Well, this afternoon Addie started refusing to eat. She skipped several feedings so I started to get concerned & I ended up calling her dr. They had me bring her in so they could check her out.
Basically they just told me, she is indeed congested (duh) and gave me some tips on how to ease her discomfort and get her to eat. She also got a prescription to amoxicillon. I'm kinda nervous about giving it to her since Braxton is allergic to it, but oh well, different people, different allergies I guess.
She was in there last week for her 4 month check up, so I got to see how much she gained in a week. Last Monday she was 15 lbs 4 oz and today she was 15 lbs 7 oz. So just 3 oz.
Please pray Addies not allergic to this medicine and that she starts feeling better soon!
Addie is sick. I feel so bad for her. Poor little thing can't breath through her nose, can barely nap for longer than 5 minutes before waking up coughing or gagging. While eating she gets 1 or 2 sucks before she is gagging on mucous or trying to cough it up. Then she usually ends up vomitting up what she DID eat because of the gagging. It's been 4-5 days now...today being the worse.
She has no fever or anything so I'm not sure if I'll call the doctor or not. She would most likely just tell me there is nothing I can do for her/nothing I can give her since they don't make cough/cold meds for infants.
I'm pretty sure Braxton gave it to her, whatever it is. He was sick first and now he's better, just has a bit of a cough. Braxton got it from his cousin Kennie. Ughh.
Gotta go, Addie just woke up from her 3 minute nap and is not one bit happy!
5 types.
We've tried 5 different types of bottles. Addie won't take any of them. We've tried:
-Playtex drops ins-different flow nipples, latex and silicone
-NUK, silicone nipples
-Gerber bottles, latex nipples, 2 different flows
-Breastflow bottle, silicone
-Dr Browns, silicone
No luck. I've been trying to figure out why she will not take the bottle and makes a sour face everytime I give her pumped milk, even if its fairly fresh. I'm wondering if its a lipase issue (not sure if I spelled that correctly) so I think I'm gonna try scalding my milk and then freezing it and see if it helps at all.
Breastfeeding had been going so well for us. I was so proud that we didn't have any of the common problems most bf'ing moms get. We had a great latch, great milk supply, never had sore, cracked or bleeding nipples, never had to supplement, never got thrush or mastitis though we did have a clogged duct one week which made my supply temporarily tank, but we made it through!
I hate to say I can't be proud of that anymore. We're facing 2 problems.
#1: I already blogged about this so see my previous post for more info-Addie has a dairy allergy.
#2: I'm pretty sure we've got thrush.
Yesterday I noticed my right breast was kinda sore while she was eating but I chalked it up to a bad latch, unlatched her, latched her on correctly....yet it still hurt. So I fed her off the opposite breast the rest of the day/night. Well this morning I was getting pretty full & leaking so I had to feed her from the 'hurt' side...I was practically in tears. I let her eat enough to stop the engorgement/leaking and then had to switch her to the other side. My nip is red, sore and burns! The ladies on the FF breastfeeding board told me it sounds like thrush. This is pretty much my worst fear. I've heard awful stories about thrush. I have no clue when I can get to a dr since I watch a little girl from my home and her mom never leaves a carseat...or let alone puts shoes on her, so I can't go today, Addie & I's dr office is closed tomorrow and of course for the weekend. So....I dunno.
I checked Addies mouth for signs of thrush but didn't see any. Braxton had thrush sometime between 3-5 months, I can't quite remember, but his entire tongue had thick white film-like stuff all over it. Addie's mouth looks fine so I have no clue.
She's been biting and pulling away while still sucking which really hurts and I thought might be the cause for the pain but she does it to both breasts and only the right one is giving me problems.
I'm in soooo much pain. I hope we can figure something out! :(
So it looks like Addie has a dairy allergy. I really never eat much dairy at all, but yesterday I had a bit more than I usually do and I noticed some strange symptoms in Addie:
-She had lots of gas
-She would wake up screaming like she was in pain (did some googling and this is related to the gas she was having)
-She had a bunch of mucus in her poop :(
So after alot of googling and some help from a lady on fertilityfriend, I believe Addie has a dairy allergy. So my next step is to try to eliminate all dairy from my diet to see if that helps. It seems like its going to be sooo hard though! I love cheese and Mexican food which means I must have sour cream! But, Addie is more important so I'm going to try this and see if her symptoms go away.
I'm wondering if Braxton has something similar. Ever since I can remember he's had these little bumps all over his cheeks, arms and legs. One symptom of a milk allergy is eczema...though his pedi checked it out and said its not eczema but she couldn't tell me what it was. My cousin Lindsey told me they're "milk bumps" and that she knows several people that have them and its b/c they have either an allergy/intolerance/sensitivity to milk/dairy products.
I've also just found out today that wheat and milk allergies run in Joshs family. He was allergic to dairy when he was being breastfed and so they switched him to soy formula.
Siiiiigh. I just hope I can get this all under control so Addie can start feeling better!
Today was Addies 4 month appointment. She had shots...she did not like that one bit!!! Poor baby, screamed like I had never heard her scream before!
The doctor and nurse were both amazed by her cloth diapers! They had never seen them like that before (snaps/aplix) haha. The nurse saw her in her goodmama and asked "What is this? Like a new type of cloth diaper?" She thought it was pretty neat.
Here are her stats:
Weight-15 lbs 4 oz
Length-24 3/4 in
The nurse kind of annoys me though-the first thing she asked when we got to the exam room was "Okay what kind of formula is Adelyn on?" "Um, I'm still breastfeeding." I replied "Oh okay..." she replies, its almost like she would prefer it if I were formula feeding. I hate that she just assumes everyone formula feeds. Wouldn't a more appropriate question be to ask if I am breastfeeding or formula feeding before just jumping into the formula idea?
Anyways, Addie is doing well now. She's been sleeping ever since...so about 4 hours now. She has to go back at 6 months, and Braxton has his 3 year checkup the same day. My babies are growing up!!!! *Cryyyyyy*
I forgot to post the pics I took of Addie on her "4 month birthday" I'm dating it 1/17/09 so its in the right spot :)
These aren't that great because I totally forgot that I needed to take her pics until like 11:30 pm on 1/17...so I got what I could together and we had a short photoshoot. Not the greatest, but oh well.
My little Addie bug is addicted to the boobie.
You know, when Braxton was born...we had problems breastfeeding and basically went straight to the bottle after a week or so. Opposite problem with Addie. We couldn't switch to a bottle if we tried (and yes we have!)
When my little princess was a month old or so, we introduced the bottle. At first she didn't care for it. Then she realized milk was coming out of it! She sucked down bottles in minutes and cried for more. Didn't matter to her, food was food.
Then....BAM, 3 months hits. It's a total bottle STRIKE. It's been a month and she still will not take a bottle.
Remember when I blogged about leaving the kids overnight with my grandma? What I forgot to blog about was that, THAT was the night Addie decided the bottle was not good enough for her. I was without my phone for SEVEN hours while DH and I were on our date. When I got back home to my phone I had multiple calls from my grandma. I called her back only to find out little Addie hadn't ate a bit the entire time we were gone. =0 We immediatly drove over to pick her up. I nursed her and she ate for a good 30 minutes!
Since then we have tried giving her a bottle and she will not have it. She's boobie addicted. We're trying to break this addiction. I wasn't sure if it was my frozen milk that was the problem or if it was the bottle so I pumped some milk and DH offered it to her in a bottle....she had a FIT! So its not that the frozen milk was bad or something. Definetly the bottle so tonight we went out and bought a few different types of bottles/nipples in hopes of finding one she will accept.
Wish us luck!!
Guess who is now fully potty trained in the daytime?!?!?
Yeah, if you guessed Braxton you're right! ;)
I think I blogged a couple months ago about how he spontaneously started using the potty all by himself. He did really good for a week or so and had some regression. When there were other children around or he was too busy playing to go potty he would have an accident...and then there was one week where he just started having accidents all the time. It was frustrating (especially when he would go through 6-7 pairs of pants a DAY!)
But, lo and behold...things got better! The past few weeks he has been using the potty ALL DAY LONG. (#1 and #2!) Go Braxton! I am soooo excited! He only needs a diaper at night time! :D
I learned to knit! I kinda taught myself through Youtube about 7-10 days ago. After spending a few days just doing practise stitches and such, I decided to tackle a pattern
I chose a diaper soaker. Here it is:
So...I kind of have a "job" now.
It all started a few days ago when my cousin Lindsey asked me to watch the little girl she usually babysits b/c she wasn't able to. I said I would...DH was so excited, he kept saying "I hope she likes you so much that she switches to you! We could use the extra money!" That got my mind going...maybe I should start watching a kid or two from my house during the daytime. So I talked to Lindsey about it and asked her how I can get started, she told me to put an ad on craigslist. I thought about it and had planned on doing so.
So, the day before I was supposed to watch the little girl (Sydnie) her mom wanted to meet me so she came over to our house that evening. Turns out we used to work together!! We worked at a daycare together 2.5 years ago when she was pregnant with Sydnie!
So she drops Syd off the next morning. Lindsey texts me and says she is thinking about handing Syd off to me since I was wanting to start. I told her that would be great but to clear it with her mom first obviously. So Lindsey said she would next week b/c that is when she starts watching 2 other kids.
Well, Julie (the mom) comes by at 4 to pick up Syd and asks if I had heard anything from Lindsey and if she was gonna be able to watch Sydnie tomorrow. I told her I had no idea so she asked if she could count on me if Lindsey said she couldn't, I said sure. Then she told me she wished I was the one watching Syd full time. I told her me & lindseys convo and she said OMG that would be soooo awesome if you did it. I would much prefer that! Especially since she is getting 2 more kids next week (including her own child she would have been watching 4 children at once.) and she said her friend used to use Lindsey alot but had a lot of problems with her b/c of how flaky she is. (I can toooootally relate to that!)
So it looks like I have a job now! Crazy how it just happened like that! I watch Sydnie 5 days a week from 7:30-3:30. $90 a week. That will help us out soooo much. My income alone can cover our rent! :D
Oh and get this-she works at the Elementary school in the 3 year old class. Braxton will be going there NEXT YEAR! :((( I can't believe it! So she will be Braxtons teacher next year! How neat! (and how funny would it be if I'm still watching Syd then...she would be watching DS while I watch her DD.) LOL
I'm pretty psyched! I was feeling kinda bad for staying home and not making us any money but now I can do both. :) Braxton & Sydnie get along pretty well. She's 2. He's not liking this "sharing" thing at all, I hope he gets used to it. Any time she plays with something of his he lets out this piercing scream and starts crying and tries to grab it out of her hand. I'm trying to teach him to share but boy, its not easy!
That's what little Miss Addie has been doing!
A few weeks ago she learned to roll from her tummy to her back...and yesterday she learned how to roll from her back to her tummy! Now I cannot keep her still! LOL
She is just moving all over the place, rolling, rolling, rolling. Diaper changes are starting to get difficult. Especially when trying to snappi a prefold (I still have not mastered this.) She just rolls right over and I have to flip her over and try again. hehe.
She's also been rolling to her tummy and trying to get her legs/knees under her. I know crawlings not too far away! 3-4 months! Ahh!
I'm loving this. :)