
Product Reviews haha :)

Well. I was reading a pregnancy magazine (of course) and they had a new moms buyer guide, and though I'm not a new mom I looked through and found some really great products!!

Here is the Kiddopotamus Snuzzler: http://kiddopotamus.com/p_snuzz.php# and its available at walmart for $20! :) I think this would be useful. We got Braxton a head support thingy when he was a newborn but it didn't really work. His head was always flopping around and making me worry! I think this product will work much better!!

Here is a bath bib: http://www.bathbib.com/ourbibs.html I think that is a great idea!! I always had such a hard time trying to "balance" a towel on my chest, shoulders, tummy so my clothes wouldn't get wet, grab braxton out of the tub and then swaddle him up in it. This eliminates the need for "balancing" the towel. I love it! $20/each

I also came across a few items that kind of blew my mind. Not only are they pointless but they are expensive! I do not reccomend any of these:

Ubi changing table: http://www.ubi-baby.com/features.html Come on! Changing a diaper is not THAT hard. It certainly doesn't require something like this. It would be just as easy to leave an unfolded diaper on your changing table/pad and place baby on it. I just wouldn't pay $119 for something like this!

Cariboo folding changing table: http://cariboo.us/changingtables_folding.cfm I think I literally laughed outloud when I saw this, not because of how it looks or anything. I think it may be quite practical for those who don't have a lot of space in babys room. So why is it on the "ridiculous" side? The price. $260 for something SO SO SO simple! It's simply made, theres not much to it, so why the high price??

-Products I've had and found completely useless-
•Diaper Genie-I think its pointless.
•Wipe Warmer-Definetly not a neccesity, baby doesn't mind cool wipes and if s/he does? Just hold the wipe in the palm of your hand for a few seconds and it warms up.


I am very much impressed by your blog, you can find more Changing Tables that suites your budget.

April 9, 2009 at 4:33 AM  

I think I read this same buyer's guide! Was it in Fit Pregnancy??

April 9, 2009 at 8:21 AM  

Oh, and I agree...that things with the diaper popping out of the changing pad? Lame!

April 9, 2009 at 8:21 AM  

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