
21 weeks

Baby this week:

Your baby measures about 7.6 inches (19cm) from crown to rump and weighs about 12.25 ounces (350g).
Eyebrows have developed.
His digestive system now functions in a rudimentary manner. Undigested amniotic fluid passes into his bowel which he will eventually excrete after birth. Your baby can suck and swallow and may even suck his thumb.
Your baby's senses are developing, especially his sense of touch. He can feel his face and stroke his arms and legs.

Mommy this week:

Your blood volume keeps increasing to meet the increasing demands of your pregnancy. Most of the increased blood volume is comprised of plasma, the liquid part of your blood. You may see small dilated blood vessels on your face, and your gums may be swollen due to pregnancy hormones that increase blood flow. This may also cause hemorrhoids.
While you may still be experiencing pregnancy symptoms such as back pain, round ligament pain, itchiness and some fatigue, this is the stage of pregnancy that most women enjoy the most. You are still able to move about comfortably, yet the nausea of early pregnancy has usually passed. You may also enjoy the attention that you are getting as your belly can no longer hide. By the end of pregnancy, you'll probably wish people would stop commenting!

I just cannot believe I've made it this far. I'm in disbelief sometimes. I never thought this pregnancy would progress past 9 weeks and here I am at 21 weeks!! I've got so much exciting stuff coming up I can't wait! 8 weeks until my baby shower, 9 weeks until my 3D/4D ultrasound! Ahhh!

I'm starting to notice some "2nd tri" symptoms. I've been getting sooo many headaches! :( I have one pretty much all day and it makes it impossible to get up and do anything! When I stand my head feels like its going to explode and I can feel the blood pumping in my skull. Ugh! And my skin! Don't even get me started on my skin!! With Braxton I had this pretty glow and I expected that again...but nope. My skin is dry, dull, and I'm getting acne! I woke up this morning and saw about 5-6 small pimples and freaked out! I've got a couple large one's now too! They just come out of no where and they are sore/painful. :(( Oh well! Addies been moving alot more now. The other night Josh and I went to a movie and I was sitting there, really getting into the movie when she kicked me really hard and I must admit...I was startled! Sometimes I get so caught up in things like movies that I momentarily forget that I have a tiny person in there and so those kicks kind of freak me out a bit! Haha! I just wish Josh could feel it now though! He's been trying the last few nights but no luck!

6 more days until my next OB appt & ULTRASOUND! I'm so excited to see how much she has grown in 6 weeks! =D


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