Leakey boobs.
Yep. About a week ago I noticed a little bit coming out, just a few drops but today, I was cleaning the bathtub and was leaning/putting pressure on my boobs when I started feeling wet spots, I look at my shirt and I have 2 medium sized round circles right where my nips are. CRAZY!!!
I really don't remember this happening so early with Braxton! I think I was 7, 8 months when I started leaking enough to leave circles on my shirts! What's even worse is when I saw them and then investigated by squeezing more out (sorry tmi! lol) I felt nauseous. I was seriously thinking "omg how gross" I am planning on breastfeeding so I feel almost guilty for thinking this was so disgusting. LOL
I hope this feeling goes away before my milk comes in.
Ahhh! That's crazy!
Samantha said...
May 22, 2009 at 1:26 PM