
Big Boy Underwear

We told Braxton that since he has been SO good at going to the potty we would buy him some big boy underwear! We took him to the store last night & let him pick some out.

I already knew what he would pick. Spiderman underwear. I was right! We also got him some Spiderman shoes (just because :) ) and they are adorable.

Anyways, we got home last night and opened them up. He was so. so. SO. excited! He took off his training pants (we use them when we go out in case of an accident and at night) and wanted to wear his spidey underpants. :) I put some on him and he goes to show daddy. "Look Dad! Spy-man!" then he comes back to me, takes them off and points to another pair. "Wear these ones!" he says. "Ohhkay" I said. I helped him put them on. Then he points to ANOTHER pair, takes off the other ones and says "Wear these ones!" He did this five times.
He wanted to try them all on. It was so cute.

We all know I can't go anywhere without buying something for Addie. I bought her a super cute outfit (size 12 months..I adore toddler clothes, so much cuter than infant.) I need to post pics soon. It's kinda funny though-last night at walmart we were getting groceries and getting the big boy underwear, etc. Well we get out to the car and we're loading the kids up. I pick up Addies carseat and underneat of it was that outfit. We had walked out and forgot to pay for it. I told Josh and made him take it back inside to pay for it. I felt so bad. Even after paying for it I still felt like a "thief." Josh said he walked in the door and told the door greeter he needed to pay for this outfit b/c he forgot to earlier. She was in, like shock. "You came all the way back in....because you forgot to pay for something?" Josh was like "Yeah, I can't just take it, that would be stealing." The door greeter said she had never seen that happen before. LOL
Anyways, I have to take a pic and post it b/c it is ADORABLE! :)


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