I think I forgot to write about this...
Addie had her 2 month appointment on November 18th.
She had to get shots. :( I was very against getting so many at once, if any! But I talked to the dr about it and she would not let us seperate them/delay. :( So I gave in.
Addie did well with them though. She didn't cry when the needle went in-just when the nurse shot the vaccine in her and pulled the needle out, then she was over it in a few seconds. The nurse said she was "braver than all the boy babies." haha
She weighed 11 lbs and 15 oz and was 23 1/4 in long! She's growin!
purchased our first cloth diaper!
I looked on Ebay for some and found a brand new one going for .99, I waited until the bidding was almost over and bid $1.00 and WON! $5 shipping, so not too bad! :)
I'm so excited!
It's a yellow pocket diaper, I also bid on a pink & brown polka dotted AIO but lost. :( so I need to buy an AIO as well.
I can't wait to try this out and see if its something I think we can do! However, I'm not sure it will really save any money b/c at this point I want to buy TONS of diapers in cute designs! ;)
So. I never thought I would cloth diaper. I thought it would be hard, messy, and just gross. However, after learning more about it and how much easier it is NOW then back when all they had was cloth, I think I've changed my mind.
When I thought of cloth diapering before I thought of ugly white prefolds that you had to safety pin closed. Some still use that method but I've found out there are other ways.
Those of you reading probably already know this but I was absolutley clueless: Cloth diapers these days are much more than just a piece of cotton fabric pinned on your baby. You can get AI0's (all in ones) where there are layers of aborbent fabric sewn into the diaper, its the closest thing to disposables, you can get pocket diapers, where there is a pocket for a fabric insert. There are also fitted diapers, contours, All in Twos, One size, and of course the regular prefolds. Not to mention most of these types of diapers either snap or velcro shut. (Also available in SUPER cute patterns!)
Now I am just trying to decide what brand I want to go with. I'm deciding between:
-Happy Heiny
-Bum Genious
I think I will probably end up trying almost every type (AI0, AI2, OS, pocket) of CD to see what works best for us. I'm so excited!
Also since Addie is exclusivly breastfed the clean up should be super easy until we start solids at 6 months. But honestly-even then it shouldn't be so bad, I mean since Braxton started potty training he's had a few #2 accidents in his underwear. I figured-if I can clean those I can certainly cloth diaper! ;)
Now I just have to order some. Any suggestions on brands?
****Edited to add:
I totally forgot to share my newest obsession:
It's kinda like etsy but everything is earth-friendly (and SUPER cute I might add.)
For some reason its not letting me paste links from the site...so if you're interested I would definetly reccomend checking out their soft shoes. (just search them) They have some really cute ones!
And search cloth diapers, there is a shop on there that lets you custom order cloth diapers, you choose the type, colors, fabric, everything, for a reasonable price too!
I'm so frustrated. I cannot stand flaky people.
Unfortunatly, Josh and I are friends with the flakiest people alive. My cousin & her DH. We make plans all the time to do stuff, we are lucky if those plans ever actually happen.
For instance-we decided to have a Thanksgiving dinner together tonight. So we split up the dishes & it was decided that Josh and I will provide:
-The turkey
-Chicken & noodles
-Dinner rolls
-Pumpkin cheesecake muffins
-Pumpkin cookies
-White chocolate covered pretzels
& they would provide:
-Home made stuffing
-Mashed potatoes
-Sweet potatoes
-Broccoli Casserole
-Pumpkin Pie
-Cherry Pie
-Pumpkin Cake
(Can you tell we all really love PUMPKIN?!) :)
So last night DH & I go to the grocery store to get all the stuff we need. So I start planning everything out until, I got a text this morning. "Hey we wont be able to have t-day dinner with you guys. we have to start moving today, lindsey didnt realize that." .....Crap.
So now DH has to go to the store to get a box of stuffing...since thats pretty much all I care about. :) Turkey & Stuffing.
It's just sooo frustrating to have everything planned out and then be cancelled on last minute. I am a PLANNER! I need to know what I am doing at all times, I can't handle this spur of the moment kind of lifestyle.
They do this all the time and its getting soooo old.
Vent over. :)
Braxton does the cutest thing now.
When he gets a "boo-boo" he doesn't do what most children do. Yes, he cries and tells me about his boo boo but then he prays for it.
It's so sweet.
His prayer is the same everytime:(though a little backwards..hehe)
"Jesus Name, God, Fix that. Amen." Then he tells me in a very knowing voice "God fixed that." and then he's over the pain the boo boo caused. I LOVE that he is praying at such a young age.
He prays several times a day. Not always for boo-boos, sometimes he will randomly pray for family members like Sissy, Grandma, or Daddy.
Addie & I :)
She is one HAPPY baby! Every morning when she wakes up and sees me she gets the biggest grin on her face and chuckles. Her giggle is still a work in progress, it's still pretty odd sounding. ;)
We had our "Big Family Thanksgiving" on Sunday. All dressed up :)
Just hanging out at home. Looks like she's ready to fight. haha.
Braxton and I were sitting on the couch when he told me he wanted to hold "Ah-wyn". So I let him hold her and he says "Get Cam." (camera) so I get my camera and he starts saying "Cheese! Cheese Mommy!" (Please note this is a VERY rare thing. If I even TRY to get photos of him he starts screaming, hiding his face and runs away. Sigh. It's kind of my fault. I took THOUSANDS of pics of him his first year...
Not sure if I mentioned that we were moving....but we are now 100% moved into the new house. It's alot smaller than our last one and the rent is higher but its soo much nicer. :)
I've gotten almost everything unpacked. :)
The worst part of this whole moving thing? No internet for nearly 2 weeks. Aghh! It was AWFUL. The "Internet People" as I call them...were supposed to be here LAST WEEK. Last Monday they said it would be 3-5 days. Well on day 5 (friday) they called and said it would be Tuesday. So Tuesday rolled around...nothing. So DH called them today and they said someone would definetly be there today. So at 3 they finally got there..and TWO hours later they had it on & workin'. Seriously? 2 hours!?! It shouldn't take that long. When we got internet at our last house it took like 15 minutes. Oh well. The point is we're moved and we have internet now. YAYYYY!
Only, now for the next 4 days I'll be so busy I doubt I'll get to "catch up" on everything. We've got Thanksgivings for the next 4 days. Yuuuuummy!
Now, time to post some updated pics of my little princess :)
I have a problem.
There. I admitted it.
Sigh. I...have an obsession with shoes.
Not for me, but for dear Adelyn. She has over fifty pairs of shoes at the moment. Yes, fifty. She's 2 months old and already has more shoes than most women do.
Now here is the crazy part. A lady had 48 pairs of shoes listed on Craigslist for sale. Size 0-4. Very cheap prices. Most brands were Old Navy, Converse, or Carters. Prices ranging from .50-$2 each. (Except 1 pair of the converse which were $10.) She offered to sell them all together for $55, oh so tempting, but DH said no, just to pick out the ones I really wanted. (and then made sure to tell me I couldn't "want" all of them.
So I picked out 17 pairs that I LOVE and spent $30.
Goodness. I can't stop. Everyday I am constantly checking craigslist for cute shoes.
I had 2 pairs in mind that I REALLY wanted to get Addie:
-A pair of Converse
-A pair of Tiny Toms
Well, now I got the converse, but Tiny Toms are IMPOSSIBLE to find right now. I've checked everywhere, Craigslist, Ebay, Toms website (the new tiny toms aren't out yet) I've googled like crazy & I can't find any that are for girls and the correct size.
Anyways-Yes, my name is Kristin & I'm addicted to shoes. :)

Jeremy Camp concert is tonight! I'm so excited! We actually got sitters for both kids! Whoohoo! :)
I've just recently started selling stuff on there.
You see, I'm what they would call a "pack rat." I don't like getting rid of stuff. But finally, after running out of room for stuff in our house I have decided to start selling stuff on Craigslist.
Mostly I have posted stuff like Braxtons gently used clothing he's grown out of, formula that we received in the mail and obviously aren't going to use, Addies bassinet, and...ALL of Braxtons Cars Bedroom stuff!
I have already had people commit to buying almost everything I just listed. We sold the formula yesterday, tomorrow I have a lady coming to look at the bassinet & I also have another lady who wants to buy it if the first lady doesn't. Saturday a woman is coming to pick up the Cars stuff.
So that means I've made over $175 this week! Wow.
The 'biggie' is of course the Cars bedroom set which includes:
-toddler racecar bed (mattress not included)
-Cars toybox
-Cars table + 2 chairs
-2 Cars posters
-set of 15 Cars foam wall decals
-Cars clock
-Cars rug
-Cars bedding set (pillow, 2 blankets, fitted sheet)
-Cars curtain
-Cars lamp
-Cars lightswitch & outlet covers (3)
We're selling all that for $150. Which is a great deal for whoever gets it because we have put HUNDREDS of dollars into his room! lol Now we have to start all over because.....
He wants to do it in Spiderman now. Siiiigh. :)
I'm lovin' the extra income though. :)
By the time Braxton was 4-5 months old he had lost all his pretty brown hair he was born with...and grew blonde hair. So for a few months he was very bald. I was sooo scared the same would happen with Addie. So far-that doesn't seem to be happening. Look at the difference in Braxtons 1 week & 1 month old photos. Lots of hair to 'some' hair. Now look at Addies! Still the same amount of hair. (Although it is getting lighter. The roots are blonde, the rest is brown. It's quite a confusing hair color.)
By the way...HOW on EARTH are Josh's genes beating mine? I have all the dominant traits...brown hair, brown eyes...he has all the recessive traits...blue-green eyes, dark blonde hair. Yet it seems our kids are going to be blonde haired and blue-green eyed. :(
I want a little girl with dark brown hair and light brown eyes like me. :(
Guess that means we have to keep trying til we get one. ;)
from my digital test.
Not Pregnant!!
Yayyy! :) We (are pretty sure) we want another one...and by that I mean I definetly want another and DH isn't so sure. But we definetly didn't plan on having another so soon. So now I can start my birth control and wait a few years & see how we feel. I am so relieved. I was afraid if I was pg again I wouldn't get to enjoy Addie as much, what with the nausea, fatigue, extreme discomfort. I want to be able to give Addie the attention she needs! :)
Why, Oh, Why....didn't anyone tell me that my toddler would be a bigger crybaby than my newborn?
I really think I should have been prepared for this. No one warned me.
(Finally found time to upload my test pics from this AM:)
Definetly a THICK line. (Evaps are usually thin, right? & colorless?)
I tried to tweak some of my Equate photos from yesterday however the lines were sooo faint that they photographed horribly and aren't visible at ALL. Not even when I tweak them. Sigh. I even took photos of them after they had sat for hours and still-nothing!
This guessing game is driving me crazy. (Yes-I do plan on getting a digi!) ;)
....and so the drama continues.
(I feel like a soap opera right now.....)
Remeber that test I took this morning? How I thought it was not positive. I just glanced at it after a couple minutes and set it down happily-fairly sure that it was a negative result.
This was the 3rd equate test I have taken. The other 2 had really light positives. I glanced at them throughout the day and they stayed the same...today they have faded and the lines are barely visible.
This 3rd test however is making me freak out more. I *thought* it was negative. So I went on with my day...but I decided to glance at it again (Why, oh why do I do this?!) & what is there? A big fat blue line.
Crap. Definetly darker than yesterdays....and when I let the other 2 tests sit they did not get darker, or anything....ughh.
Someone yell at me for looking at the test past the 10 minute time frame. Thursday CANNOT come fast enough.
I'm pretty sure I got a negative test this morning! I don't see a line! So I am praying the other positives I got were from residual hcg! However it was an Equate blue dye test & I really don't like/trust the blue dyes! Drs appointment Thursday-we'll see what they say. :)
I've taken several more HPT's, all have very faint lines.
I called my OBGYN & talked with the nurse. I asked her how long after giving birth should I be getting positive pregnancy tests. She told me at this point they should be negative. Of course she asks "Well have you been sexually active?" "Yes....." "Did you use protection "No...." Then she kinda laughed nervously and made me an appointment to come in on Thursday.
So I'll know more on Thursday but right now....I'm freaking out a bit.
I just signed up for Pampers rewards after finding a code inside a package of diapers. I'm kinda glad I did! At first I figured the prizes would be lame...kinda like coke rewards. But the prizes are really neat!
For 100 points you can get one of these:
-$10 diapers.com gift card
-peg puzzles
-Set of 3 Elmo board books
For 110 points you can get one of these:
-$10 applebees giftcard
-$10 starbucks giftcard
-set of 3 dr seuss books
For 150 points you can get:
-200 4X6 photo prints
For a couple hundred points you can get some really neat toys! I'm so excited about this! It may take awhile to get some points built up though. When I redeemed my points for 1 package of diapers I got 3 points..its gonna take alooot of diapers to get so many points. :)
So if you use Pampers and don't want your points, send 'em my way. ;)
Her costume for Thursday night
Sleepy but mommy wouldn't stop taking pictures. lol
My Spiderman, eating at mcdonalds after trick or treating
Braxton & his cousin Kennie who went as a Peep!
Addies costume for Saturday night
Yum, candy!
All of braxtons candy from trick or treating Saturday night