
Another twin dream..

I had another dream I was carrying twins.

This time I was looking at my ultrasound photos and noticed two sacs, instead of one. I immediatly posted it to some ultrasound website asking if thats what a twins u/s looks like, haha. Then fast forward who knows how far-I'm able to pull the babies out so I can look at them (weird, I know) and see that they are boys. I was so disappointed! I just went on and on about how I'm gonna have 3 boys, and I'll never have a daughter, blah, blah, blah.

So this makes dream #2 I believe.

I've had a dream it was twin girls also.

Well 4 days until my ultrasound! Guess we'll find out! (I'm pretty sure its NOT twins though. They say with twins you're sicker, more tired...so far, I dont think its been THAT bad...so most likely we'll just see one floatin around in there. I'm still excited, cant wait to see the heartbeat!! :)


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