
My old symptoms are finally coming back (and some new ones!) And though I am happy about this I can't help but complain a bit.

My m/s is back. (Yay..kind of!) It's nice knowing that everything is going as planned, but its quite frustrating to be so hungry and not be able to eat a thing! Water makes me sick, crackers make me sick...I just want to eat!! LOL

My fatigue is back. Nothings better than laying around the house all day sleeping and reading. I'm pretty sure Braxton is ready for mommy to get her energy back...I've been a bit boring lately. Luckily he loves playing alone and is easily entertained.

No sore boobs. I figure they won't come back. My friends bb tenderness left at 9 weeks and I'm 8 1/2 so I'm not too worried.

Brand new symptom-constipation...definetly the worst one symptom. I've never really been constipated before and well...I don't like it! This is what causes most of my misery. And I don't even know what is causing it (besides being pg duh.) I drink tons of water, eat fruit and drink juice...those are supposed to help, but nooo..

Oh well. At least I know everything is going good and that my hCG and progesterone levels are normal. I can't wait until the 2nd trimester hits, its my absolute favorite, you look pregnant without really feeling like it, more energy, less nausea, ahhh :))

A few other things to add:

*I'm getting my hopes up for twins. I spend way too much time on the FF multiples board, I have twin names picked out, I already refer to the baby as "babies", oh how bitterly disappointed I'm going to be when I find out theres just one, but, a girl can hope :)

*We have pretty much decided on Adalyn for a girl. Now just need a middle name. If its a boy we're screwed. We cant agree on ANY boys names. I like Parker but DH hates it :(

*I'm having my first ultrasound Feb 27th! I'm so excited. Praying we'll see a healthy heartbeat!!

*I finally found something I can stomach: Chicken Strip dinners from Sonic, with gravy of course-thats the only reason I get it! Well DH just got back from getting me one and guess what?! They didn't have any gravy!!!! Aghhh!!! The ONE thing I can eat....

Lol, well thats all of my rant. Sorry, had to get it out! :)


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