So tonight we were in walmart looking at laptops (I'm getting one tomorrow.) and of course I ventured over into the baby stuff. ;)
I was looking at little girly clothes when Braxton pulled a little pink dress off a rack and says "baby" and is just grinning ear to ear and then says "sissy" It was sooo sweet! When I heard him say that I nearly started crying. Now I keep getting him to say "sissy" (Cuz before tonight hes never said it before) and he was for awhile and now when I ask him to he just says "nooooooo"
So sweet though. We didn't get the dress but tomorrow when we go back to buy the laptop we're going to let him pick out an outfit for sissy. :)
I had a dream last night that I had the baby.
There wasn't really much to the dream I just remember laying on the surgery table and then the nurse coming over and showing me the baby and the whole time I was thinking "Why can't they clean her off first?" Lol so I asked the nurse to clean her off and then bring her to me. So the nurse brings her back to me all cleaned up and she was the most beautiful little girl I have ever seen. She had the cutest nose...
Also weighed 6 lbs 11 oz. I really wish she comes out that small! At least no bigger than 8 lbs!!
I think thats pretty much it. It was nice though I woke up so happy thinking I had the baby already and that she was the prettiest baby I've ever seen. lol
How far along? 19 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: My scale at home is messed up so idk
Maternity clothes? Yup bought a pair of shorts because its been getting sooo hot here and its only April!!
Stretch marks? No new ones that I know of....just the ones from Braxton and the bright, shiny red ones on my sides from a few weeks ago.
Sleep: Is very uncomfortable yet I sleep until about 10 am every morning :)
Best moment this week: Finally starting to feel STRONG movements!!
Movement: Every day
Food cravings: I don't think I have any...every now and then I'll crave a dr pepper or some orange juice.
Gender:GIRL! Though I'm terrified our next u/s will show boy! :( lol
Labor Signs: Nope
Belly Button in or out? In
What I miss: Not sure...
What I am looking forward to: My ultrasound in 3 weeks!
Weekly Wisdom: Nothin'
Milestones: Feeling movement every day and that movement getting stronger!! :D I love it!
Her skin is thickening and developing multiple layers- the epidermis and the dermis, the deeper layer where it will form fat. Your baby is now also developing a waxy protective coating for her skin called vernix caseosa. The vernix protects your baby's skin which is continuously submersed in amniotic fluid. Vernix, which is particularly thick around the eyebrows is held in place by tiny downy hairs called lanugo.
Your baby can now grip with her fists. Toenails and scalp hair are growing.
At this point, it may be possible to determine the baby's sex by ultrasound, if the baby cooperates, but the ultrasound technician will rarely guarantee the sex based on the ultrasound results as mistakes are sometimes made at an early ultrasound.
You can hear the baby's heartbeat with a Doppler ultrasound device or a stethoscope.
Your bellybutton may become flat or may even actually pop outwards. It will probably continue to darken also, but will return to its usual pigmentation after birth. The top of your uterus (the fundus) is just below your navel.
As your uterus expands, you can expect it to put increased pressure on your lungs, kidneys and stomach. This increased pressure can result in breathlessness when you exert yourself physically. It may also cause indigestion and the need to urinate more often. Your expanding belly may also cause stretch marks on your belly. The stretch marks will probably fade considerably after your baby's birth and even more as time passes.
You may continue to have mood swings and anxiety, but this may begin to decrease. If you have been experiencing absentmindedness, it may continue.
On this:
I think I can find more stuff to match this than the other set. The other set had weird shades of pink and brown but this is just the regular pink and chocolate brown! :)
Plus-Josh has already given her the nn little ladybug. :D
So I've been thinking of changing my bedding choice. :(
I'm finding it VERY hard to find matching stuff. The bedding I chose is a new line so there is hardly anything out there that goes with it. I'm thinking of just choosing a better bed set. I want to do pink and brown where to look??
Well the past few days I've been feeling movement everyday and its getting stronger!! I hardly ever feel her while I'm standing or moving though. It's always when I'm laying down. The other day I was laying on the bed reading when I started feeling her stretching out. It wasn't a kick or just flutters I could actually feel her stretching her body out, it was amazing! I can't wait for them to get really strong! I can't wait for DH to feel it. And I can only imagine what Braxton will do the first time he's resting his head on my belly (which he often does when we're laying down watching a movie) and gets a good kick to the head! LOL I'm sure he'll be quite confused/shocked at what it was!
My family is driving me nuts though. The other day I told my grandma I have been starting to feel more movements and so of course she starts touching my belly. Ugh. I had to explain even I could barely feel them so she couldn't. Others have been doing the same.
I don't like being touched really-even hugs from family kind of freak me touching the belly is completely weird for me.
Ok so on the Sept boards on FF a lady who had a private scan a few weeks ago was told girl, and went to her big u/s to find out she is actually having a boy!!
Ever since we found out we were having a girl I have been terrified of this happening. I guess I should just trust my u/s tech right? I mean she's been doing this for over 20 years, has fantastic equipment and told me she was SO SURE I was having a girl I could go shopping! Please tell me I'm just being paranoid and I should stop worrying.
The weather here has been so nice! I'm pretty sure Braxtons been to the park about 3 times the past week! Until today-its all muddy and yucky. Anyways these pictures are from Saturday I believe. I got some really cute shots. :)
Sitting in front of the fireplace-yes this park has a FIREPLACE! Nuts, huh??
He always goes down the slide on his belly for some reason.
Silly boy.
Got Braxton 3 books. I've been looking for baby books (books explaining what happens when a new baby comes home) and this is the 2nd I've found. I love it, the other one I bought several weeks ago its called "I'm a big brother" I LOVE these "letters to God" books. I have another one that is slightly different and they are just the cutests things! Okay so that book was mostly for my entertainment. ;) and then lastly-a potty book! We're still working on potty training so when I saw this book I just had to get it! :)
OMG I LOVE these shirts. Someone bought me a pack when I was pg with Braxton and once I put one on him I had to go buy more! They are fantastic for newborns because you don't have to pull it over their heads. Especially good when its hot-I would put Braxton in one of these and a diaper on really hot days.
Old Navy onesie :)
It's a newborn size so hopefully I don't have another 10 lb baby!!!
Hooded towel!
Ladybug sleeper
I LOVE this coat-its 18 months so she won't wear it for awhile but it was sooo cute I just had to buy it! :D
The swing we bough-yes I know its BLUE but it goes back and forth AND side to side and I reaaaaally wanted a swing that did that! :) and it was only $30! Lol
How far along? 18 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: -2 lbs from last month which brings me to a total of like -8 lbs
Maternity clothes? Yup
Stretch marks? A few new ones
Sleep: Not too comfy-constantly shifting around..body gets sore easily...I actually WANT to get up in the morning!
Best moment this week: Feeling KICKS! I've been feeling flutters but now I'm starting to feel kicking and its getting stronger and stronger! :)
Movement: See above :)
Food cravings: None really.
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? In...though I think its getting a bit shallower lol
What I miss: Just being think this was my answer last week too but uggh I am so misreable! My back recently started hurting REALLY bad, sometimes I can't even stand :(
Weekly Wisdom: I got nothin'
Milestones: Feeling stronger movement?
The buds for the permanent teeth are forming behind those that have already developed for the first teeth.
Your baby's nervous system and brain development continue at a spectacular pace. By this week, your baby's motor neurons, which connect muscle to the brain, have grown into place so that your baby can consciously direct her movements. Millions of neurons inside your baby's brain are growing and forming connections and the nerves in her body are being covered in a fatty substance called myelin.
Your baby's ears are now placed on the sides of her head and her limbs are now in proportion. Your baby's tiny foot is just one inch long, but is in perfect proportion to the rest of her leg.
Your baby can hear your voice and recognize it.
You may continue to feel fatigued and dizzy at times and you may continue to have a backache and round ligament pain.
People are probably beginning to comment on your pregnancy as it becomes more obvious.
You may have felt movement, or "quickening" as it is sometimes called at this point. You have probably heard your baby's heartbeat by now with an ultrasound device and you may have even seen your baby's heart beating on an ultrasound. Feeling, hearing and seeing your baby in your body can be an important bonding time for you and your baby as you begin to feel the reality that you are carrying a new tiny person inside of you. You may already be feeling strong maternal attachment to your baby. You may enjoy talking to your baby (who can hear and recognize your voice and may even be stimulated by it) and encouraging your partner to do the same (if he is comfortable with doing so) as a way of connecting with him.
Everything went great!
Just had to do the normal stuff:
-pee in a cup (did I mention my dr makes us use DIXIE CUPS?!)
-had BP checked (normal)
-was weighed (down 2 lbs from last month)
-listened to babys heartbeat (144 BPM)
-dr felt for fundal height (its at my belly button)
They offered to check for down syndrome & trisomy 21.
Since it was optional I declined since even if she did have one of them it wouldn't matter. I would never terminate. Never. Plus I'm pretty sure you can tell by u/s if they have it or not-since when I was pg with Braxton & I got tested & it showed he might have it they made me have 2 more ultrasounds 2 months apart looking for certain things.
I really thought I was going to have my "20 week" ultrasound scheduled for well, 20 weeks. But Dr. Kimmel wants to wait a month for some reason. So I'll be having it at 22 weeks. This was a big shock to me b/c she ALWAYS schedules for 20 weeks. I know because my SIL had her as a dr for all 3 of her kids as well as 2 cousins (and well me w/ Braxton) Even when I went to the receptionist to have her schedule them she tried to make it for THIS Thursday, so I told her Dr. Kimmel wanted to wait a month. She looked at me and said "Are you sure? You're 18 weeks right?" I said "Yes" and she said "Well we always do them at 20 weeks, let me check with the doctor." So she went and checked and came back and said "Okay well 22 weeks it is." So ugh. I have to wait a month. So May 19th I'm having my ultrasound (at 11 am) and then having my 22 week appointment with my dr at 1:30 pm.
Oh also, at my appointment they gave Braxton his Hep A shot since at his last appointment he was a week early. Usually he just screeeeeams when he has to get shots. But he did REALLY well! We did something different this time. Josh held him on his lap while the nurse gave the shot in his leg. He let out a big wail as the needle went in and then when she took it out he screamed "Owwie!!!" and that was it! He did so so good! I was proud. :) When we went into the exam room and I sat on the table Braxton looked at me funny like "why is mommy up there??" and then when I was getting my BP checked he kept looking at me all concerned. When the nurse whipped out the doppler Braxton immediatly recognized and pulled his shirt up and said "baby?" and the whole time we were listening Braxton said over and over again "Baby, baby, baby" It was cute! :) Since he did so good at the doctors office we took him to Mcdonalds for a happy meal and some play time! :)
Then we came home (Josh had the rest of the day off) and it was soooo nice outside so we sat outside playing with the dog for a little while. It's been an okay day! :)
Yep. Todays my 18 week checkup.
For some odd reason I'm excited...I'm usually nervous.
I just can't wait to see if I've gained weight-LOL-what a thing to be excited about right?! I'm hoping I've put on a few lbs just because I've lost TEN! Absolutley no gain yet and that just makes me worry even though I know baby is doing well! I'm also pretty sure my dr is going to schedule my 20 wk u/s since I won't see her again until I'm 22 wks. :D
I'm not sure what all she'll do...I don't think there any 'tests' that need to be done..I had blood drawn last month so I guess if anything looked bad they would tell me today....but I'm sure all is fine, since when I was pg with Braxton they got some bloodwork back and they thought he might have down syndrome and called me as soon as they got the calls from them so I assume all is well. I know I'll have to pee in a cup, be weighed, have my BP checked, listen to babys heartbeat, etc.
On another note, I'm starting to notice patterns in babys schedule. She is asleep (I assume) in the mornings when I wake up because I feel no movement and hear no movement on the doppler but in the evenings when I listen to her she is kicking and moving and I can hear the movements AND feel them. It's like this everyday. She is very active in the evening. :)
Okay well, my appointments at 2 so I'll update afterwards!! :D
So Braxton sees me listen to Addies heartbeat every day and usually I always put the doppler up on a high shelf, well today I put it on the couch next to me while I lounged around watching tv. Braxton walked over to the couch and then walked out of the room saying "Thanks" several times. I thought...why is he saying thanks? I didn't do anything. Then I realized the doppler was missing. I walked into his room and he was sitting down with the doppler in his hands, I tried to get him to give it to me but he was being too cute so I grabbed my camera instead. He took the lid off the ultrasound gel, "applied" some to the top of the doppler (he thought he applied some but nothing came out) and then lifted up his shirt trying to find a "babys" heartbeat. He ended up finding his own so he said "Me Baby Too?" Which in toddler talk means "I have a baby too?" LOL He's just too cute! :)
I stopped by the local consignment shop today.
I've sold stuff there but hadn't been in, in a while.
Turns out I had 2 checks there (sweeeet!)
So I used the money to buy Addie something. (of course)
The only things I saw that I liked were shoes.
I got 2 pairs of baby converse, size 6.
One is PINK and they're hightops, the other pair is brown.
They were both just $3 each and that really surprised me since they werent' the cheapie knock off converse but REAL ones. :D
I always wanted to get Braxton some when he was a baby but didn't want to pay $35 for shoes he would grow out of in a few weeks.
I'll add pictures later*
Today I bought:
*Graco carseat $10
*Evenflo carseat (had same one with DS) $5
Bought Evenflo seat first and then came across Graco carseat & liked it better!
*2 Boppy pillows
-1 for $6
-1 for $3
Bought $6 one first then found $3 one that also has a strappy thing to hold baby up while sitting.
*What to expect when you're expecting $0.50!! (the new revised version)
*A little chair thingy that helps baby sit up $2
*Some baby girl clothes and some little tan snow boots :)
*Graco pack n play with changing table $10
*A few shirts for Braxton
*A Cars blow up mattress $2 ..Braxton had to have it! Anything that has Lightning McQueen on it he has to have. Or so he thinks. :)
I thiiink thats all.
I felt Addie kick today!!!!!!!
I ate a mini twix candy bar (we had some leftover from filling eggs and I gave in to my tempation!!) ;) laid down on the couch and all of a sudden I felt a kick! Way different than just the flutters I have been feeling! She kicked for about 3 minutes and then I had to get up cuz Braxton needed something and I haven't felt it since but it was so amazing!! I can't wait til DH can feel it too!!
This Sunday is when all of our family is getting together for easter. So last night we bought all the easter stuff (1/2 off! Yea!) and today Braxton helped me fill the easter eggs.
I showed him how to do it and he picked up on it right away! He would put the candy in the egg and then scream "YAYYY!" and close it. Then he would put the egg in the sack of eggs and say "Yayyyy!"again while throwing his arms in the air like he just did something incredible! LOL It was really cute.
I can't wait til Sunday so I can watch him hunt for them! This is his 3rd easter, which is weird since he's only 2. Last year he did pretty well, he had just turned one so he was a bit wobbly, so I'm very excited to see how he does this year! :)
Okay so I love yard sales. I admit it. :)
It's a great way to find baby clothes/gear for cheap.
Today was our "town wide yard sale" where everyone who wants to has a yard sale on the same day. It's lots of fun! So this morning I went searching for "baby" yard sales. You know, yard sales just loaded with baby stuff! I found one that I liked and actually stopped at.
They had lots of girl clothes, and a really pretty pink Graco stroller/carseat combo but I didn't have $50 on me. Anyways, I got lots of cute girl stuff. Most of it is old navy and in great condition! Can't even tell it was worn!! So here's what I got, I spent $10 on it all.
Stride Rite shoes-toddler size. A bit scuffed up and worn but what toddler isn't going to do that to her shoes? :) $1
Pretty pink blanket. So soft, I think I registered for this at Walmart actually. $1.
Adorable Old Navy 2T jean jacket. $1
Cute brown top $1
Okay I got my DVD out and saved some screenshots I love, some are the same as the others I posted but they are clearer.
This was supposed to be a gender shot but I can't see much.
Baby with arm over head
Baby this week:
Your baby weighs about 5.25 ounces (150g) and now measures 5 to 5.6 inches (12.5 to 14cm) from crown to rump. He is practicing breathing by gulping amniotic fluid into its lungs. This helps the lung's development so they will function at birth. Your baby may also be sucking his thumb.
Meconium is present in your baby's bowels. There is hair present on your baby's scalp and sweat glands are developing.
Your baby is becoming more sensitive to the outside world and is moving around, kicking and punching. As there is still plenty of space in your uterus, your baby can move around a lot, sitting cross-legged, reclining or even turning somersaults!
He can probably hear by now as the ossicles (the bones that pass sound to the inner ear) have hardened and the portion of the brain that receives signals from the brain is under development. Your baby is getting used to the sound of your heartbeat and blood passing through the umbilical cord, but may be startled by loud noises. Your baby is aware of some things in the outside world, including sounds and light. If you let the sun shine on your belly, your baby may be able to perceive a warm red glow.
Mommy this week:
Your uterus is a little bigger than a cantaloupe. Average weight gain by this point is between 5 and 13 pounds (4.5-5.8kg) but your own experience may be different.
Vaginal secretions may increase.
You may begin to experience back pain if you haven't already as your center of gravity begins to shift. You may feel dizzy at times, especially if you get up very quickly.
Your increasing belly size and the pressure of your baby bearing down on your rectum may also cause hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids usually disappear after delivery, but you can ask your doctor or pharmacist for an ointment to bring you relief.
With increasing symptoms, your pregnancy probably has begun to feel very real. This can be a very exciting week, since you might be able to start feeling fetal movement at this time. It's not time to worry if you don't yet feel this though. You may not feel movement for another week or two or maybe more, especially if you are overweight. While some women feel movement by the 14th week, most first-time moms begin to feel movement between the 17th and 20th weeks. Early fetal movement feels more like fluttering than kicks, so you may not be able to identify them or distinguish them from other rumblings in your belly until about the 26th week.
How far along? 17 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: Don't know-I'll find out in a week, hopefully I've gained something!
Maternity clothes? Yeah though I did find a pair of (nonmaternity) pants that were given to me that were like 4 sizes too big-well they fit fine now!! lol
Stretch marks? Getting lots on my sides
Sleep: I get uncomfortable if I sleep too long, my whole body starts aching and I have to get up!
Best moment this week: The ultrasound!
Movement: very few flutters but the other day I did feel a "thump"!
Food cravings: Mexican still-and still haven't ate any!
Gender: ITS A GIRL!!! :D
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? In
What I miss: being comfortable
What I am looking forward to: My next drs appointment-she should schedule my 20 wk ultrasound!
Weekly Wisdom: When the baby comes-sleep when he/she sleeps. I was told this but just ignored it because I would rather stay awake and watch baby sleep or clean...well I regretted that at 3 AM! :)
Milestones: Finding out the gender!
Okay so I've definetly had a bad case of baby brain today. Three times...
1.) I text Josh to ask him how long I need to cook hardboiled eggs. He replied "you don't need to, they're already cooked!!" So I replied "They are? Oh okay" and then he called me and had to explain I don't need to COOK hardboiled eggs because they're already cooked. I SHOULD have said "How long do I need to hardboil the eggs for?" or something like that.
2.) We had bacon cheeseburgers for dinner. I got my bun and put cheese on it and then the bacon and realized I wanted the cheese on top of the bacon so I moved the cheese and then I realized I couldn't find my hamburger patty. I started thinking "what on earth did i do with it?!" I started looking all around my plate and even on the floor thinking maybe I dropped it on the floor, but nothing. I looked underneath my cheese and under the buns and then realized I hadn't even got my hamburger patty yet!
3.) Well there was a third one but I forgot it! I'll put it here if I can ever remember it!
Josh just IM'd me and told me his coworker Emily is going to look for some clothes to give us. She has 2 girls that are like 7-9 years old so she might be giving us ALOT! LOL Guess we'll see!
that means I'm getting some hand me down clothes! Yay! My cousin who has a 6 month old wants to give me her daughters clothing as she grows and Joshs coworker, Monta, has a daughter who wants to get rid of all her daughters clothing. She has been waiting for me to find out the gender...she really wants it gone soon! LOL and the best part is she spoils her daughter-she only allows her daughter to wear clothes from places like Baby Gap, so it should be pretty cute! My sister in law had a girl 2 years ago and I'm hoping she will hand down those to me. She also has 2 boys so when I had Braxton she gave me TONS of clothing! I haven't had to buy clothes for Braxton until now! Big help!! :) So next week I should be getting the clothes from Montas daughter! Yay!