
Potty Training

I think we're "officially" potty training now!

Before, when we tried he was never really ready. He was interested in SITTING on the potty, but nothing more. He's been sitting on it since he was 12-18 months. When I KNEW he was going potty in his diaper and asked him if he wanted to sit on the potty the answer was always no.

Well, I think today all that has changed. Earlier today I was putting his clean clothes away in his dresser and heard him peeing (the bathroom is right next to his bedroom) I thought "oh great, he's peeing on the floor!" I peek in the bathroom and he's standing there going peepee in the potty!!! Now, he's done this before. So of course when he was done I told him how great it was that he was using the potty and told him I was so proud of him. But I didn't start thinking "OMG he may be out of diapers soon!" because like I said, he's peed in the potty before.

THIS is what changes all of it:

A few minutes ago he started taking his pants off, DH asked him what he was doing and Braxton said "Peeeeeee!" Then Braxton took his diaper off and ran to the bathroom where he peed in the potty AGAIN! So twice today he felt the urge to pee and did so in the potty! That's huge progress! I'm SO excited. I've heard it may take a little while to get him to go #2 in the potty & I've heard it takes awhile to get them trained through the night but I'm still excited!

Go Braxton! :)

**Edited to add: It's been a few hours since I've posted this and he just did it again! 3 times in one day!!!! My mom told him several months ago that when he goes to the potty 3 times in one day then she will buy him a Thomas the train toy. He is very excited about that. I also promised him to take him to the store to let him pick out some "big boy" underwear. Another thing: now that he's gone potty in the big potty he's no longer interested in wearing his diapers! woo!!


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