
It's really starting to hit me.

I'm going to be having my baby in less than a month. 27 days or LESS! I'm soo hoping she decides to come early. Once I'm term she can come ANY time she wants! ;)

It's encouraging to know I'm actually dilated! I hope I keep it up. This week we're going to start walking & DTD to help move things along. When I was pregnant with DS I was dilated to a 1 for 5 weeks! I don't want that again. I've only got 4 weeks left! I'm hoping my dr will do internals even though I'm having a csection. I'd like to know if I'm effacing at all but I don't know how to check for that! I'm kind of excited though-a girl on the FF sept boards was dilated to a 1 & like 30-40% effaced at her 36 wk appointment and then had her baby a few days later! Just goes to show it can be any day or several weeks! Now I'm just waiting to lose my MP. If I do that is, with DS I didn't lose it til I was induced & dilated to a 4. Send me some dilation & effacement vibes! :)

Knowing its so close has me both excited and nervous. I'm of course excited to meet my little girl but there are so many worries going through my head. 'What will Braxton think of her? Will he be jealous? How will I do with 2 kids at home by myself? What if breastfeeding doesn't work out? I really don't want to Formula Feed again" and then I'm scared of the surgery. Yes, I've had it before but last time it was all so quick I didn't have 9 months to adjust to the fact that I'm going to be CUT OPEN. I had a few hours. It was easier that way, I still haven't really adjusted to that fact. Then, after my cousins c-section delivery I'm even more terrified. A little over a year ago she had a c-section. Same doctor as me, same hospital, different anethesiologist. When the doctor started cutting into her she could feel EVERYTHING and had to be given a spinal block. (Which let me add: when the dr came in before the surgery to discuss things with her I was telling her she would probably get an epidural AND a spinal block...b/c thats what I got for mine. The dr said no, an epidural is all...and then my cousin started to feel everything and what did she get? A spinal block.)

Anyways, I'm also starting to realize all the things I won't be able to do for 6-8 weeks because of the c-section. So I've started making a list and am trying to do them all before Addie comes. All I have so far:
-Take a bubble bath (Can't submerge body in water for 6-8 wks after a csection) =(
-DTD with DH (Obvious reasons)
-Go on a date (We barely manage to get a date night with just one kid, whats gonna happen with 2?)

That's all I have so far.

27 more days! AHHHHH!


Maybe freeze some meals and do your last minute cleaning since you won't be able to do much for awhile? I hope you have help and people offer to bring you meals and you have family to help out with housework!

August 21, 2009 at 2:07 PM  

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