I posted a couple days ago about Braxton using the potty 3-4 times in one day.
Well, I must proudly say that ever since then he has been going every single day. Not one accident!! (not counting nights) Yesterday he used the potty NINE times! Wahoooo!! :)
It's so crazy how it just happened out of no where.
My family kept asking and asking around 18-24 months, "Is he potty trained yet?" I would tell them we are working on it but he doesn't seem to be ready yet. They would tell me I need to bribe him, or discipline him (when he had accidents on the floor) Basically, they wanted me to rush him into. I told them, he'll potty train when HE is ready, not when I am ready for him to be. I thought for sure he would be potty trained by the age of 2 because of what a huge interest he had in the potty when he was younger (we introduced the potty chair at 12 months and just let him sit on it at first-get used to it) Well his 2 year birthday rolled around and I was a bit disappointed but knew it couldn't be too much longer. So when I found out I was pregnant with Addie I was sooo hoping we could get him trained before she got here so we only have to buy diapers for one kid. Well my due date got closer & closer & he showed no signs of being trained soon. He would go in the potty every once in awhile but it never stuck.
Now he is 31 months old and FINALLY ready! I am so glad! & we still only have to buy diapers for one kid. We still have a HUGEEE stash of diapers for Addie and here pretty soon Braxton won't need them anymore!
I think we're going to get him some Pull-ups for night time & for outtings. He's allergic to the Huggies brand though. :(
Question for mommas that have potty trained before: How long until I can safely take him out in public WITHOUT a diaper on-just underwear? I'm terrified to in case he like, wets (or worse) himself in Walmart or something! Should I give it a couple weeks and keep in diapers/pull ups when we are out or just be brave and let him wear underwear?
Congrats to Braxton! Yay! Just FYI, for your family's sake - He is perfectly on track with potty training! You know I work in child development, and 2 1/2 years is the average age for being potty trained. A child can mentally understand the process and know what to do (and it's great that you've been teaching him for the past year), but the nerves that control the muscles that help him to "hold it" in his bladder/sphincter area aren't developed enough until the age of 2 1/2! It's just a normal part of brain development. :) GO BRAX!
Samantha said...
October 28, 2009 at 1:00 PM