
~House/life with 2 update~
Things are going well. It's definetly hard having 2 kiddos at home but we are all adjusting. Addie is STILL at that stage where she wants to sleep all the time, I'm really taking advantage of that. Braxton's tantrums have gotten better (they were absolutley horrible when we first brought Addie home.) I'm still trying to find a balance between rest/cleaning/taking care of the kids. The house is suffering a bit but DH has been wonderful at helping me keep it picked up. It's by no means "clean" but its not nasty either. I think cluttered is a good word for it. Toys strewn across the floor, empty cups next to the loveseat, trash overflowing, dishes piling up. I'll figure this out someday though. :) Right now resting and spending time with Braxton and Addie are more important to me than housework. Reminds me of this poem, I love it and tear up when I read it:

Mother, oh Mother, come shake out your cloth
Empty the dustpan, poison the moth,
Hang out the washing and butter the bread,
Sew on a button and make up a bed.
Where is the mother whose house is so shocking?
She's up in the nursery, blissfully rocking.
Oh, I've grown shiftless as Little Boy Blue (lullaby, rock-a-bye, Lullaby loo).

Dishes are waiting and bills are past due (pat-a-cake, darling, and peek-peek-a-boo).
The shopping is not done and there's nothing for stew
And out in the yard there is a hullabaloo.
But I'm playing "Kanga" and this is my "Roo.
"Look! Aren't his eyes the most wonderful hue?(lullaby, rock-a-bye, lullaby loo).
The cleaning and scrubbing will wait till tomorrow,

For children grow up, as I've learned to my sorrow.
So quiet down cobwebs. Dust go to sleep.
I'm rocking my baby and babies don't keep.

~Braxton & Addie update~
Braxton loves "sissy" so much. He is always asking to hold her. ("Take her?") I often let him. Each time I let him hold her he just looks down at her with love and gives her a kiss on the head. Oh if only that kind of love would last forever...I'm sure there will come a time when he swears he "hates" her. I hope not. It's just too sweet to see him loving on her all the time. Such a good big brother....except for yesterday. Dear, Oh dear.

I asked him to keep an eye on baby sissy while mommy got in the shower. "Come and get me if sissy starts to cry, okay?" Sissy was sleeping on the couch on her boppy pillow. Braxton said "Okay ma." I headed towards the bathroom and realized I needed a towel and the only clean ones were in the living room (I had been folding laundry.) So I turn back around to get a towel and I saw Braxton walk over to sissy and HIT HER. Wham!! Right in the stomach!!! I was completely shocked. He had never showed any sore of agression towards her before. He looks at me and says "Sissy awake. Cry." I think he somehow misunderstood what I asked him to do. I think he thought he needed to wake sissy up and make her cry. Sigh. I told him hitting is not nice and if he hit her again he would be in big trouble. Still...I'm scared to leave them in a room together now, even for a moment.
~Breastfeeding update~
Breastfeeding is still going great. I'm so proud that I have made it this far (okay 2.5 weeks may not seem like a big deal but after you've failed at breastfeeding once, it's a big deal!) We haven't had any problems so far. We even introduced the bottle at 2 weeks. She didn't really like it at first, I think she thought it was her pacifier and she wanted FOOD. We squirted some of the milk in her mouth & then she realized she was going to get food & happily accepted. No "nipple confusion" and she definetly prefers breast to bottle. She doesn't get a bottle often. She's had 2 so far. I'm just sooo glad that now if I need to be out of the house for more than a few hours I can take a bottle of expressed breastmilk & not have to worry about finding somewhere to nurse in private. Pumping is going well too. I have probably 50+ ounces of milk frozen already. I'm trying to build up a "stash." Most women do this because they have to go back to work and need that stash so their LO can eat while they are at work, then they just have to pump at work. Well, I am 'stocking up" for a couple reasons: 1) In case somewhere down the road BFing doesn't work out-I will still have frozen BM I can give Addie until it runs out. The more BM the better! 2.) I only plan on BFing for a year. If I freeze BM & rotate it out (use the old, save the new) then hopefully once 1 year hits & I stop BFing I will still have some frozen BM I can continue to give her.

Last night, Addie did not eat well. She woke up ONCE to eat, that was at 3:30. Woke up at 6, I offered the breast but she was not real interested. Gave her a paci and she was out. I woke up around 9 and was SO engorged! This is the FIRST time I have been engorged. My entire right breast was RED, hard & just full of milk. I had to pump! So I pump the right breast ONLY and got 6 ounces. I could have kept going but the bottle was full & Addie had just woke up. She woke up hungry so I let her eat off the left side. When she was done I pumped both sides and got half an ounce. I guess they got completely drained! I'm just excited I am able to pump so much! In a regular (non-engorged) pump session I get about 4 ounces, usually 3 from 1 breast, and 1 from the other. (this is inbetween feedings so I am guessing the side I get 1 oz from is the side she ate from last.) When I was pumping for Braxton I would get 2-3 ounces total. I'm just totally shocked that I got 6 oz from one side this am!
~Update on my recovery~
This c-section has been a little harder than the first. In the hospital I thought it was going to be easier...mostly because I didn't feel one bit of pain the 2 days I was there. Never once did I take painkillers. As long as I got up and walked around frequently I felt great! Once I got home however...laziness got the best of me. I didn't want to get up and move. I want to lay around and rest...and that is when the pain started. Not to mention once I was home I had 2 kids to care for instead of just one. Even when it was just one in the hospital if I needed someone to take her so I could rest I just call the nurse in. No such luck at home. The first week home was rough. My incision hurt so bad, when I sat up it felt like the skin was ripping and burning. It probably didn't help that I got sent home with my staples still in. I got to leave the hospital a day early since I was doing well and my doctor didn't want to take the staples out after only 2 days, so I had to come back 4 days PP to have them removed. I still felt the burning/tearing sensation for several days after they were taken out. I also noticed horrible purple bruising on one side of my incision along with a very large, hard lump. Eventually my entire incision was just one big hard lump. (totally normal btw.) Now 2.5 weeks PP, things are feeling much better! My steristrips haven't come off yet but they are soo close. My incision looks yucky! So yucky that I thought "This can't possibly be normal!" so I posted a pic of it on FF and asked if it looked ok, apparently it's just fine but I SWORE it was opening up even though DH assured me several times it was closed and just fine. I guess it just grosses me out because it is very, very pink...it kind of looks like the inside of your bottom lip. It's also sticky. Yuck. It's healing though, it looks like there is one little piece of skin poking out like a skin flap or something. Anyways-I can't wait to be 6 weeks PP so I can start doing all the stuff I can't do now...(take baths, drive, walk up stairs, have sex, lift heavy things (by that I mean Braxton, lol) There is SO much you can't do after a csection, its crazy!
I think thats all the updates I have....we're doing great! I love having a little boy AND a little girl. :)


This is random, but I thought I'd share. I learned this in my BF class. It's the rule of 5. Breast milk lasts 5 hours at room temperature (although - ewww!), 5 days in the fridge, and 5 months in the freezer. :)

October 7, 2009 at 8:50 AM  

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