So. I never thought I would cloth diaper. I thought it would be hard, messy, and just gross. However, after learning more about it and how much easier it is NOW then back when all they had was cloth, I think I've changed my mind.
When I thought of cloth diapering before I thought of ugly white prefolds that you had to safety pin closed. Some still use that method but I've found out there are other ways.
Those of you reading probably already know this but I was absolutley clueless: Cloth diapers these days are much more than just a piece of cotton fabric pinned on your baby. You can get AI0's (all in ones) where there are layers of aborbent fabric sewn into the diaper, its the closest thing to disposables, you can get pocket diapers, where there is a pocket for a fabric insert. There are also fitted diapers, contours, All in Twos, One size, and of course the regular prefolds. Not to mention most of these types of diapers either snap or velcro shut. (Also available in SUPER cute patterns!)
Now I am just trying to decide what brand I want to go with. I'm deciding between:
-Happy Heiny
-Bum Genious
I think I will probably end up trying almost every type (AI0, AI2, OS, pocket) of CD to see what works best for us. I'm so excited!
Also since Addie is exclusivly breastfed the clean up should be super easy until we start solids at 6 months. But honestly-even then it shouldn't be so bad, I mean since Braxton started potty training he's had a few #2 accidents in his underwear. I figured-if I can clean those I can certainly cloth diaper! ;)
Now I just have to order some. Any suggestions on brands?
****Edited to add:
I totally forgot to share my newest obsession:
It's kinda like etsy but everything is earth-friendly (and SUPER cute I might add.)
For some reason its not letting me paste links from the if you're interested I would definetly reccomend checking out their soft shoes. (just search them) They have some really cute ones!
And search cloth diapers, there is a shop on there that lets you custom order cloth diapers, you choose the type, colors, fabric, everything, for a reasonable price too!
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