I go a few hours without eating I get sooo sick.
I had a grapefruit for breakfast today around 10, its now almost 12 and I feel so hungry/nasueous.
Crackers seem to be helping.
Idk what I'm experiencing though.
FX its morning sickness! LOL.
I've also noticed WEIRD veins on my bbs.
At first I thought I had a rash because my bbs had turned red and looked kinda bruised, but when I look closely its tiny, tiny red veins.
I guess these are called spider veins or varicose veins?
Out of all my pregnancies this is a first for me....
I had another dream I was carrying twins.
This time I was looking at my ultrasound photos and noticed two sacs, instead of one. I immediatly posted it to some ultrasound website asking if thats what a twins u/s looks like, haha. Then fast forward who knows how far-I'm able to pull the babies out so I can look at them (weird, I know) and see that they are boys. I was so disappointed! I just went on and on about how I'm gonna have 3 boys, and I'll never have a daughter, blah, blah, blah.
So this makes dream #2 I believe.
I've had a dream it was twin girls also.
Well 4 days until my ultrasound! Guess we'll find out! (I'm pretty sure its NOT twins though. They say with twins you're sicker, more tired...so far, I dont think its been THAT bad...so most likely we'll just see one floatin around in there. I'm still excited, cant wait to see the heartbeat!! :)
My old symptoms are finally coming back (and some new ones!) And though I am happy about this I can't help but complain a bit.
My m/s is back. (Yay..kind of!) It's nice knowing that everything is going as planned, but its quite frustrating to be so hungry and not be able to eat a thing! Water makes me sick, crackers make me sick...I just want to eat!! LOL
My fatigue is back. Nothings better than laying around the house all day sleeping and reading. I'm pretty sure Braxton is ready for mommy to get her energy back...I've been a bit boring lately. Luckily he loves playing alone and is easily entertained.
No sore boobs. I figure they won't come back. My friends bb tenderness left at 9 weeks and I'm 8 1/2 so I'm not too worried.
Brand new symptom-constipation...definetly the worst one symptom. I've never really been constipated before and well...I don't like it! This is what causes most of my misery. And I don't even know what is causing it (besides being pg duh.) I drink tons of water, eat fruit and drink juice...those are supposed to help, but nooo..
Oh well. At least I know everything is going good and that my hCG and progesterone levels are normal. I can't wait until the 2nd trimester hits, its my absolute favorite, you look pregnant without really feeling like it, more energy, less nausea, ahhh :))
A few other things to add:
*I'm getting my hopes up for twins. I spend way too much time on the FF multiples board, I have twin names picked out, I already refer to the baby as "babies", oh how bitterly disappointed I'm going to be when I find out theres just one, but, a girl can hope :)
*We have pretty much decided on Adalyn for a girl. Now just need a middle name. If its a boy we're screwed. We cant agree on ANY boys names. I like Parker but DH hates it :(
*I'm having my first ultrasound Feb 27th! I'm so excited. Praying we'll see a healthy heartbeat!!
*I finally found something I can stomach: Chicken Strip dinners from Sonic, with gravy of course-thats the only reason I get it! Well DH just got back from getting me one and guess what?! They didn't have any gravy!!!! Aghhh!!! The ONE thing I can eat....
Lol, well thats all of my rant. Sorry, had to get it out! :)
My symptoms are still gone...3rd day in a row. I was hoping they would come back, but it seems like they are just leaving quicker. Yesterday I had slightly sore bbs and now today-nothing! Not even if I poke and prod at them to see if they are sore. No morning sickness. I went from not even being able to drink water without getting sick to eating like crazy-no m/s. Even my fatigue is gone. I've been staying up late and getting up early and I feel just fine...this is really starting to freak me out, I think its too soon for my body to be getting used to everything. With Braxton my symptoms started fading at 12 weeks...I'm only 8. With my first miscarriage my symptoms disappeared just a few days before I started to miscarry. Let's pray thats not what is happening. I need some symptoms!! This has me feeling down today....
So the past two days, I've had no symptoms. They disappeared. No morning sickness, No food aversions, just slightly sore bbs. :( I'm starting to get worried. This is how my last 2 pregnancies were right before I m/c'd. Hopefully my symptoms return soon and this is just a "break." I'm trying to talk DH into a sooner u/s. I want one next Friday but not sure if I'll get it. I want to see a heartbeat so badly. The chance of a m/c after seeing/hearing a strong heartbeat is low, like 3%. So I think I would be extremely relieved and less stressed if I could just have an ultrasound and make sure there is a heartbeat!
I just found this:
If you have one miscarriage, you have a 10% chance of having another miscarriage. If you have had 2 miscarriages, your chances of having another one is 40%. If you have had 3 miscarriages, it is 60% you will have another one. And if you have 4 or more miscarriages, you have a 95% chance of miscarriage if you become pregnant again.
Thats scary. :( Maybe I'm reading too much into it..I think I'll get off the computer for a while and TRY to relax..ha...
Well I didn't call my dr today to ask about my "new due date." I would feel kind of silly, I think I'll just ask her at my next appointment. Though I now think it is Sept 29th. Yesterday she told me I was 8 weeks so I counted forward on my calender until I reached 40 (weeks) and that landed me on September 29th. So thats what I'm going by until my appointment.
Which makes me 8 weeks and 1 day. Blech. I'm kind of worried today..I haven't had any morning sickness at all, which you would think I would be happy about...but I feel as long as I have symptoms everything is okay, and with the last 2 pregnancies my symptoms just disappeared one day and then a few days later I m/c'd. So I'm praying for some m/s to kick in...maybe I'm getting a little break today. ;)
Braxton is getting so big! He's 3 feet tall and 30 something lbs!! I can't believe he is turning two next month! It makes me so sad! He's talking more and more each day, constantly learning new words. Sigh. Lately anytime he wants something he walks to me, grabs my leg and says "Pweeeeeeeeeeeeeeease?" and then shows me what he wants, and says "Tank you" What a well mannered little man! :) He's also started "Shushing" everything. If I talk while he's watching Clifford he turns to me with his finger over his mouth and says "Shhhh!" or if the dog barks, he does the same thing. It's cute. We've got most of the stuff for his birthday party. (We're doing it in Disneys Cars) I'm really excited, he has tons of cousins around his age so I'm getting a pinata, that should be entertaining. :) My only problem is finding a cars cake.. :( No one seems to have them.
On a completely unrelated note, I'm excited about tonight. Our church is getting together to watch Fireproof. Popcorn + Pop= :D I've already seen this movie and though it is a bit cheesy at first, its worth watching. I really enjoyed it! I was hoping we would get to watch it at the movie store, but we're doing it at church. The movie store here in town has a mini movie theatre in the back. It's like $20 an hour to rent the room, and you can watch any movie in the store. (Free drinks and popcorn as well) but it should be just as fun at the church. :)
So Josh and I are thinking about going on a mission trip in August!
It will be the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th in Bartow, FL.
It's only $1800 for us BOTH to go, not bad at all!
We'll be going with Dr. Jack and Marie Myers. (The ones who were just at our church)
I'm super excited!
We're going to pray about it and see what God wants us to do. I've been dying to go on a mission trip since my grandma went on one to the Dominican Republic.
I will about 31 weeks pregnant at the beginning of August so it will be okay for me to fly there. :)
I'm super excited and praying this is something God wants for us! :) I'm just not sure what we would do with Braxton for 4 days. Buuut if this is something He wants for us He will provide a way. :]
I had my 3rd doctors appointment today. My urine looked much better this time, I had keytones in it 2 weeks ago but that seems to be all cleared up now. I finally got it through my doctors head that I ovulated late! So she changed my gestation. I am now about 8 weeks instead of almost 9. :( That sucks but its better that way. The baby will measure on time on the u/s instead of a week back, won't have to worry about taking the baby (via csection) too early...etc, so I am pretty bummed but I feel it was important to change. I don't know my due date yet. (My new one...) So until I talk to my doctor I'm just going to assume sometime in October.
So, my morning sickness has been kicking my butt, well, its more like ALL DAY sickness...I haven't been eating much so that caused me to lose 2 lbs but Dr. Kimmel isn't worried, I'm already slighlty overweight so it won't kill me to lose a bit! ;) Dr. Kimmel told me that since I'm having so much morning sickness then most likely I won't miscarry. YAY! That makes me feel a little better! :)
I was told I should be able to hear a heartbeat by 10 wks but my next appointment is a month away! So I think I will rent a heart doppler from babybeat.com
Thats about all that happened at this appointment, I can't wait to get to all the exciting stuff!
This Sunday Dr. Jack and Pastor Marie Myers were guest speakers at our church. It was amazing. Jack is a healer, miracle worker, and a very good speaker. Very funny. I'm only going to be writing about the fun stuff though. Fire baptism and healings. After he was finished speaking he had everyone who wanted to be saved, rededicate their lives, or just be a part of the prayer to come to the front of the church. I was up there along with DH and my friend Kara. After a general prayer was prayed Jack went to each of us individually and prayed and layed hands on us. Kara was first. He asked if she had been battling depression. She said yes. He asked her how long. She said a year. Then he healed her from it. (When I say that I hope you know I mean God healed her THROUGH Jack.) When he said in the name of Jesus be healed, she was slain in the Holy Spirit. Next up was Josh. Soon as Jack touched him he was slain also. Then my turn. Jack touched me and down I went speaking in tongues. When I got back up a few minutes later Jack came over to me and asked if I needed any healing in my body. I told him not that I know of. Then he asked if I had lower back problems. (I do occasionally but never really thought it was a problem-it just always felt like it needed to be popped) So I said actually, yeah I do. So he started praying for me and all of a sudden I started to turn back and forth in kind of a circular motion. I thought it was Jack moving me but he asked, are you moving? (I thought to myself um duh cant you see? haha) but I said yeah....he told me he wasn't doing that. I wasn't either. While I was turning I could feel something, I could feel the healing take place and after my back was realigned he touched me on the face and I was slain again. I got back up after a few minutes and he asked me how my back felt. I said good. Good, he said, and touched me again. Down I went for the third time. My daddys back was also healed which is awesome because he's had problems with it for 15 years. Daddy was also filled with the Holy Spirit but wouldn't allow himself to fall. It's not his religion. He's not pentecostal but he goes to my church because he likes how no one judges and how we're all just there to worship God. I just wish he would submit himself to God completely. My cousin Taylor was also healed of back pain. Another lady there was healed of diabetes, back problems, and bad knees. That was just the morning service. The evening service Jack and Marie both talked and then as Jack likes to say "We got drunk in the Holy Spirit." The entire church was either slain or had Holy Laughter. It was incredible! Here are a few pics of the fun:
Well I think morning sickness is officially here. No vomiting yet, but I feel terrible! I'm nauseated almost the entire day, can barely eat anything and when I do it makes things worse. I can't wait til the 2nd trimestor...my favorite. :)
I have another appointment in 2 days and am soo not looking forward to it! I'm hoping the ketones that were in my urine 2 weeks ago are gone, if not I'm not sure what the doctor will do. My ultrasound however, is in 26 days and I am soo excited! My doctor doesn't give them before 20 weeks b/c of my ultrasound so I'm paying for a private one. :) I really hope I get a good, clear profile view photo. CharlieCats at ingender.com is really good at telling the sex of the baby at 12 weeks based off the nub theory. So if I find out at 12 weeks I would be ecstatic though of course I wouldn't go shopping yet of course! There's always that chance she's wrong.
I have a feeling its a girl, hopefully I'm right and :D
Well yesterday was horrible! Josh warned me that the weather would be bad but I thought he meant maybe some heavy rain and hail. Ohh I was wrong! Around 3:30 I started getting annoyed because they kept sending those "emergency broadcast signals" or whatever over the tv every 10 minutes. It was nice and pretty outside so I ignored it. Figuring it was bad weather somewhere else in the state. Josh then IM'd me and said there were tornados headed our way. I turned on the news and saw there were tornado warnings in Payne county. "Oh Sh*t!" I yelled. I grabbed up Braxton and all the stuff we would need (food, drinks-for him-some toys, a flashlight blankets, pillows and of course my bible.) We got in our "safe closet" located in a hallway. (I wish we had a storm shelter!) Braxton was freaking out so bad, he didn't like being cooped up in the closet at all! A few minutes later I heard the tornado sirens go off. Now that really scared me. I've been living in Perkins for about 4 years now and never once have I heard the sirens go off except for when they do a test. I opened up my bible and read Psalms 91 over and over again. After 5-10 minutes the sirens went off so I got out and went to the computer to see if Josh had IM'd (neither of us have phones at the moment so..) He did so I talked to him a few minutes and he said his boss wouldn't let him leave work. Actually, while the sirens were going off people were still pulling into the bank! Crazy!! So anyways, I assumed the tornados passed but as I was about to tell Josh bye I heard rain and looked outside and just out of nowhere it was pouring down, then came the hail. I could actually SEE the wind it was blowing so hard so I knew what that meant. I went to the bedroom and peeked out the window (I know I'm stupid) and saw a tornado forming across from my house. The clouds were rotating up and around so I freaked out and jumped back in the closet. Then the power went out. We stayed in that closet for an hour or two before I thought it was safe to come out. I am so terrified of tornados. They were pretty bad in OKC, I don't think we had any damage here but I heard a target got hit. Ironic?
Well on to happier news, I am 8 weeks today!!! Whoa! That's super exciting. Just one more month and I can start to relax! Here is my little rasberry:
A couple nights ago we went over to my Aunts for my cousin (Ryans) birthday. I love getting the whole family together because then Gavin and Braxton get to play. Gavin is my cousin who is just 5 months younger than Braxton I believe. So here are a few pics of them:

Well I guess you can see my symptoms from the chart but the most common ones I haven't recorded are: *fatigue, *nausea, *extremely sore bbs, *food aversions, *decreased appetite.
My doctor was worried about my decreased appetite. She said she noticed fat in my urine, I've never heard of that but apparently its because I haven't been eating enough but I told her its hard to eat right now which she said was understandable but she said its gotta get under control because its not good for the baby or me. (the fat in urine, not the eating thing)
So my little baby is the size of a blueberry right now :) These lil' size charts are too cute! Next week I'll have a rasberry baby :)