Addie had an appointment today with a nutritionist. We are on WIC thru the Health Department so it's kind of a "have to." blah. It went very well though.
The nutritionist was SO nice. We weighed Addie-shes at 13 lbs 3 oz now! Holy cow! 2 weeks ago she was 11 lbs 15 oz! She has almost DOUBLED her birth weight! She's also 24.5 inches long now! So she asked if everything was going okay and I said yes and that was the end of the appointment...kinda crazy.
However, we got to talking and probably sat there sharing breastfeeding stories for 15 minutes or more. She noticed the same thing I have: Around here in the center of the US people are very anti-breastfeeding. She said she rarely sees any bf'ing mothers and with her job, that surprises me! The people around here see breasts as a very sexual thing and as nothing else, which is very annoying! My brother is the WORST. He's almost 30, has 3 kids and thing BF'ing is disgusting. (He doesn't know I am BF'ing) at Thanksgiving I brought pumped milk b/c I know his views. Thank goodness I did b/c there was a show on tv about bf'ing and he started going off about how sick it was and how its just for the moms pleasure (ew!) and that bf'ing moms are pedophiles. O.M.G. I couldn't believe it. I told the nutritionist and she laughed and said "Oh these rednecks around here!" She said she would have been FURIOUS (believe me I was!) and would have gone off on him...I just kept my mouth shut. No need to fuel the fire. :)
Anyways, since I am on WIC & am breastfeeding I get a FREE breastpump! So today I got mine! They are soooo nice! I got the Medela Pump in Style Advanced backpack. It's amazing! It even comes with a small manual pump! I'm so excited b/c this pump is almost $300 on babiesrus!!
While I was there she also gave me something really need. For some reason Blogger doesnt let me post links anymore (is this happening to anyone else?) I would link to it if I could but since I can't its called: Playtex Ortho-Pro teether. It's really neat. It looks like a paci but the "nipple" part is textured. Google it. I've never seen anything like it.
Speaking of teething-I think Addie is. She has been drooling like crazy & gnawing on her hands. Also very fussy, sleeps alot and is eating less. It seems so early to me-Braxton didnt get his first tooth until he was 7 months. But then again I've heard that babies can teeth for months before the tooth actually pops thru. We'll see! :)
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