
31 weeks

Baby This Week:
Your baby's total length is 18.9 inches (42cm) and she is perfectly formed! She measures about 11.6 inches (29cm) from crown to rump. All she has to do is fill out more. Your baby weighs almost 4 pounds (1800g). If she were to be born now, she would still need to be incubated as she has insufficient fat stores to keep it warm.
Your baby can distinguish between light and dark.
Your baby can hear the outside world quite well now, and can also hear the sounds of your heartbeat, your digestion and the blood rushing in the umbilical cord. The pitch of women's voices are in the range babies are most able to hear over all the internal background noise. Your baby is already familiar with your voice and will be able to recognize it after birth.
Mommy This Week:
Your uterus now extends to about 5 inches (12cm) above your belly button. You probably continue to feel tired and may sometimes feel dizzy. You feel your baby's kicking regularly. Your baby is probably in the head down position by now and is long enough that his legs can reach your ribs. The pressure of your baby's legs can make your ribcage sore. Taking care to sit or stand straight may alleviate this discomfort somewhat. You may feel short of breath, have heartburn, round ligament pain, a stuffy nose and other pregnancy symptoms. Your pelvic joints may have expanded for the birth and this may cause some discomfort. You may feel a desire to "nest" which may make you want to bake, clean and get things in order around your home.


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