
36 week appointment

I had my 36 week check up today. Somewhat uneventful.

I am seriously SHOCKED I did not gain any weight. I have been on a "junk food kick" for about a week now...Yet in 2 weeks I didn't gain a pound! So my total weight gain is still only 4 lbs! Yea! I hope I can keep this up!

I had the GBS test today. (fun) My doctor does it different than most. Before I went into the bathroom the nurse said, 'Oh wait, I have one more thing!" she followed me into the bathroom and I asked "The GBS test?" She looked shocked that I knew. "Yes, do you remember how to do it?" I said I'm pretty sure. So she handed me the long Q-tip & gel tube thingy and left. So I swabbed...um, both areas, peed in a cup and gave her both of them when I got out. I hope I'm not GBS+ again. I don't really want the antibiotics, they kind of stung a little last time.

The nurse then checked my blood pressure. I asked if its been normal so far and she said yes. (I'm not sure if I blogged about this the problem with my BP so if I haven't I guess you're hearing about it now.) I told her every now and then when I'm sitting down my heart starts to race and skip beats, I get nauseous, light headed and start having hot flashes. Then I told her on Saturday I checked my BP and it was 86 over 59. Loooow. She told me to ask the dr about it so I did when she came in the room. She said when I was describing my symptoms she was thinking low blood pressure. She said when it happens to move around, wiggle my legs and stuff and that should help.

The nurse checked Addies heartbeat. It was 164!! (the past few times its been 148.) She was moving around alot though so I think that's why.

Then the nurse left and the doctor came in. She measured the uterus height then felt for the head. I know Addie is head down now so I asked her if her head was engaged at all because I've been feeling lots of strange movements wayyy down low in my pelvis and alot of pressure and discomfort...sometimes when I walk it feels like her heads just going to pop out. lol. She said yes her head is engaged (didn't give me a station though) but she said it can always "pop" back out. (??) I've never heard that before.

Then I asked her if she could guess Addies weight at birth. (She did this with Braxton and was pretty close. She did it when I was around 40 weeks and guessed 9 lbs but then he stayed in for 12 more days and weighed 10 lbs 5 oz. So had he come on time I bet she would have been right!) She guessed Addie would be around 8 lbs at birth. So I did the math. (Babies gain 1/2 lb a week in the last weeks) so since she guesses 8 lbs and I have 3 weeks left, 8 lbs minus 1.5 lbs equals 6.5 lbs (what Addie would weight right NOW, if the drs guess is right.) ;)

That's about it. I go back in 2 weeks. I don't think I will get weekly appointments since I'm having a csection. I also won't be having any internals.

My appointments are pretty boring...LOL.


I hope it goes well! I forgot about the thirsty thing... I remember after #3 everyone visiting in my room was drinking soda and I wanted something to drink SOOOO bad! My nurse actually brought me some soda too (less than 1 hour post-op).

Usually they just make you sip on ice chips for a while. It's a tease when all you want is a big glass of water!

August 25, 2009 at 3:46 PM  

Wait...so you had to swab YOURSELF for the GBS test?? The Dr. didn't do it for you? Awww, heck no! I will be laying down the law if they try to pull that crap with me. Eeeeeek!

And I learned in my childbirth class that the head can go back and forth in it's station (like go from +1 back to zero).

August 26, 2009 at 10:48 AM  

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