
Tonight we went to walmart to get a few things and while we were checking out the cashier asked me when I was due. I must admit, I was caught off-guard. I haven't heard this question much with this pregnancy. I told her I was due in September and she looked at my belly with wide eyes and said something "oh wow, are you sure there ain't two in there?" I just smiled and said "Yes, there's just one." If it weren't for the fact that EVERYBODY asked me this when I was pregnant with Braxton...I might have been annoyed, but I'm used to it. I was just thrilled that I looked pregnant! To me I just feel fat...it hasn't quite hit me that I have a baby bump yet. I was the same way with Braxton. I swore I was fat as a cow up til like 5-6 months then when I was standing in front of a mirror I noticed my huge pregnant belly and reality set in. Anyways, Josh stepped in and said we'll probably end up with a big baby because Braxton was 10 lbs 5 oz and her mouth dropped open. "I feel sorry for you. My babies were only 6 pounds and I thought I was gonna die!!" she said. I told her, its pretty rough but it's worth it!

Oh and if I look like I am carrying twins when I'm only pregnant with ONE I would hate to see me actually carrying twins. I'm sure I would be asked if I was having a whole litter.


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