
I'm getting excited. I probably shouldn't be because it may get my hopes up but oh well! I actually think I *may* be able to go into labor on my own!

If you don't know already when I was pregnant with DS I had maybe ONE BH contraction my whole pregnancy. I was never really in pain or anything. At 36 weeks I found out I was dilated to a 1....and I stayed that way until I was induced at 41.5 weeks!! Was never effaced and I'm not even sure if he ever dropped. When I was induced I was put on the highest (legal) amount of pitocin and STILL only dilated to a 4 over the course of 12 hours! So they took me off of it so I could sleep and started it back up the next day at 7 am & I stayed on it until 3-4 pm when my doctor decided I needed to have a c-section because I had not made any progress.

K. Now you know the story of Braxton.

This time...I have BH contractions all the freaking time! Walking makes it sooo much worse. We went to walmart last night to get a few things. We were only in there for 20-30 minutes and I was in so much discomfort it was unreal. Contractions. Pressure. I could feel her head moving waayyy down low in my pelvis and I felt extreme pressure on my butt. Now I'm not sure what all this labor stuff is like, or what it feels like when you're body is preparing for labor..I just know I never experienced it with Braxton. Maybe my body DOES know what to do!

Around 35 weeks DH & I decided we are going to "help" labor along by, well sex & lots of walking. As I mentioned in an earlier post the c-section date I have is well, not a very good one for us but it was the earliest I could get. (but my doctor said if I went into labor before then she would not stop it she would just do the csection.) We both have plans that weekend which we would prefer not to cancel. We are really hoping for just a few days before the 17th. Like around the 14th. So we're going to do what we can & if it works, great! If not, thats okay. God has a plan. He already knows the day little Addie will be born, and if he wants us (Dh & I) at the conference our church is having he will find a way for us to be there! :)

Anyways, just sharing my 'exciting' news. I hope all the pain & stuff I'm feeling really means something. I also feel sharp, shooting pains through my cervix which I have heard can be your cervix dilating? I hope so. Unfortunatly there is no way to know since most likely I won't get internals this time...


I think it's funny that you had didn't have Braxton hicks contractions during your 1st pregnancy.... but ended up naming him after them :)

August 18, 2009 at 11:05 AM  

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