

Well I didn't end up going to the ER.

I called my cousins mom who is a nurse and explained what was happening. She told me to keep an eye on it and to go to the ER to be checked if I have any more of it or if its blood tinged. So far I haven't had any more so just hoping it was some very weird CM. The only thing that worries me is Addies lack of movement. I felt her twice in a row at about 1130 or so yesterday morning and didn't feel her again until 10 pm last night. I tried everything. I drank orange juice, put the laptop on my belly (she hates that and will usually start trying to kick it off!) and even poked and prodded me belly and got no response. Man I wish I still had that doppler!!


Keep me posted!!!

May 18, 2009 at 8:19 AM  

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