
4 months

Today was Addies 4 month appointment. She had shots...she did not like that one bit!!! Poor baby, screamed like I had never heard her scream before!

The doctor and nurse were both amazed by her cloth diapers! They had never seen them like that before (snaps/aplix) haha. The nurse saw her in her goodmama and asked "What is this? Like a new type of cloth diaper?" She thought it was pretty neat.

Here are her stats:

Weight-15 lbs 4 oz
Length-24 3/4 in

The nurse kind of annoys me though-the first thing she asked when we got to the exam room was "Okay what kind of formula is Adelyn on?" "Um, I'm still breastfeeding." I replied "Oh okay..." she replies, its almost like she would prefer it if I were formula feeding. I hate that she just assumes everyone formula feeds. Wouldn't a more appropriate question be to ask if I am breastfeeding or formula feeding before just jumping into the formula idea?

Anyways, Addie is doing well now. She's been sleeping ever since...so about 4 hours now. She has to go back at 6 months, and Braxton has his 3 year checkup the same day. My babies are growing up!!!! *Cryyyyyy*


We have our four month appointment tomorrow. Hope Addie is feeling better now!

January 18, 2010 at 9:42 PM  

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