Well I didn't call my dr today to ask about my "new due date." I would feel kind of silly, I think I'll just ask her at my next appointment. Though I now think it is Sept 29th. Yesterday she told me I was 8 weeks so I counted forward on my calender until I reached 40 (weeks) and that landed me on September 29th. So thats what I'm going by until my appointment.
Which makes me 8 weeks and 1 day. Blech. I'm kind of worried today..I haven't had any morning sickness at all, which you would think I would be happy about...but I feel as long as I have symptoms everything is okay, and with the last 2 pregnancies my symptoms just disappeared one day and then a few days later I m/c'd. So I'm praying for some m/s to kick in...maybe I'm getting a little break today. ;)
Braxton is getting so big! He's 3 feet tall and 30 something lbs!! I can't believe he is turning two next month! It makes me so sad! He's talking more and more each day, constantly learning new words. Sigh. Lately anytime he wants something he walks to me, grabs my leg and says "Pweeeeeeeeeeeeeeease?" and then shows me what he wants, and says "Tank you" What a well mannered little man! :) He's also started "Shushing" everything. If I talk while he's watching Clifford he turns to me with his finger over his mouth and says "Shhhh!" or if the dog barks, he does the same thing. It's cute. We've got most of the stuff for his birthday party. (We're doing it in Disneys Cars) I'm really excited, he has tons of cousins around his age so I'm getting a pinata, that should be entertaining. :) My only problem is finding a cars cake.. :( No one seems to have them.
On a completely unrelated note, I'm excited about tonight. Our church is getting together to watch Fireproof. Popcorn + Pop= :D I've already seen this movie and though it is a bit cheesy at first, its worth watching. I really enjoyed it! I was hoping we would get to watch it at the movie store, but we're doing it at church. The movie store here in town has a mini movie theatre in the back. It's like $20 an hour to rent the room, and you can watch any movie in the store. (Free drinks and popcorn as well) but it should be just as fun at the church. :)
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