Baby this week:
Your baby weighs about 5.25 ounces (150g) and now measures 5 to 5.6 inches (12.5 to 14cm) from crown to rump. He is practicing breathing by gulping amniotic fluid into its lungs. This helps the lung's development so they will function at birth. Your baby may also be sucking his thumb.
Meconium is present in your baby's bowels. There is hair present on your baby's scalp and sweat glands are developing.
Your baby is becoming more sensitive to the outside world and is moving around, kicking and punching. As there is still plenty of space in your uterus, your baby can move around a lot, sitting cross-legged, reclining or even turning somersaults!
He can probably hear by now as the ossicles (the bones that pass sound to the inner ear) have hardened and the portion of the brain that receives signals from the brain is under development. Your baby is getting used to the sound of your heartbeat and blood passing through the umbilical cord, but may be startled by loud noises. Your baby is aware of some things in the outside world, including sounds and light. If you let the sun shine on your belly, your baby may be able to perceive a warm red glow.
Mommy this week:
Your uterus is a little bigger than a cantaloupe. Average weight gain by this point is between 5 and 13 pounds (4.5-5.8kg) but your own experience may be different.
Vaginal secretions may increase.
You may begin to experience back pain if you haven't already as your center of gravity begins to shift. You may feel dizzy at times, especially if you get up very quickly.
Your increasing belly size and the pressure of your baby bearing down on your rectum may also cause hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids usually disappear after delivery, but you can ask your doctor or pharmacist for an ointment to bring you relief.
With increasing symptoms, your pregnancy probably has begun to feel very real. This can be a very exciting week, since you might be able to start feeling fetal movement at this time. It's not time to worry if you don't yet feel this though. You may not feel movement for another week or two or maybe more, especially if you are overweight. While some women feel movement by the 14th week, most first-time moms begin to feel movement between the 17th and 20th weeks. Early fetal movement feels more like fluttering than kicks, so you may not be able to identify them or distinguish them from other rumblings in your belly until about the 26th week.
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