
Another bite update

Well, today the bite is still very red. It's not really swollen it's more like, firm. It's also hot to the touch now, which is one of the things the nurse told me to look out for. So I tried calling my OB's office and guess what?

They close at noon on Fridays. It seems like this kinda stuff ALWAYS happens on Fridays so I have NO WAY to get ahold of my doctor.

She's the only dr in her practice, there's only one nurse, no on-calls, no after hour phone numbers. Aghhh! The ER around here is NO help when it comes to calling. Every time I call to see if I need to come in or not they tell me they can't give me medical advice.

So now I'm stuck. I don't know what to do.

DH doesn't get off work until 6 and he has the only car. I'm so frustrated and worried!


Why does this crazy stuff always happen to you? Keep me posted!

August 7, 2009 at 7:57 PM  

Ugh! I know right? Nothing EVER happens when I'm not pregnant and then when I'm preggo BAM! Everything comes at me at once! :(

As of right now though I'm waiting it out. My MIL and mom came over to look at it and they both said it didn't feel warm but was redder than yesterday. So I'm just keeping an eye on it and will see how it looks tomorrow.

August 7, 2009 at 8:02 PM  

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