Well yesterday was horrible! Josh warned me that the weather would be bad but I thought he meant maybe some heavy rain and hail. Ohh I was wrong! Around 3:30 I started getting annoyed because they kept sending those "emergency broadcast signals" or whatever over the tv every 10 minutes. It was nice and pretty outside so I ignored it. Figuring it was bad weather somewhere else in the state. Josh then IM'd me and said there were tornados headed our way. I turned on the news and saw there were tornado warnings in Payne county. "Oh Sh*t!" I yelled. I grabbed up Braxton and all the stuff we would need (food, drinks-for him-some toys, a flashlight blankets, pillows and of course my bible.) We got in our "safe closet" located in a hallway. (I wish we had a storm shelter!) Braxton was freaking out so bad, he didn't like being cooped up in the closet at all! A few minutes later I heard the tornado sirens go off. Now that really scared me. I've been living in Perkins for about 4 years now and never once have I heard the sirens go off except for when they do a test. I opened up my bible and read Psalms 91 over and over again. After 5-10 minutes the sirens went off so I got out and went to the computer to see if Josh had IM'd (neither of us have phones at the moment so..) He did so I talked to him a few minutes and he said his boss wouldn't let him leave work. Actually, while the sirens were going off people were still pulling into the bank! Crazy!! So anyways, I assumed the tornados passed but as I was about to tell Josh bye I heard rain and looked outside and just out of nowhere it was pouring down, then came the hail. I could actually SEE the wind it was blowing so hard so I knew what that meant. I went to the bedroom and peeked out the window (I know I'm stupid) and saw a tornado forming across from my house. The clouds were rotating up and around so I freaked out and jumped back in the closet. Then the power went out. We stayed in that closet for an hour or two before I thought it was safe to come out. I am so terrified of tornados. They were pretty bad in OKC, I don't think we had any damage here but I heard a target got hit. Ironic?
Well on to happier news, I am 8 weeks today!!! Whoa! That's super exciting. Just one more month and I can start to relax! Here is my little rasberry:
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