I made a list of stuff I need to pack in my bag. Let me know if you see I left something out. It feels like I'm forgetting something.
*Remember it may seem excessive but I'll be in the Hospital for 3 days and DH will be staying there with me. The hospital is about 20 minutes away so it would be easier if DH didn't run back and forth.*
For me:
*3-4 changes of (comfy and large) clothes including shirts that make breastfeeding easier (easy access) and pants that come up high to avoid rubbing of my incision.
*several pairs of high waisted underwear
*nursing bra(s)
*MY pillow. The hospital pillows don't have a right to be called pillows! (lol)
*Boppy pillow
*nursing pads (disposables)
*travel size shampoo + cond.
*travel size body wash & loofah
*make up
*blow dryer & chi flat iron
(Hospital provides gowns, large pads)
For DH:
*3 changes of clothes
*socks + underwear
For Baby:
*sleepers/gowns (the hospital only provides a shirt)
*socks and mittens
*coming home outfit
*a few burp cloths
*a few (pretty) receiving blankets
*sensitive wipes (my hospital doesn't provide wipes but provides diapers.)
*baby book to get foot/hand prints in
(Hospital provides diapers, aspirator (sp?), shirt, receiving blankets, and a few other things I've forgot..)
Random stuff:
*Camera + charger
*Both our cell phones & chargers
*laptop & charger
*few plastic bags for soiled/bloody clothing and/or gifts we receive while staying
*cd player + mix cds (I want to have christian music playing at all times. It provides a calm, comforting atmosphere.)
*roll of quarters for vending machines
Am I missing anything? Is there anything you would add? I plan on packing all that I can today. Of course things like make up, clothes, toothbrush will have to be packed last minute.
You might not need/want some of these things, but they're just ideas!
For you:
-shoes to wear home
-brightly colored pillowcases (so they don't get mixed up with the hospital laundry)
-hair brush/comb
-any medicines you take
-body lotion
-Do you wear glasses/contacts? The stuff you need for them, if so.
-hair gel (if he uses it)
-his medicines
Random stuff:
-DVD's to watch while bored in recovery
-Books/magazines to read
Samantha said...
August 13, 2009 at 5:27 PM