
Potty Training Frustration.

I always thought Braxton would be potty trained before he turned 2.
Now, here we are at 2 years + 2 months and he's still not potty trained.
Some days I think we are close, and others I think "He's never going to get this!!!!"

During the day I either let him run around naked or just have him in "big boy" underwear. These were the 2 most common suggestions/tips I have gotten on potty training. Apparently when you let them run around naked and they go pee on themselves they realize they don't like being wet or having pee on them. (This is a messy method!) The big boy underwear is pretty much the same way-they notice they are wet and don't like it!

My experience with these methods so far:

Nakie method:
When I let Braxton run around naked and he starts to pee it doesn't bother him. He moves around so he makes a big mess all over the place or he trys to "aim" into a toy. Pretty much doesn't phase him at all. The worst part-when he goes poo-poo he comes and shows me, says "Ewwww" and wants to be cleaned up. Which I guess is better than when he goes poopoo in his diaper. He won't let me clean him up so I have to chase him down and race to get it all cleaned up and a new diaper on before I get kicked in the stomach.

Big Boy underwear method:
We've only used this method a few times. When he comes to me immediatly and says "wet" and wants to be cleaned up/dry right away. Luckily he's never gone #2 in them...yet.

I think our biggest problem right now is he needs to tell me BEFORE he goes potty, not after. Another thing-when I can tell he is pooping and I ask him if he is going poo he tells me no, so I go ahead and ask if he wants to go sit on the potty and he says no. Then a few minutes later I have to change him. Yet sometimes he will tell me he already went potty and tell me to "Look" and points to his butt so I check and theres nothing there.

Today he came to me and said "poo-poo" so I asked if he needed to go sit on the potty and he shook his head yes. So I sat him on the big potty (he HATES his potty chair-so we bought one of those toilet insert thingys that make the seat smaller.) He sat there a little bit, grinning, grabbed the toilet paper and wiped. Yet he didn't go potty. Then he wanted down so I set him down and asked if he was done. He said "no, poopoo" so I sat him back up there, he just played around and this continued for about ten minutes. Up, down, up, down. Now if we weren't potty training I would have just given up and walked away figuring he was just playing around, but I didn't want him to actually have to go and then end up going on the floor or something so I kept at it for awhile until it was obvious he wasnt even TRYING to go potty. So I put a pull up on him and he still hasn't went yet. It was so frustrating, mainly because I can't pick him up (I've been instructed not to by my doctor) yet I picked him up several times and set him on the potty and it hurtttttt! He's 40 lbs!!! That was tough before I was pregnant but now its awful trying to pick him up! Especially now that my hips/back/inner thighs hurt really bad.

Ahhh I wish potty training was easier!!


I'm a parent educator and bring developmental info to parents in their homes. The research shows that children aren't ready to be reliably potty trained until 2 1/2 because the muscles that control the bladder and sphincter (to help them "hold it") aren't finished developing until that age. So even if they understand the concept, they will still have accidents. It's a normal part of brain development. Just like most babies learn to walk around 12 months (with the range being 9-15 months), this is the average age of potty training. Hang in there! Just keep talking about it, reading books, and teaching him about it, but he's going to have accidents for a few more months b/c his body simply isn't ready yet.

May 22, 2009 at 1:25 PM  

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