
Memory Verses

When I first started going to Liberty Church last July, there was no Sunday school for children. The church was small. Probably just 10-15 people attended each Sunday. Braxton was the only child so there really wasn't a need for a Sunday school, though they did have a room in the back full of toys. Most of the time he would just stay with me during service but as he got older and needed to move around more he became disruptive and I would often have to take him to the back room to play. It upset me because I felt I was missing out on church. I didn't see a point in coming to church if all I did was sit in the back and watch Braxton. I could do that at home. Several times I thought about leaving the church and staying home with Braxton. It seemed easier. But Josh kept encouraging me to just wait it out, that someone would come along and volunteer to be the Sunday school teacher. I was doubtful but kept going.

A few months ago, our prayers were answered. A woman in our church, Cindy, offered to be the Sunday School teacher. So the church bought a little cabin to stick outside to use as the classroom. What a blessing it has been! We now have about 4-5 children in the church now so it couldn't have come at a better time! When Cindy took over as the teacher I was skeptical. She said she Braxton wasn't too young to recite memory verses. I thought, "He can barely speak! Can't speak in sentences at all. It's not going to happen!"

About once a month or so Cindy gives the children a verse to remember. Then the following Sunday before service starts, they are to recite it to the whole church. Braxton has participated once or twice, when he got the microphone he would just start talking gibberish in it.

But this Sunday...he really blew my mind! The children walked to the front to recite their verses, Braxtons cousin Brent went first, then his cousin Brittney, Then it was Braxtons turn. Cindy knelt down next to him and whispered in his ear what to say. Braxton grabbed the microphone and said "God is Love" (1 John 4:8) Now I know it wasn't from memory, but it was just so sweet!! I almost started crying. My eyes filled up with tears as I laughed in amazement. Then Brody, the oldest, went and said 4 or 5 different verses. Amazing. I love that there is now a place the children can go to during church to learn about God instead of just sitting in the back coloring or playing with toys. After they all said their verses Cindy had them all hold hands in a circle for a prayer. When the prayer was over Braxton turned around and said "Amen!!" Cutest thing ever.

I'm looking forward to more of this kind of stuff. It makes my heart so full of joy and love, I can't even begin to describe it. :)


That is so precious. :)

August 19, 2009 at 8:58 AM  

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