
I'm torn.

Adelyn's 2 month appointment is coming up in a few weeks and I'm not sure what I'm going to do about her shots.

When I had Braxton I got him all of his shots & never even thought twice. I basically thought it was something I had to do. Now, I know alot more about vaccines, what's in them, adverse effects, etc. So now I don't know if I want to vaccinate Adelyn, or if I want to just delay her shots or just pick & choose which ones I want her to have. I need to do some research & make a decision but it's SO hard!

The one I am worried about right now is DTaP. On the FDA's website it lists adverse effects. 2 of them are SIDS and Autism. But wait...doesn't the FDA tell us there is absolutley no link between autism & vaccinations?! What a contradiction. Also, after spending some time on the Selective, Delayed & Non-Vaxxing Forum on FertilityFriend I have learned that most SIDS cases are reported between 2-4 months old. Right after the 2 & 4 month old shots. Hmmph.

I haven't really researched any other vaccines yet but plan on doing so before Addies appointment next month.

I talked to Josh about this and asked what he thought. He doesn't want Addie OR Braxton to receive any shots at all. We still don't know what we're going to do.

Any thoughts/opinions/information is welcome! :)


There was only 1 study that linked vaccinations to autism, and it was later shown to be a faulty study and has been disproven.

Research has shown that it's far more dangerous to allow an entire generation of children to go without vaccinations. We'd be returning to the way things were a century ago when people died of curable diseases.

That's just my 2 cents.

October 28, 2009 at 1:06 PM  

I agree. There are always risks with shots, but those risks are much smaller than the risks of illness from not getting vaccinated.

October 29, 2009 at 6:44 AM  

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