Braxton is too funny.
We were all 4 laying in bed last night (Me, DH, Brax & Addie), ready to go to sleep. I had just finished feeding Addie and Braxton said he wanted to "snuggle" with me. So I passed Addie to DH & Braxton layed next to me and put his head on my arm. Then he said:
"Me not eat your boobs, mommy!"
LOL. DH & I had been pretty cranky all night and were in horrible moods but we couldn't help but laugh at this. He's so silly & says the funniest things! :D
even glimpse at the HUUUUUGE sale is having. No-I said don't. You'll be tempted. Very tempted.
I got on "just to look" to "see if they added anything new" and was blown away by their clearance much in fact that I managed to spend nearly $100 more. I think they should thank me. Yes. I just placed my SIXTH order in like 2 weeks. I think I'm responsible for at least half their profits. Yes, they should thank me.
Oh, and if you happen to be tempted and go over there to "take a peek" use the code FAMILYA9 for 15% off your order. I saved $15 this time. ;)
I hate this part of having a baby.
I just packed up most of Addies 0-3 month clothing. I'm so sad. She can still fit *some* 0-3 month onesies since I use onesie extenders but everything else got packed up except a few dresses that can still fit her. She's now in mostly 3-6 months but can fit 6-9 with a bit of room to grow.
Also, I have realized how much I overbought on clothes for her! Holy Moly! Her 0-3 month clothes took up THREE boxes. Thats just the dresses, shirts, coats, jeans & sleepers. The onesies take up an entire LARGE dresser drawer. I realized she hadn't worn like 3/4 of the clothes! I had *favorites* and she wore those aloooot, the rest just sat there. I'm sooo not buying this much for our next kid.
It's also time to go through Braxtons clothes & get rid of all size 4's. He is now in size 5. *tear*
I bought the Sheepy Pants pattern and knit my first pair of shorties! I looove how they turned out even though there are a couple flaws. I left extra string on the shorties in hopes of knitting small flowers and attaching them to the drawstring but I can't find a good knit flower pattern-just crochet. The headband was also supposed to have a large flower on it but again-no good pattern. It took me 4 days to knit the shorties, 1 day for the hat & headband. (I ADORE this hat!) & I love the self striping yarn. I used acrylic yarn so it's kind of stiff.
I knit this for Addie, it's a size small but it sooo doesn't fit. Maybe because I didn't do a ribbed waistband or maybe because its the acrylic wasn't as stretchy as wool. So I am super bummed she won't get to wear them. I had no clue what else to do with them so I am offering them in a free for shipping Lotto on :)
Now my next project: A juliette skirtie!! :D
So I bought a sewing's been lots of fun but I definetly had alot of learning to do! I haven't sewn anything in YEARS! I started off with something simple:
Cloth wipes. These were super easy. I used an old receiving blanket and a little bit of scrap cotten fabric, cut them to the same shape, turned and topstitched the edges-Voila! Cloth wipes! They cost practically nothing to make!
Then I moved on to something else.
Soft Shoes. I made these using the Stardust soft shoe pattern (as soon as I figure out how I will come back and link to the pattern.) The 2 purple ones were my "practice." They aren't that great so I used cheap-o fabric for them. Once I got the hang of the pattern I used my good fabrics.
The longies of course AND a pretty decent size scrap! I know I definetly will make a pair of soft shoes with it but I will have left overs so I'm trying to think of what else I could make. She already has an Ella shirt or else I would do make an applique. Hmm..
Sorry...but I have to rant. I have to get this out because I'm pretty upset!!
Most of you have read my many rants about my you know how crazy she is. ;)
Well, she found out that we got our tax returns back last she immediatly started asking us for money. We told her we didn't have any to spare because we have bills, loans, credit cards to pay off, not to mention we would like to save some to pay for Braxtons upcoming birthday. Well that pissed her off. She starts saying she is a nobody, no one loves her, she needs the money for medical bills, etc, etc. Poor, poor me.
Then she starts complaining that we spend all our money on our "friends" but can't even give her any. We had no clue what she was talking about because, we dont do that. So we told her once again where all the money was going and that we really don't have any to spare so she brought up the cruise that we had planned on taking. My cousin and her husband were going to go with us. Neither of us ever had a REAL honeymoon so we were all going to go on a cruise together-no kids. The only reason MIL even knew about the cruise was b/c she was going to watch the kids. Let me point out that my cousins were going to pay THEIR way, and we were paying our own. It's not like we were taking THEM. Well, they cancelled the cruise b/c they can't afford it this year. So we told her that...she didn't have much else to say about the money but instead started going on about how she never gets to watch the kids but "Kristins family gets to." (her and DH were texting, I took the phone, posing as Josh and said: Kristins mom & grandma get to because they ask, you never ask to and when we used to ask if you wanted you never wanted to." Then I added that nobody gets to watch Addie because she doesn't take a bottle. She said once again that "Kristins family gets to." Siiiigh. Then of course more of the "poor me."
These are some of the texts from her:
"Thanks for paying me back all those times you said you would."
"Hope you have a good life. Dont worry about me, I am nothing."
"Sure could use that money for Meds, I am out."
"I have always been a nobody to you."
"Make sure you spend all that money on your friends. Don't worry that your mom is doing without."
"Humor me, everyone else does."
"And the cruise with your friends. I am nothing."
"I have always been no one to you."
OhMyGosh! I am basically infuriated. She does this ALL the time, and let me say...its not like Josh is mean to her. He was a HUGE mommas boy before he moved out at like 22. He did everything for her! She is....crazy!
Thanks for letting me rant...even if no one actually reads this it feels nice to write it out and get it out of my system.
I've never been a big fan of the traditional pastel easter theme thing. Especially with clothing. So thats why the kids easter oufits don't look "easter-y" :)
This is what Braxton will be wearing. I just purchased the blazer ($18.80), button up shirt ($9.24), and polo ($10.63) at (I didn't buy the jeans because he already has TONS of jeans. I LOVE the way a striped blazer looks over jeans. It's dressy yet casual.♥♥
Oh, and I also got Braxton a pair of navy blue sneakers for this, they look like converse but no laces. ($12.33)
Here is Addies outfit. I got the sweater ($9.24) and dress ($12.43) at as well. I wanted the hair clippies but they were sold out. :( I did not get the shoes because I have no clue what size of shoe she will be wearing when Easter rolls around. She is just now outgrowing her newborn shoes and moving to size 1. I got the dress & sweater in 6-9 months.
(I also got Braxton a purple striped tie that is this exact shade so he can wear that and the white button up shirt for pictures or church or something? It was just too cute to resist!
And then this outfit I HAD to get Addie because, well, its adorable! :) I didn't get the bows, shoes or the coat. I figured she will be wearing this in the summer (its sized 6-9 months) and it will be too warm for the coat...I adore it though. The pleated top was $9.24 and the leggings were $6.69.
I scored a few other deals while shopping on their website. They've got a huge sale going on so I got 5 "pretty tees" and yoga tops in 3 colors, different sizes for $1.69 each.
All of the items I've shown plus TONS more spring items are on sale until the 7th. If you use the code E79AA you can get 15% of already discounted items!
My original total was close to $133-5ish but after the coupon code it was around $115! I love saving. :D
I'm going to try to say this nicely in words that aren't neccesarily innappropriate or weird but that may not be possible at all times. lol
Braxton has discovered that he has "boy parts." Ever since he has been touching them alot, and has his hand down his pants constantly. Which I have heard is normal.
However, today while he was making "discoveries" he realized he has balls. (there I said it!) So he asked me "Mommy, whats that in there?" and tried to show me. I asked "What do you think it is?"
He replied, "Batman! Batman's in there!"
Hahahaha, oh boy!
Age: 4 months and 2 weeks
Weight: 15 lbs 7 oz
Everytime I post a worry about Addie she seems to make those worries disappear! Example: last week I posted on FF about how she was not even interested in trying to support herself with her hands. Now this week, look what she's doing:
She's definetly got an obsession with toys. It's so fun to compare her and Braxton. They are total opposites, I knew that just by how 100% different each pregnancy was from the other. Braxton has never really cared for toys, not even as a baby. Yet, you can see Addie gets quite excited when she plays with one:
This is her laughing/trying to eat the toy. :)
She's doing sooo good with her hands. She's finally figured out how to grab things she wants. For a long time she would just bat at things with her hands but now she actually reaches out and picks things up. She loves being able to do that.
She's also doing quite well rolling over...I wish she didn't like it that much. She rolls on her belly and then gets so mad she won't even try to roll back over even though she can. She is getting to where she can scoot all over the room by rolling over.
Sitting up is going okay. She does it when she wants to which isn't very often! She'd rather be laying down on the floor checking everything out. :) She'll be crawling before we know it!
I love that she loves mommy & daddy so much. Everytime she sees us she gets a huge smile on her face. She's even started trying to "reach" for us...though the first person she actually reached for was my grandpa! She love, love LOVES her big brother. Seriously, cutest thing ever. He's not too interested in her but sometimes he'll go over to her and give her a hug and kiss and play with her, or when she is crying he'll go tell her "It be ok sissy" and when she sees him she will perk right up and get the biggest smile. I love it!
We've started time out with Braxton. I never really saw it as an "effective" way of discipline but its my last resort. I don't like spanking him, I don't believe that is always, well, hardly ever the way a child should be disciplined. In rare cases when he has deliberatly done something he knows he shouldn't & risks hurting himself or others we have spanked him.
However here recently he entered what I like to call "the one year old phase." Yes, I realize he is almost 3 years old. He's in a phase where he gets into everything, tears up everything, just like a one year old, but with a twist: He can talk. Eek.
I was always so proud. Braxton wasn't one of those bratty 2 year olds that you see on tv or in the store screaming their head off because they want this, or they want that. "If this is the terrible twos" I would think, "then most parents just don't have patience because this is a breeze." Then it all changed when little miss Adelyn came home. Screaming, jealousy, tantrums (in the middle of the store especially), ect. It was awful. (he has gotten a bit better though)
So add all of what I just said to this: He is always getting into things now. Mostly when I am feeding, changing, bathing, Addie. It's like he knows I am occupied and he can 'get away' with whatever he wants. A short list of what he's done in the past 2 weeks when I wasn't looking:
-tried to flush his soccer ball down the toilet
-got into my make up (I've since learned to keep it in a higher place than the bathroom counter)
-ripped his bed open and tore all the stuffing out
-got into a box of bisquik and tried to make "pankcakes" and "pop"
-grabbed the yarn I was using, wrapped in around a nearby chair and got it very knotted and then proceeded to take my work in progress off the needle and unravel it.
Then there is the talking factor. He's got this attitude now. If I tell him to do something he says "No!" and points at me (as if HE were getting on to ME!) He back talks and won't listen to a word you say unless you yell. I thought he was too young for this kind of behaviour.
So this is where time out comes into play. Whenever he does something he knows he is not supposed to be doing (which by now, he definetly knows right from wrong!) then I tell him he's got "2 minutes of time out" in his room. (2 minutes because he is 2 years old, in 2 months it will be 3 minutes b/c he will be 3) When we tell him this he actually listens and goes to his room. I just have to be strong. He stands inside his room right by the door and asks in the saddest, sweetest little voice "Mommy, I come out yet?" I tell him no, you've got 2 minutes and then you can come out. He cries "Otaaaaaay." ....a minute later: "Mommy..I wanna come out pleeeeasee?" "No you still have one minute left." He cries again "Ota-a-a-aaay" When his two minutes are over I tell him his time out is over and to come talk to mommy. I then explain to him what he did wrong, why it is wrong and tell him acceptable ways to behave.
It seems to really be working, he's not getting in trouble AS often. He's just so cute when he pleads to come out. I have to fight a smile every time. Another cute thing is sometimes when he gets upset he tells me "Mommy. Wanna go to my room!" So I tell him, Okay then go. Then he stands at the door and asks if he can come out yet. Silly boy! I have to tell him I didn't send him to time out...he chose to go to his room! haha Poor boy is probably going to hate his room.

I have this new obsession. Wool. Longies, shorties, skirties, soakers, capris. The biggest reason I wanted to learn to knit is so I wouldn't have to spend tons of money on this stuff. Yet here I am going crazy buying longies. That pretty Ella the Elephant set up there I scored on Hyenacart for $40. They're like new, were tried on once. I cannot wait to get them!
I also have 3 more pairs of longies coming in the mail. :D And...I just bought some new yarn today off HyenaCart and I love, love LOVE it:

It's called "Adelaide" and its from Pot of Gold on HyenaCart.
Oh and, edited to add: I am looking for really, really hard to find KumQuat Ella the Elephant fabric. If anyone knows where I can find a yard or even scraps pleeeease let me know!
After my last soaker I decided to retry it since I messed it up alot. This time I did great (if I do say so myself!) I only messed up a teeny bit on the ribbing, its barely even noticeable. Here is the finished product:
They are a size large and she is a small/medium so they look like shorts on her.
I didn't do leg ruffles but instead did a double crochet edge. Oh, one more thing I messed up on-one leg is slightly wider than the other but you can't tell when they are on.
Now I am working on a pair of Valentines day longies for Addie. Having a harder time with these though! I only have 2 weeks to get them done!