Around 10 pm last night I started getting really uncomfortable pain that pretty much wrapped all around my upper body. My chest hurt, my back hurt, my sides hurt. I tried to just lay down and go to sleep to see if I could just sleep through the pain. So I went to bed and layed on my side and oh. my. goodness! When I layed on my side it hurt SO bad, it felt like my lungs were being crushed and I couldn't breathe. The pain got so unbearable that I just cried and cried while trying to find a comfortable position. Laying on my back caused the back pain to increase and the only relief I could fine was to lay halfway off the bed with my back arched. Obviously couldn't sleep like that. Also, I think Addies position may have been a part of it, she had never been so high up before! It was like she was in my diaphragm!
After 4 hours of this pain (at 2 am!) I begged DH to take me to the Hospital. I honestly felt like I was dying. Josh called ahead and told them he was bringing his pregnant wife in because of back pain so they were pretty much ready for me when we got there. Signed a few papers and a nurse came down with a wheel chair and whisked me away to L&D. I guess they all thought I was in labor because they kept asking me how far apart my contractions are, I kept telling them I don't even know if they are contractions I just hurt constantly!
So we go into a room and I get into a "lovely" hospital gown, pee in a cup and then lay down so I could be hooked up to the heartbeat/contraction monitors. The nurse then brought me some water & juice and asked me lots of questions about the pain & about the bronchitis I'm being treated for. She said they were going to monitor me/test my urine and then she would be back.
So we waited...she came back and said my urine looked fine except for I am a little bit dehydrated and then they watched the monitors for a bit longer, (more like until 4 am.) I wasn't having any contractions and baby sounded good so they called my doctor.) My doctor wasn't sure what was causing the pain so she just told the nurse to give me 2 tylenol 3s (tylenol + codine) and send me home. So thats what they did.
The nurse said the pain could have been caused by:
-pinched nerve
-pulled muscle
-ribs seperating (like your pelvic bone seperates in the 3rd tri)
I really wish I could have just stayed in the ER and not L&D. At least the doctors there would check for things that aren't pregnancy related. Oh well.
The Tylenol & Codine was GREAT!!! The pain left completely within 20-30 minutes and I felt wonderful! So I went home and went to bed and this morning when I woke up-still no pain. It's now 10:30 and the pain hasn't returned! YAY!
(I was wondering if it could have been an allergic reaction to the azithromycin I'm taking. The pain started shortly after I took my dose for today but I didn't have a reaction yesterday so I'm not sure.)
Anyways, the hospital I was at is the one I am delivering at. I was so impressed with the nurses. There were 2 that I met and they were just wonderful! They were sweet and nice and just lovely! I hope the rest of the nurses are the same way!!
As for now though everything is okay with me and the baby. :) I just hope that pain stays away!!
That must have been so scary for you! Lets hope that the next 8 weeks are uneventful!
Hackergrl said...
July 16, 2009 at 12:19 PM
OMG! I hope everything is okay and the pain stays gone!
Samantha said...
July 16, 2009 at 12:37 PM