Well, this afternoon Addie started refusing to eat. She skipped several feedings so I started to get concerned & I ended up calling her dr. They had me bring her in so they could check her out.
Basically they just told me, she is indeed congested (duh) and gave me some tips on how to ease her discomfort and get her to eat. She also got a prescription to amoxicillon. I'm kinda nervous about giving it to her since Braxton is allergic to it, but oh well, different people, different allergies I guess.
She was in there last week for her 4 month check up, so I got to see how much she gained in a week. Last Monday she was 15 lbs 4 oz and today she was 15 lbs 7 oz. So just 3 oz.
Please pray Addies not allergic to this medicine and that she starts feeling better soon!
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