The ultrasound went GREAT! We found out its a GIRL! The tech said she was 100 percent positive it was a girl! She took multiple 'peeks' and each time saw 3 white lines! She told me its safe to buy pink! hehe :)
She is measuring exactly on time! 16 weeks, 4 days! We saw and heard the heartbeat (157 beats per minute) its now 4 chambers. We saw inside her stomach, it had fluids in it which meant she is swallowing the fluid around her like she should be, and also saw fluids in her bladder which means her kidneys are functioning properly. She told me the position of the placenta was good but on the sheet she gave me she marked posterior AND fundal so I'm not sure what that means. Baby was moving around ALOT!! She's quite active, it was cute though because her feet were by my bladder and she kept stretching her legs out and pushing against my bladder.
She is 6 inches long crown to rump, 9 inches long including her legs, and weighs 12 ounces. She is in breech position which is perfectly fine for now.
*cute things she did*
-Kept trying to suck her thumb.
-Kept opening and closing her mouth, looked like she was talking! hehe
-At one point she put both hands up and covered her face.
I'll have some pictures up before the nights over!!
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