...came in the mail today! Yahh!
Here is the hat.
Originally: $6.50
I got it for: $.84!!
Here is the 'shirt.'
Originally: $8.50
I got it for: $3.39
Here are the shorts.
Originally: $12.50
I got them for: $3.39
The white tank top I've had for awhile but I think it looks super cute with the rest of the outfit!
The total was only: $13.26. They have $5 flat rate shipping so that isn't too bad! :)
*Now there is a SUPER cute outfit I want to get for Braxton that is only 28.00!!*
They are having ANOTHER sale so there are 2 sales going on at once! :D
3 nights in a row I have lost pieces of my mucus plug.
Whats weird though is it's only after DTD. I guess it gets, uh, dislodged from all the 'action' up there and then comes out when everything else does.
It looks waaay different than the MP I lost with DS. With DS it was thick, yellowish snot looking stuff. This time it is thick clearish-yellowish, gel-like and is kind of stretchy.
I asked my grandma what hers looked like (since she has had 5 kids!!) and she described it as sometimes being snot like and sometimes being gel like so now I know for sure this is mucus plug I'm losing!
How exciting! lol
We just got back from walking 7 blocks...not much, but as much as I could handle! As you know, walking is another way we're trying to induce labor.
I've heard women on the FF Sept. boards talk about how 'sore' their uterus felt after ctx but I never truly understood what they meant...
Until tonight.
It seriously feels like I did waaaay too many sit ups and then got punched in the uterus. I am sooo sore! My whole body is sore but especially my uterus! Ow! I had several contractions though...obviously nothing real since they have stopped now, but hey-maybe those ctx are dialating my cervix?
I'm not sure how much longer I can do this walking thing. It's Day 1 and I'm exhausted!!
DH & I are trying to naturally induce labor using sex & walking.
We're hoping Addie will come a bit earlier than Sept 17th since thats kind of a bad day for her to be born on (too many family birthdays!!) We want her to have her own bday. My doctor already told me if I go into labor she will take the baby. So we started trying to get her out! I decided to start at 36 weeks since I'm 1 week from full term plus I figured it would take over a week for anything to actually 'happen.'
Well tonight after DTD I was cleaning up and noticed some clear jelly like stuff on the tp. I touched it and it was very gelanous (sp?) in texture. Pretty positive it is mucus plug for sure this time. It now comes out in small chunks every time I wipe. DH also said he noticed a bit of blood when he was cleaning up. Though I'm pretty sure that was from my cervix and the MP wasn't blood tinged.
Also had a couple strong contractions during and after DTD.
FX something happens soon-but Addie, can you wait until Thursday perhaps? Mommy has to get her hair done before we go to the hospital. ;)
I could just scream!
DS has been so whiny, clingy and needy the past week. I'm not sure what his problem is! Maybe he's starting to realize baby sissy is really coming soon? I have no idea.
Every 5 minutes he is tugging on my arm/sleeve saying "Ma, Ma, Ma." , "Ma Loook!" "Ma play!", "Ma eat!', "Ma read" "Ma get up!!"
I play with him, I try to give him attention but he can't have it 24/7. He's recently got interested in reading so I read to him. But half the time he asks me to read he gives me a book, he grabs one and reads to himself and then leaves the room. So I put my book down and if he comes back and sees that I'm not reading it he completely flips out.
I can't sit down for 10 minutes without him pulling on me telling me to get up.
For 20 minutes now he has been asking for something to eat. I go in the kitchen with him and ask what he wants. He opens the refrigerator and looks around. I suggest things in there that he could have. Applesauce, grapes, juice, cheese. He says no to it all. He stands there and looks. I impatiently sit down in a nearby chair. Then I hear wails and screams "Maaa Wait!!! Eat!" So I get up and tell him he needs to close the refrigerator door if he doesn't see anything in there he wants. He points to the cabinets. Again, I suggest things in there he could have for snacktime. He refuses it all. He then wants me to pick him up so he can see what is in there. I tell him mommy can't pick him up because it hurts mommy. He throws himself on the floor and starts throwing a tantrum. I walk out of the room. He stops crying and comes to get me. We go back into the kitchen and he points to the freezer now. I ask him what he wants. He doesn't say anything, just points. I tell him everything in there he could have. He doesn't want any of it. He wants me to pick him up so he can see. I tell him no. The tantrum starts again. I tell him to get up, stop crying and tell me what he wants to eat. He stands up and says "waffle." I tell him we don't have any waffles and the fit continues. Sigh. He rolls on the floor, whining for a good 5-10 minutes. I can tell he's sleepy.
I'm just so frustrated. It's like I can't get 5 minutes to myself anymore. He wants attention constantly and thats just not possible to give him. It's going to be even LESS possible once Addie gets here and thats got me worried.
I feel bad that I have no patience with him today...I almost feel guilty for having baby #2 because that means he's going to have to share me and my attention. I'm worried he's going to feel jealous and start acting up more. Thats just what I need. A newborn and a jealous, cranky toddler.
I think DS & I both need a good long nap. :(
By now, your baby's head may have engaged into your pelvis.
You may feel that your baby occasionally has hiccups from his "practice breathing".
Though your baby is considered full term, he is still growing and developing both his body and his brain.
He is still laying down fat at a rate of more than half an ounce every day.
Pressure on your ribs and internal organs will ease when your baby engages. This is known as "lightening" and breathing and eating usually become easier again once this happens.
Your uterus is putting increased pressure on your bladder, though, so you will probably have to go to the bathroom even more often!
Your baby is still growing, so even though he has dropped, you will probably feel his feet on your breastbone again before the end of your pregnancy.
You will probably not gain much more weight during your pregnancy, but you feel pretty uncomfortable by now.
You're probably wishing this baby would be born already!
How far along? 36 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: Still just 4 lbs.
Any new maternity clothes? Nope
Any new stretch marks? Probably
Sleep: It's actually gotten a bit better. It's just the rolling over part that sucks.
Best moment this week: Getting lots of baby clothes! It gave me something to do! (wash, fold,put away,daydream of the day I finally get to dress her in all this cute stuff.)
Movement: Oh gosh. I can really feel everything she does now. I don't think she could flinch a toe without me feeling it. She's constantly tumbling around in there. Newest thing: sticking her feet in my ribs. LOVELY!
Food cravings: nothing really
Gender: Girl
Labor Signs: None really. The BH contractions have really slowed down. Occasionally get some cramping. Head is engaged though & I'm 1 cm dilated.
Belly Button in or out? In
What I miss: Not being pregnant, sleeping in any position I want, being comfortable.
What I am looking forward to: September 17th
Weekly Wisdom: Cant think of anything
Milestones: I think I'm considered 9 months now?
Addies shoe collection will not be complete until she has a pair of these:
How cute!! I must have them. :)
Okay. So you all probably know that Addies room has basically been finished for awhile. Everything has been put away, washed, etc.
But now....I'm going crazy. Since yesterday I have been completely re-organizing everything. Moving stuff around. Sorting things by color, size, shape, design!!! Am I nuts?
Receiving blankets=sorted by color/design/size.
Blankets=sorted by TYPE of blanket
Clothes=sorted by size, type of outfit (dress, shirt, onesie, sleeper) and color!
I have completely emptied out her dresser, moved it all around into different places. Same with her closet. Aghh!
I can't stop! It's like, if things aren't organized by size,color, etc she CAN'T come because I won't be "ready."
I'm not sure why, but its insane.
Yesterday Josh came home from work with moooore gifts for little Miss Addie. His coworker Lindsey (who is due just a week after me) stopped by the bank and left a gift for us while we were at my doctor appointment! How sweet!
I absolutley LOVE gowns like this!!! Best thing ever!
The other gown, and then a layette set. (hat, bib, shoes, and a sleeper than can be turned into a gown or just buttoned up for a footless sleeper.)
I cannot wait for Addie to get here! I'm sooo ready to see her wear all this cute stuff I've been getting!!!
I had my 36 week check up today. Somewhat uneventful.
I am seriously SHOCKED I did not gain any weight. I have been on a "junk food kick" for about a week now...Yet in 2 weeks I didn't gain a pound! So my total weight gain is still only 4 lbs! Yea! I hope I can keep this up!
I had the GBS test today. (fun) My doctor does it different than most. Before I went into the bathroom the nurse said, 'Oh wait, I have one more thing!" she followed me into the bathroom and I asked "The GBS test?" She looked shocked that I knew. "Yes, do you remember how to do it?" I said I'm pretty sure. So she handed me the long Q-tip & gel tube thingy and left. So I swabbed...um, both areas, peed in a cup and gave her both of them when I got out. I hope I'm not GBS+ again. I don't really want the antibiotics, they kind of stung a little last time.
The nurse then checked my blood pressure. I asked if its been normal so far and she said yes. (I'm not sure if I blogged about this the problem with my BP so if I haven't I guess you're hearing about it now.) I told her every now and then when I'm sitting down my heart starts to race and skip beats, I get nauseous, light headed and start having hot flashes. Then I told her on Saturday I checked my BP and it was 86 over 59. Loooow. She told me to ask the dr about it so I did when she came in the room. She said when I was describing my symptoms she was thinking low blood pressure. She said when it happens to move around, wiggle my legs and stuff and that should help.
The nurse checked Addies heartbeat. It was 164!! (the past few times its been 148.) She was moving around alot though so I think that's why.
Then the nurse left and the doctor came in. She measured the uterus height then felt for the head. I know Addie is head down now so I asked her if her head was engaged at all because I've been feeling lots of strange movements wayyy down low in my pelvis and alot of pressure and discomfort...sometimes when I walk it feels like her heads just going to pop out. lol. She said yes her head is engaged (didn't give me a station though) but she said it can always "pop" back out. (??) I've never heard that before.
Then I asked her if she could guess Addies weight at birth. (She did this with Braxton and was pretty close. She did it when I was around 40 weeks and guessed 9 lbs but then he stayed in for 12 more days and weighed 10 lbs 5 oz. So had he come on time I bet she would have been right!) She guessed Addie would be around 8 lbs at birth. So I did the math. (Babies gain 1/2 lb a week in the last weeks) so since she guesses 8 lbs and I have 3 weeks left, 8 lbs minus 1.5 lbs equals 6.5 lbs (what Addie would weight right NOW, if the drs guess is right.) ;)
That's about it. I go back in 2 weeks. I don't think I will get weekly appointments since I'm having a csection. I also won't be having any internals.
My appointments are pretty boring...LOL.
Well. My cousin was right! She DID have more clothes to give me so I went over to her house last night while Josh was in class. She gave me a laundry basket & large tub FULL of clothes! By request I have added pictures of not everything, but alot of the stuff I got!
cute :)
pile of clothes from batch #2
My cousin text me today and asked if I wanted to come over and go through all the clothes her daughter outgrew! She dresses her daughter so cute so I couldn't resist. ;)
I left with a laundry hamper FULL of clothes. 0-3 through 6-9 months. This is the same cousin who gave me a laundry basket FULL of clothes & shoes last time!
Most of the stuff she gave me this time is brand new, some stuff still had tags on it! Apparently she had sooo many baby clothes that her daughter couldn't wear them all. Alot of the stuff is soooo cute! I will have to take pics and post them later.
Even better news-she has about 4 laundry baskets and huge storage tubs full of clothes she STILL needs to go through so she is bringing more by tonight.
It's an incredible blessing!! I'm so excited!
I think I may have lost a small piece of my mucous plug...but I'm not sure! When I went to the bathroom earlier I noticed a small clump of something white in my undies. So of course I had to investigate. I rubbed it between my fingers and the white stuff came off but there was still a clump of something clearish-yellow (best way to describe the color is it looked kinda like a booger!) It was a little stretchy and felt like rubber cement that had dried.
It's hard to compare it to my previous pregnancy. When I lost it with DS it was just a clump of it in the toilet after I peed so I couldn't really tell the color/consistency of it too well.
I'm trying not to get 'too' excited. It may not be the plug, it may be. I have no idea. Even if it is that doesn't mean I'll go into labor before my csection date. Not really an indicator of anything.
Guess we'll see.
Josh is taking me on a date! :)
He secretly arranged for my grandma to watch Braxton and told me about it yesterday so I would have him ready! (So unlike him! I usually have to ask for someone to watch him...well actually I usually have to BEG dh just to take me out!!) So this is so exciting!!
We're going to dinner at the Texas Roadhouse and then going to see The Time Travelers Wife. I can't wait!
I'm going to be able to scratch 2 things off my list in one night! ;)
..Unless I decide to take a bubble bath too! ;) ;)
Gotta go get ready!
AHHHH! Most $3.99 & up though some things like hats and shoe laces are 99 cents!!
Go check it out! :D
I've got 3 things picked out (waiting for approval from DH) and the total (shipping included) is only $15! :)
(Edited to add: Found a promo code for 15% off! Use code: FA79 )
It's really starting to hit me.
I'm going to be having my baby in less than a month. 27 days or LESS! I'm soo hoping she decides to come early. Once I'm term she can come ANY time she wants! ;)
It's encouraging to know I'm actually dilated! I hope I keep it up. This week we're going to start walking & DTD to help move things along. When I was pregnant with DS I was dilated to a 1 for 5 weeks! I don't want that again. I've only got 4 weeks left! I'm hoping my dr will do internals even though I'm having a csection. I'd like to know if I'm effacing at all but I don't know how to check for that! I'm kind of excited though-a girl on the FF sept boards was dilated to a 1 & like 30-40% effaced at her 36 wk appointment and then had her baby a few days later! Just goes to show it can be any day or several weeks! Now I'm just waiting to lose my MP. If I do that is, with DS I didn't lose it til I was induced & dilated to a 4. Send me some dilation & effacement vibes! :)
Knowing its so close has me both excited and nervous. I'm of course excited to meet my little girl but there are so many worries going through my head. 'What will Braxton think of her? Will he be jealous? How will I do with 2 kids at home by myself? What if breastfeeding doesn't work out? I really don't want to Formula Feed again" and then I'm scared of the surgery. Yes, I've had it before but last time it was all so quick I didn't have 9 months to adjust to the fact that I'm going to be CUT OPEN. I had a few hours. It was easier that way, I still haven't really adjusted to that fact. Then, after my cousins c-section delivery I'm even more terrified. A little over a year ago she had a c-section. Same doctor as me, same hospital, different anethesiologist. When the doctor started cutting into her she could feel EVERYTHING and had to be given a spinal block. (Which let me add: when the dr came in before the surgery to discuss things with her I was telling her she would probably get an epidural AND a spinal block...b/c thats what I got for mine. The dr said no, an epidural is all...and then my cousin started to feel everything and what did she get? A spinal block.)
Anyways, I'm also starting to realize all the things I won't be able to do for 6-8 weeks because of the c-section. So I've started making a list and am trying to do them all before Addie comes. All I have so far:
-Take a bubble bath (Can't submerge body in water for 6-8 wks after a csection) =(
-DTD with DH (Obvious reasons)
-Go on a date (We barely manage to get a date night with just one kid, whats gonna happen with 2?)
That's all I have so far.
27 more days! AHHHHH!
So there is a thread on the Sept boards about checking your own cervix. I had tried a few times with no luck so I got DH to try a few times.
The first time-nothing.
The second time-kinda low, hard, closed.
The third time-high, soft, closed. (this was 3-4 days ago)
I'm thinking DH just didn't know what he was looking for, either that or I've made a large amount of progress in 3 days!
I just checked myself and could reach and....
My cervix is high. VERY "squishy" and I'm thinking between 1-2 cm dilated. I could fit my finger in and had a little extra room.
Glad to see my body DOES know what it's doing! ;)
Your baby now feels lower in your pelvis.
Your baby continues to grow, kick, and move about.
Your baby's face has filled out and the cheeks now look plump and full. Fat baby cheeks are caused by fat deposits, but also by powerful sucking muscles which your baby has been honing by sucking her thumb.
Your baby's skull is firm, but it is not hard as it needs to give a little when it is passing through the birth canal.
Your baby's head is probably down by now, but about three percent of babies present in a breech (bottom down) position. Your doctor may try to turn your baby around if it is in a breech position by putting pressure on your abdomen. This is called external cephalic version (ECV) and is effective in about 50% of cases. If your baby is in a breech position, ask your doctor about what your options are for the birth. You may or may not require a cesarean delivery.
You will probably now see your doctor or midwife once a week.
Now that the baby has settled lower in your abdomen, you may find breathing to be easier again. However, because your baby is now putting even more pressure on your bladder, you will have to urinate more frequently.
You may have gained up to 30 pounds or more by this point.
You are probably starting to get tired of being pregnant and you are probably focused on the birth ahead of you.
It may feel like you have been pregnant forever and you just want the baby out. (*YES!*)
How far along? 35 weeks! (WOW!)
Total weight gain/loss: According to my last appointment just 4 lbs
Any new maternity clothes? Nope. It would be nice since like NOTHING fits me anymore, but I only have 4 weeks left so its not worth it.
Any new stretch marks? Oh yeah. :( I guess since they cant go up any higher they decided to go VERTICAL on my stomach. Who's ever heard of that? Luckily they are colorless but...I still feel like a checkerboard!
Sleep: Not fun.
Best moment this week: getting my csection date! (or was that last week?) Who cares! I'm still excited! ;)
Movement: Yep. Now that she's head down I feel her head waaay down in my pelvis. It feels like a snake the way it moves. Ick!
Food cravings: SWEETS! Oh my gosh. I just made brownies and ate like half the pan the other night! Watch-you'll see it when I go to the dr next Tuesday. Probably up 4 lbs in the last 2 weeks.
Gender: Girl!
Labor Signs: Braxton Hicks and strong menstrual cramps
Belly Button in or out? In
What I miss: walking. I hate that when I walk I go "side to side" in a waddle walk instead of just walking normally. Definetly another reason I can't wait to not be pregnant anymore! lol
What I am looking forward to: My doctors appointment, aside from having Addie its the only thing I really CAN look forward to.
Weekly Wisdom: Call your hospital (or take a tour of it) and be sure to ask what they supply for you and the baby. Some things you won't need to bring. Example, my hospital provides gowns, pads, mesh panties, toilitries and breastfeeding help (lanolin, nipple shields, sugar water) for the mom and provides a tshirt, receiving blankets, aspirator, brush/comb, diapers, and paci for the baby. But not wipes. It will help to know whats provided for when you're ready to pack your hospital bag.
Milestones: Almost being done with this pregnancy! Woo! lol
MY guess= 7 lbs 14 oz (more like wishful thinking) ;)
Leah-5 lbs 1 oz
Angela-6 lbs 5 oz
Daddy-6 lbs 6 oz
Amber-6 to 7 lbs
Kara-7 lbs 5 oz
Susan-7 lbs 7 oz
Jennifer-7 lbs 9 oz
Jessica M-7 lbs 10 oz
Rob-8 lbs 2 oz
Samantha-8 lbs 2 oz
Mommy-8 lbs 3 oz
Haylie-8 lbs 4 oz
Jessica C-8 lbs 6 oz
Tiffany-8 lbs 7 oz
Shealynn-8 lbs 8 oz
Amanda-8 lbs 11 oz
Season-9 lbs 4 oz
Josh-9 lbs 5 oz
Thats all I have so far. I'll keep adding to the list as I get more guesses. I'm trying to add the list to a side bar on my blog but my computer is messing up/freezing alot today so I can't get it to work.
When I first started going to Liberty Church last July, there was no Sunday school for children. The church was small. Probably just 10-15 people attended each Sunday. Braxton was the only child so there really wasn't a need for a Sunday school, though they did have a room in the back full of toys. Most of the time he would just stay with me during service but as he got older and needed to move around more he became disruptive and I would often have to take him to the back room to play. It upset me because I felt I was missing out on church. I didn't see a point in coming to church if all I did was sit in the back and watch Braxton. I could do that at home. Several times I thought about leaving the church and staying home with Braxton. It seemed easier. But Josh kept encouraging me to just wait it out, that someone would come along and volunteer to be the Sunday school teacher. I was doubtful but kept going.
A few months ago, our prayers were answered. A woman in our church, Cindy, offered to be the Sunday School teacher. So the church bought a little cabin to stick outside to use as the classroom. What a blessing it has been! We now have about 4-5 children in the church now so it couldn't have come at a better time! When Cindy took over as the teacher I was skeptical. She said she Braxton wasn't too young to recite memory verses. I thought, "He can barely speak! Can't speak in sentences at all. It's not going to happen!"
About once a month or so Cindy gives the children a verse to remember. Then the following Sunday before service starts, they are to recite it to the whole church. Braxton has participated once or twice, when he got the microphone he would just start talking gibberish in it.
But this Sunday...he really blew my mind! The children walked to the front to recite their verses, Braxtons cousin Brent went first, then his cousin Brittney, Then it was Braxtons turn. Cindy knelt down next to him and whispered in his ear what to say. Braxton grabbed the microphone and said "God is Love" (1 John 4:8) Now I know it wasn't from memory, but it was just so sweet!! I almost started crying. My eyes filled up with tears as I laughed in amazement. Then Brody, the oldest, went and said 4 or 5 different verses. Amazing. I love that there is now a place the children can go to during church to learn about God instead of just sitting in the back coloring or playing with toys. After they all said their verses Cindy had them all hold hands in a circle for a prayer. When the prayer was over Braxton turned around and said "Amen!!" Cutest thing ever.
I'm looking forward to more of this kind of stuff. It makes my heart so full of joy and love, I can't even begin to describe it. :)
I'm asking all my friends and family how much they think Addie will weight at birth. I need something fun to do/organize so this is how I am entertaining myself. ;)
If it helps:
-She will be born at 39 weeks.
-She was estimated to weigh 3 lbs 7 oz at 30 weeks.
-Braxton weighed 10 lbs 5 oz & was born at 41 weeks and 5 days.
Give me your guesses! :)
Okay. I've been worrying about some things and really need to get them off my chest/get advice possibly.
So in a older blog post I mentioned how last December my parents split up. My mom was doing all kinds of crazy things trying to act like a teenager again. They filed for divorce but cancelled the day before court. My mom said she wanted to come back (shes the one that left, obviously) so my dad said okay and she moved back in...didn't work out.
She lived there for several months, sponging off my dad. She didn't help pay any of the bills, didn't clean and for the last couple of months she lived there never came home for weeks at a time. She moved into my old room so thats where she slept when she DID come home. She got a boyfriend and started spending all her time with him. She's been with him for a few months-I heard he just got out of prison. (My mom really knows how to pick 'em)
I've met him (Ryan) a few times. She has brought him over to my house which I am very unhappy about and even made out with him on my couch. In front of Braxton!! NOT COOL! Braxton still thinks "mama" belongs with "pa" It's confusing for him.
Also, mom moved back out of my dads. She is now living with her boyfriend who is 28 years old & still lives with his mother. (btw my mom is nearly 40!) ick!
It's now August and my mom has a boyfriend. my dad has a girlfriend and they are still freaking married!!!! No divorce plans in sight.
Now that you know the short version of the story here are my worries:
1.) I'm afraid my mom is going to try to bring her BF with her to the Hospital when I have Addie. I don't want him there. I don't like him, don't trust him, he gives me the creeps and not to mention I'm going to have tons of family there (including my dad) and it would be way akward. My mom has gotten so crazy/unpredictable even my grandma & dad believe that she is going to try to bring him with her (they are together all the time.) I need to talk to her beforehand about this, I've just been putting it off. I'm not sure what to say or how she will handle it.
2.) My mom & I were just texting. She asked me what days I needed her help after the baby comes. I told her I didn't know but that I would be in the Hospital the 17th through the 19th or 20th so I wouldn't need her then. Apparently she thought she was watching Braxton. Last time she was over I was talking about all I needed to get done, one of the things being-find a baby sitter for brax while I'm in the hospital. She said " I might be able to but I don't know yet. I'm looking for my own place so if I find a place I can watch him.) Well a couple weeks ago I was freaking out about finding a sitter so I asked my MIL. She had already planned on watching him (even though I knew nothing of it) so problem solved. My mom found this out today and got mad because she thought she was watching him. She JUST NOW told me she "may have" found a place of her own. Sorry but thats just not good enough! Not to mention once she gets this place of her own you can guess who will either 1) be over all the time or 2) move in with her. Ryan. I will not allow Braxton to go over there if either of those are a possiblity. Which brings me to my next worry:
3.) I know if my mom does get her own place she will of course want to watch Addie. Which absolutley will NOT happen ever!! I don't trust her or her BF. My mom has been using drugs for several years, ever since she was pregnant with my little brother, just weed though, but since she moved out of my dads she has been getting into much heavier stuff. She will not be watching Braxton or Addie as long as she is seperated from my dad. Even if she did get clean I wouldn't let her watch either of them b/c of Ryan. When I was a toddler I was sexually assulted by one of my moms boyfriend. I do not want the same to happen to my daughter. As of right now the ONLY person allowed to watch her is my grandma. So my worry is: how do I tell my mom shes not allowed to watch adelyn? I'm stressing out so bad because I have all these things swirling around in my head and I don't know what to do. I'm not so good at being firm and direct about things but I know I'm just gonna have to suck it up and talk to her.
I mentioned in a previous post how I had some horrible cramps.
Well, thought I would give an update on that. They lasted for about 2 days. The first day it was just constant cramping. They felt like horrible menstrual cramps-well actually, my AF cramps NEVER got this bad so they were worse than menstrual cramps.
I also had several contractions. Pretty sure they were BH ctx though. My entire stomach would get hard with them but they were too far apart to time.
The 2nd day of cramping/contracting was a little better. And my better I mean the cramps actually went away sometimes but would come back. Again, didn't seem neccesary to time them.
Ever since then I've felt fine. Yesterday I had several contractions very close together over the course of about 10-15 minutes but then they stopped.
Last time I mentioned my cramping to the doctor they checked for a UTI, I didn't have one, and just told me they were probably BH ctx. So now I'm confused.
I'm having the cramping & what I know are actually contractions. They feel totally different from each other. I'm starting to wonder if one of them is BH ctx & the other is real ctx?
I'm certainly going to ask about this at my next appointment but I'm just so...confused!
I've never gone into labor on my own so I don't know what to expect, I'm not sure if this is normal or not. I had very few ctx with Braxton, maybe 2-3 that I could actually feel and I was dilated to a 1 by 36 wks. So I'm thinking these contractions are doing something! But theres no way to know since I won't be having any internals. Aghhh!! I wish I knew what to expect! I feel like a first timer!
I've noticed alot of moms on FF who are expecting #2(or more) are getting their child(ren) a gift "from the baby" and letting their child(ren) pick out something for the new baby. I thought that was a great idea and found a neat post on doing gift baskets with several small toys to keep them entertained. So this weekend I crossed that off my checklist! Check out what I got for Braxton:
(Also, thats not the basket I will be using. I'm having a hard time finding one I like that is a decent size so I used an old easter basket as an example of what it WILL look like.) :)
The basket
The toys spread out:
-Dinosaur coloring book
-Elmo book
-Doodle pad (I have no idea what they are called? They use that magnetic stuff & a pen?)
-Ninja Turtle (his new favorite thing!)
-Plastic army men
-Thomas the Train toy
-3 cars
Hopefully that will keep him somewhat entertained at the hospital while baby sissy is getting most of the attention.
He also picked out a toy for baby sissy. They're water toys, kinda look like teething toys. I also want him to pick out a stuffed animal for her, like her very first teddy bear or something but I have yet to find any cute stuffed animals around here.
So this is something I must add to my hospital bag list.
Also just a thought-maybe it would be cuter if I used a small back pack with oen of his favorite charactors on it? Then he could carry them around in it and it could also double as his overnight bag when he stays with the grandparents. Just a thought. Let me know your opinions. :)
I feel miserable.
I didn't sleep well. Every time I tried to roll over something in my lower back popped out of place and made me cry out. Happened 3-4 times that I can actually remember. So now my back is sore, it hurts to walk.
My contractions are KILLING me. They are very low, and feel like horrible cramps.
I've been nauseated for several days now.
I'm getting tired of little Addie moving. It hurts mommy. I can feel her head moving way down in my pelvis and it's a painful/freaky feeling. Every other kick, punch and roll is torturous. It hurts SO BAD.
When I walk I feel like she's going to fall out. It's like I have a bowling ball stuck...up there.
Sorry for my rant. I just feel awful and DH doesn't like to hear me 'complain.'
(I bet if he carried a watermelon under his shirt for ONE day he would be crying like a little girl.) ;)
I'm getting excited. I probably shouldn't be because it may get my hopes up but oh well! I actually think I *may* be able to go into labor on my own!
If you don't know already when I was pregnant with DS I had maybe ONE BH contraction my whole pregnancy. I was never really in pain or anything. At 36 weeks I found out I was dilated to a 1....and I stayed that way until I was induced at 41.5 weeks!! Was never effaced and I'm not even sure if he ever dropped. When I was induced I was put on the highest (legal) amount of pitocin and STILL only dilated to a 4 over the course of 12 hours! So they took me off of it so I could sleep and started it back up the next day at 7 am & I stayed on it until 3-4 pm when my doctor decided I needed to have a c-section because I had not made any progress.
K. Now you know the story of Braxton.
This time...I have BH contractions all the freaking time! Walking makes it sooo much worse. We went to walmart last night to get a few things. We were only in there for 20-30 minutes and I was in so much discomfort it was unreal. Contractions. Pressure. I could feel her head moving waayyy down low in my pelvis and I felt extreme pressure on my butt. Now I'm not sure what all this labor stuff is like, or what it feels like when you're body is preparing for labor..I just know I never experienced it with Braxton. Maybe my body DOES know what to do!
Around 35 weeks DH & I decided we are going to "help" labor along by, well sex & lots of walking. As I mentioned in an earlier post the c-section date I have is well, not a very good one for us but it was the earliest I could get. (but my doctor said if I went into labor before then she would not stop it she would just do the csection.) We both have plans that weekend which we would prefer not to cancel. We are really hoping for just a few days before the 17th. Like around the 14th. So we're going to do what we can & if it works, great! If not, thats okay. God has a plan. He already knows the day little Addie will be born, and if he wants us (Dh & I) at the conference our church is having he will find a way for us to be there! :)
Anyways, just sharing my 'exciting' news. I hope all the pain & stuff I'm feeling really means something. I also feel sharp, shooting pains through my cervix which I have heard can be your cervix dilating? I hope so. Unfortunatly there is no way to know since most likely I won't get internals this time...
I made a list of stuff I need to pack in my bag. Let me know if you see I left something out. It feels like I'm forgetting something.
*Remember it may seem excessive but I'll be in the Hospital for 3 days and DH will be staying there with me. The hospital is about 20 minutes away so it would be easier if DH didn't run back and forth.*
For me:
*3-4 changes of (comfy and large) clothes including shirts that make breastfeeding easier (easy access) and pants that come up high to avoid rubbing of my incision.
*several pairs of high waisted underwear
*nursing bra(s)
*MY pillow. The hospital pillows don't have a right to be called pillows! (lol)
*Boppy pillow
*nursing pads (disposables)
*travel size shampoo + cond.
*travel size body wash & loofah
*make up
*blow dryer & chi flat iron
(Hospital provides gowns, large pads)
For DH:
*3 changes of clothes
*socks + underwear
For Baby:
*sleepers/gowns (the hospital only provides a shirt)
*socks and mittens
*coming home outfit
*a few burp cloths
*a few (pretty) receiving blankets
*sensitive wipes (my hospital doesn't provide wipes but provides diapers.)
*baby book to get foot/hand prints in
(Hospital provides diapers, aspirator (sp?), shirt, receiving blankets, and a few other things I've forgot..)
Random stuff:
*Camera + charger
*Both our cell phones & chargers
*laptop & charger
*few plastic bags for soiled/bloody clothing and/or gifts we receive while staying
*cd player + mix cds (I want to have christian music playing at all times. It provides a calm, comforting atmosphere.)
*roll of quarters for vending machines
Am I missing anything? Is there anything you would add? I plan on packing all that I can today. Of course things like make up, clothes, toothbrush will have to be packed last minute.
My c-section is officially scheduled for September 17th at 7:30 A.M.!! The nurse just called! She said I will have to be at the hospital at 5 am though! Yikes!
I'm still secretly hoping Addie decides to come sooner...Say..September 13th? (Grandparents day! I thought that would be special!) :)
I'm so excited that I just have a month left!!
I had pretty much the worst dream ever last night.
I dreamed that I went into labor and had Addie. After she was born I kept asking to see her and the nurses wouldn't let me. I kept asking and asking and they finally told me she had died. I still asked to see her. I wanted to see what she looked like, and to hold her. The nurse warned me and said I really shouldn't look. I insisted though so she brought me Addie. In my dream, she looked like a baby of about 20-25 week gestation. She didn't have any fat built up and was just skin and bone but she was beautiful. Especially her nose and lips. I held her and just cried and cried.
The body was released for us to take home (WEIRD!) so we could set up funeral arrangements. I was released from the hospital as well.
I was at home laying down and all of a sudden my belly started jumping around. I thought that was incredibly odd and came to the conclusion that Addie had a twin! I immediatly called my doctor to tell her what I figured out. I explained that something inside of me was kicking! She told me thats completely normal after you give birth (WTH?!) and that Addie did not have a twin.
The rest of the dream is a blur. I remember crying alot in the dream. It was terrifying and heartbreaking.
How far along? 34 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: +2 lbs over the last 2 weeks TOTAL= +4 lbs
Any new maternity clothes? Yes! My grandma bought me a couple shirts after hearing how I'm in that stage where nothing fits...not even my maternity clothes! So I have 2 new shirts!
Any new stretch marks? Probably *rolls eyes*
Sleep: I believe the 3rd trimester is so incredibly horrible (when it comes to sleep) that its "training" you for when the baby gets here. Seriously-I'm not comfy, I can't enjoy sleep, I can't sleep more than a few hours without waking up. At least once Addie is here when I DO sleep it will be very cherished and I'll be so tired I won't be able to recognize discomfort.
Best moment this week: Finding out that Addie turned head down!! (but now her butt is like right below my boobs, it's so high up its uncomfortable to sit, eat, breathe.) Also finding out that I will be having addie Sept 17th. Not the date I wanted but at least I can see the end now!
Movement: Relativly quiet during the day. Only bounces around when I'm laying down or when I'm at church! :)
Food cravings: Still on the fritos & bean dip thing...you don't want to know how much of that stuff i've eaten. Also starting to want chocolate which is unusual for me.
Gender: Girl
Labor Signs: No. Contractions becoming more painful though.
Belly Button in or out? In
What I miss: being able to get out of bed without rolling off of it first.
What I am looking forward to: Having my baby girl! 5 more weeks! 35 more days! AhhH!
Weekly Wisdom: Go on lots of date nights with your DH before baby arrives! Go to movies, out to dinner, or just stay at home and enjoy each other! :)
Milestones: Having a csection date?
He continues to grow and fatten up, especially in the shoulder area, and kicks regularly.
The fine lanugo hair that covered your baby is shedding, though some may still be present when your baby is born.
Your baby's eyes are blue, though this may change soon after birth or much later after birth.
Your baby's fingernails are growing. They already reach the tips of his fingers and they may even look quite long and pointy by the time he is born. Your baby may even have some scratch marks from scratching his face with his fingernails.
Your baby is probably feeling quite cramped right now and his movements are restricted by his growing size.
You may have continued backache as you relax the muscles supporting the joints in the small of your back.
You probably feel cramped and heavy.
You will probably find it easier to eat a little bit, but often, rather than eating large meals since your stomach is compressed.
Your ankles may be swollen and you may be having a hard time moving around. You may be able to avoid or reduce the swelling of your ankles by getting extra rest and changing positions frequently.
You are probably experiencing emotional changes along with your physical symptoms of pregnancy. If this is your first birth, you are probably becoming increasingly concerned about labor and childbirth. There's no doubt about it, though: You can do it. Knowing what to expect though can help you to feel prepared and can help you have a better birth experience so read, talk to your friends and family, your doctor and your childbirth educator about your concerns.
My 34 week appointment was today, and finally-a little excitement!
1.) Addie is FINALLY head down! I'm so excited! I know since I'm having a c-section it doesn't really matter but that means no more cervix kicks! (but I have noticed my contractions have become much more painful..not sure if that's related or not..)
2.) I practically have my c-section date. It's not scheduled yet. The nurse is supposed to call today to see if they'll have room for me on...drumroll....September 17th!! This is the date the nurse told me I would most likely have & I asked her to change it because it's my brothers bday, my cousins daughters bday & a guy from our churchs bday. Thats too many birthdays! Buuuuut, when I asked the doctor about it, she told me they can no longer schedule c-sections before 39 weeks because of a new law that was passed so the 17th was the earliest date I could get. She gave me the choice of -the 17th, or -the 22nd. No freakin way I want to go to 39w5d! LOL
Also, I know many people think I'm absolutley crazy for this but, September 19th we are having several speakers from all over the country come for a womens conference that our church organizes every year. I know all of the ladies coming and just love them to death but we only see them about 1-2 times a year. Last time I saw them I was 12 weeks pregnant. Well, I am DETERMINED to go to this conference. I went last year and was so blessed by it. I will be 3 days PP and just being released from the hospital. I will most likely only go for the last half of it but its very important to me that I go. Also, when these ladies come down they bring their hubbys and stay all weekend and come to our church on Sunday. I thought it would be really special if they were all there for Addies dedication, so we planned to have it on Sunday the 20th. We let many of the ladies know and they are SO excited about it!! So hopefully this all works out so that I can go. My last csection was a BREEZE & I had no pain at all so I'm praying this one is the same way!
Anyways...back to the appointment stuff.
Not much else happened really. I gained 2 lbs so I'm now at +4 lbs.
Just waiting on the call from the nurse to let me know if she scheduled me for the 17th..I kinda have a feeling I won't get a call & will have to call her...but I'll wait it out and call tomorrow if I don't hear from her.
Well, today the bite is still very red. It's not really swollen it's more like, firm. It's also hot to the touch now, which is one of the things the nurse told me to look out for. So I tried calling my OB's office and guess what?
They close at noon on Fridays. It seems like this kinda stuff ALWAYS happens on Fridays so I have NO WAY to get ahold of my doctor.
She's the only dr in her practice, there's only one nurse, no on-calls, no after hour phone numbers. Aghhh! The ER around here is NO help when it comes to calling. Every time I call to see if I need to come in or not they tell me they can't give me medical advice.
So now I'm stuck. I don't know what to do.
DH doesn't get off work until 6 and he has the only car. I'm so frustrated and worried!
I called my OB office and spoke with the nurse. I described exactly how it felt when I got bit, what happened to it, how it looked and looks this morning, etc. She said as long as its not hot to the touch (its not), has streaks through it (doesn't) or is larger today than it was yesterday (its not) then she doesnt need to see me. She just told me to keep an eye on it.
How far along? 33 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: Won't know until next appointment. Last appointment I was only at +2 lbs.
Any new maternity clothes? No
Any new stretch marks? I'm sure. DH has pointed out a few new ones.
Sleep: I hate it. I can't roll over in bed without grabbing on to DH or the edge of the mattress to help turn. When I wake up in the mornings my sides ache sooo bad.
Best moment this week: Getting Addies room put together. We painted her dresser and re-organized everything. I can't wait til she's here!
Movement: She's pretty quiet during the days, it's just whenever I lay down that she starts jumping around like crazy. I've actually been seeing body parts stick out. I saw a knee, DH said he saw a foot.
Food cravings: Fritos and bean dip :)
Gender: Girl
Labor Signs: No. Contractions when I over work myself.
Belly Button in or out? In,but it looks weird
What I miss: That time about 8 months ago when I WASN'T pregnant...ughh. I'm seriously done. I hate pregnancy. I wish we could just order babies from the stork! ;)
What I am looking forward to: Having Addie!!
Weekly Wisdom: idk
Milestones: being 8 months pregnant? haha
Baby This Week:
Your baby weighs almost 5 lbs (2250 g) and is 12.8 inches (32cm) from crown to rump and about 19.8 inches (44cm) long.
If your baby were born now, she would be considered "pre-term" rather than premature. This distinction is based on fetal maturity, particularly the maturity of the fetal lungs. A pre-term baby, unlike a premature baby, is likely to have well-developed lungs and is less likely to need intensive care.
Your baby is surrounded by a red glow when sunlight shines on your belly and may be aware of this as she is able to differentiate between light and dark.
Your baby's hair is getting thicker, though it may be a different color when she is older.
She is currently shedding her lanugo, the fine downy hair that previously covered her body.
More vernix, the waxy coating that protects your baby's skin while submerged in amniotic fluid, is building up.
Your baby's adrenal glands are producing more steroid hormone, the androgen-like hormone that indirectly aids your milk production. Your baby is currently producing ten times more of this hormone than a normal adult and the adrenal glands are currently the same size as those of an adolescent. They will shrink after birth.
Your baby is laying down bone. To do this, she will draw calcium from you.
Your baby has taste buds and it has been suggested that she can taste and develop tastes for flavors found in the amniotic fluid, particularly flavors that you eat on a regular basis.
Mommy This Week:
Your baby is beginning to drop in your pelvis and you may have noticed that the shape of your abdomen has changed because of this. This may also cause increased pressure in your pelvic region.
While Braxton Hicks contractions are probably becoming more regular, you may also experience false labor. This is different from Braxton Hicks contractions because false labor, unlike Braxton Hicks, can be very painful. These contractions are irregular and usually last under 45 seconds and are not sustained. If you are unsure if you are experiencing false labor, you should contact your care provider.
If your water breaks, you should contact your doctor immediately.
You may have bloody show that occurs as the cervix stretches and dilates, especially right after a vaginal exam. You may also pass a mucus plug. Neither bloody show or passing the mucus plug necessarily indicates that labor will commence right away, but it will not be far away.
I want to learn how to sew.
I wonder how much sewing machines cost?
If I had one I could sew my own pillows, curtains, sheets.
Sounds like so much fun.