
Breastfeeding had been going so well for us. I was so proud that we didn't have any of the common problems most bf'ing moms get. We had a great latch, great milk supply, never had sore, cracked or bleeding nipples, never had to supplement, never got thrush or mastitis though we did have a clogged duct one week which made my supply temporarily tank, but we made it through!

I hate to say I can't be proud of that anymore. We're facing 2 problems.

#1: I already blogged about this so see my previous post for more info-Addie has a dairy allergy.

#2: I'm pretty sure we've got thrush.

Yesterday I noticed my right breast was kinda sore while she was eating but I chalked it up to a bad latch, unlatched her, latched her on correctly....yet it still hurt. So I fed her off the opposite breast the rest of the day/night. Well this morning I was getting pretty full & leaking so I had to feed her from the 'hurt' side...I was practically in tears. I let her eat enough to stop the engorgement/leaking and then had to switch her to the other side. My nip is red, sore and burns! The ladies on the FF breastfeeding board told me it sounds like thrush. This is pretty much my worst fear. I've heard awful stories about thrush. I have no clue when I can get to a dr since I watch a little girl from my home and her mom never leaves a carseat...or let alone puts shoes on her, so I can't go today, Addie & I's dr office is closed tomorrow and of course for the weekend. So....I dunno.

I checked Addies mouth for signs of thrush but didn't see any. Braxton had thrush sometime between 3-5 months, I can't quite remember, but his entire tongue had thick white film-like stuff all over it. Addie's mouth looks fine so I have no clue.

She's been biting and pulling away while still sucking which really hurts and I thought might be the cause for the pain but she does it to both breasts and only the right one is giving me problems.

I'm in soooo much pain. I hope we can figure something out! :(


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