
Braxton/Adelyn comparison

I'm excited.

By the time Braxton was 4-5 months old he had lost all his pretty brown hair he was born with...and grew blonde hair. So for a few months he was very bald. I was sooo scared the same would happen with Addie. So far-that doesn't seem to be happening. Look at the difference in Braxtons 1 week & 1 month old photos. Lots of hair to 'some' hair. Now look at Addies! Still the same amount of hair. (Although it is getting lighter. The roots are blonde, the rest is brown. It's quite a confusing hair color.)

By the way...HOW on EARTH are Josh's genes beating mine? I have all the dominant traits...brown hair, brown eyes...he has all the recessive traits...blue-green eyes, dark blonde hair. Yet it seems our kids are going to be blonde haired and blue-green eyed. :(

I want a little girl with dark brown hair and light brown eyes like me. :(

Guess that means we have to keep trying til we get one. ;)


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