Todays ultrasound went great!
She's grown so much in just 6 weeks. Last time we saw her (16 wks) she weighed 6 ounces, now she is 15 ounces. Almost a full pound! She was so cute during the ultrasound. She sure is flexible! The whole time she had herself in these crazy positions. (Knees to nose, feet behind her head & holding them with her hands.) It was neat. I found out the woman who did my ultrasound was the same one who had to give me an u/s at 9 weeks with my 2nd pregnancy. I didn't even recognize her. She acted completely different. At my m/c ultrasound she wouldn't turn the screen, wouldn't say anything and thats how I knew it was bad. This time she was talkative, happy, etc. Adelyn didn't really want to show us what was inbetween her legs but when the tech shook my belly with the doppler thing she started kicking back and we were able to see between them and she is definetly all girl! She is still breech. I just had to ask even though it doesn't matter. Her heartrate was 136. We got lots of pictures & I'll post them in a new blog. It's just easier that way.
I also had my 22 week checkup. I think its crazy how little the doctor actually does. The nurse weighed me (I gained some weight! Whoo! I'm now -5 lbs!) I asked if the weight loss was anything to worry about she said nope some women just lose weight, and that I had a toddler to chase around so that helps. Then had to give a pee sample like always. They got new dixie cups. Haha They are sturdier and larger and not like the small 2-3 oz ones you give children. LOL
Then the nurse checked my BP & listened to Addies heartbeat-it was 148. Then told me the doctor would be in soon. 5-10 minutes later Dr. Kimmel came in and measured my belly-told me she'd see me in a month for my glucose screening and then after that she'd see my twice a month.
I asked her about the weird mucuslike discharge I had and she told me it's totally normal, just changing hormones which explains why I cry over nothing all the time now. I asked when she usually Schedules c-sections and I don't think she understood the question. She just told me she does them 7-10 days before my due date. I guess she thought I asked when shhe PERFORMS them. I dunno. Hopefully we can schedule it soon. I'm anxious to know when Adelyns bday will be, & I hope I get to choose the day. But according to her answer that means I will be having Addie sometime between Sept 14-17th give or take a few days. I really hope its not the 17th. There are soooo many family bdays already on that day.
Anyways-everything went great today. :)
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