Braxtons cake made by my cousin Lindsey
The decorations, except the punch hadn't been set out yet so just imagine 2 punch bowls filled with red punch in front of the spiderman, lol. Cupcakes & rice cripie treats made by Lindsey & I.

Braxton didn't get much sleep the night before the party so he was really cranky...which means he cried most of the time. Probably didnt help that his 7 y.o. cousin brent was opening all of his presents.

My cute "Spidey" birthday boy!
Exhausted after the party--& all the toys. (well most-he still has some from family who couldnt make it to the party)

opening presents


opening presents


opening gifts
These are in no particular order. Overall the party was a huge hit. We got tons of compliments on the decorations. I don't think you can see all of them so I'll just explain them: you can see the food table, we also had 4 5 other tables with red/blue/spiderman table cloths, each table had red & blue confetti as well as spiderman confetti and spiderman/enemy cut outs. The ceilings were too tall to hang streamers across the room so we have streamers along the walls as well as spiderman confetti taped to the walls with double sided tape. We had other hangings like a spiderman happy birthday banner & 3 other spiderman hanging things. We also had a spiderman pinata & tons of red & blue balloons all over the room. Then my favorite-we had spiderwebs (the kind you can buy at halloween) strung across doorways and tables and on some chairs, with plastic spiders in them. We also froze some spiders in ice and then put the ice in the punch (no one choked on a spider btw) ;)
Braxton was really cranky because Lindsey & I were up late the night before making all the goodies, she had her daughter as well as another little boy with her so there was no getting Braxton to sleep when he had kids to play with!
Only thing that didn't go well is opening the gifts. Last year Braxtons cousin Brent kept trying to open his gifts for him so I knew to watch out for that again this year and I even told my mom, grandma & DH to watch for it & stop it if they saw it happening. Well, not even 2 gifts in & it happens. Brent is grabbing Braxtons gifts, tearing them open & throwing them to the side before Braxton can even see them. There were FOUR of us telling him to stop it and let Braxton open his own gifts...he would stop for a minute and then just start doing it again. The worst part? His mom was just watching...didn't say a WORD. I was soooooo upset. Then after all the gifts were opened Brent tried to take them all out of their packages, we told him no and I had DH take them all to the car. I told Braxton to choose one toy that he could open now and that daddy was gonna take the rest of them to the car. He chose a train & Brent grabbed a car out of one of the bags & ran away. We never got it back.
No idea what I'm going to next year but now 2 years in a row almost ALL of the "present opening" pics are of BRENT opening presents. *sigh*
Other than that Braxton had a great birthday, he fell asleep on the car ride home & then stayed asleep about 4 hours. He woke up & played with all his new toys. :)
His real birthday wasn't until Monday the 29th though. So we slept in, went to the park, played outside alot and then got a sitter for Addie and took Braxton to a movie. (How to train your dragon=CUTE!!!) It was a good day =)
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