
White Christmas

Looks like we're in for a White Christmas...that doesn't happen too often here. A couple hours ago it started pouring snow and ice. A little too much ice and not enough snow though.

I'm kinda hoping for ALOT more snow so we can take Braxton out to play in it. :)

On the downside-our Christmas plans for today are cancelled and postponed until the roads get better. (They are SLICK!) And if they get any worse we might have to cancel our plans for tomorrow. :(

And to top it all off tomorrow is Christmas & Braxton gets to open all his presents and I cannot find my camera!!! Eeeek! It's gotta be around here somewhere. And when I find it I will have more blogs to write b/c I have to share some of the pics! (Last Sunday was the church play and Braxton was a wiseman! hehe)

I'll be back when I find that camera! ;)


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