
This morning Braxton wanted some chocolate milk so I got the (white) milk and poured him a glass then added a bit of chocolate syrup and stirred. I gave it to him and he took a drink and set the cup down and didn't drink anymore.

Well fast forward to about 4:30. Boo (his cat) came in for a little bit and Braxton insisted that Boo was thirsty and needed milk. So I grab a bowl and pour some milk in. Then Braxton wants some so I grab a cup and pour. Only...when I poured it, it sound funny. Like really thick.

So I check the expiration date. It expires tomorrow. (Most milk we get is still good for a few days after the expiration date.) So I figure its still good. But just in case I smelled it. Smelled kinda funny to me. My friend Angela was here so I had her smell it and she nearly gagged.

I felt so horrible! I gave my baby spoiled milk to drink this morning!! :(

I'm awful!!


Well, he only drank a sip, so don't worry! :)

July 10, 2009 at 10:21 AM  

Don't feel bad. If it didn't pass the expiration date, I would have assumed it was fine too. Braxton knew it was gross and didn't drink it, so no harm was done.

July 10, 2009 at 2:53 PM  

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