
Go Braxton! :)

Guess who is now fully potty trained in the daytime?!?!?

Yeah, if you guessed Braxton you're right! ;)

I think I blogged a couple months ago about how he spontaneously started using the potty all by himself. He did really good for a week or so and had some regression. When there were other children around or he was too busy playing to go potty he would have an accident...and then there was one week where he just started having accidents all the time. It was frustrating (especially when he would go through 6-7 pairs of pants a DAY!)

But, lo and behold...things got better! The past few weeks he has been using the potty ALL DAY LONG. (#1 and #2!) Go Braxton! I am soooo excited! He only needs a diaper at night time! :D


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