

I mentioned in a previous post how I had some horrible cramps.

Well, thought I would give an update on that. They lasted for about 2 days. The first day it was just constant cramping. They felt like horrible menstrual cramps-well actually, my AF cramps NEVER got this bad so they were worse than menstrual cramps.

I also had several contractions. Pretty sure they were BH ctx though. My entire stomach would get hard with them but they were too far apart to time.

The 2nd day of cramping/contracting was a little better. And my better I mean the cramps actually went away sometimes but would come back. Again, didn't seem neccesary to time them.

Ever since then I've felt fine. Yesterday I had several contractions very close together over the course of about 10-15 minutes but then they stopped.

Last time I mentioned my cramping to the doctor they checked for a UTI, I didn't have one, and just told me they were probably BH ctx. So now I'm confused.

I'm having the cramping & what I know are actually contractions. They feel totally different from each other. I'm starting to wonder if one of them is BH ctx & the other is real ctx?

I'm certainly going to ask about this at my next appointment but I'm just so...confused!

I've never gone into labor on my own so I don't know what to expect, I'm not sure if this is normal or not. I had very few ctx with Braxton, maybe 2-3 that I could actually feel and I was dilated to a 1 by 36 wks. So I'm thinking these contractions are doing something! But theres no way to know since I won't be having any internals. Aghhh!! I wish I knew what to expect! I feel like a first timer!


My childbirth class teacher said that all contractions are real contractions, but some are purposeful and some are not. Purposeful contraction dilate you. The other ones don't, they just hurt. Just keep timing them. If they get stronger, longer, and closer together, they are doing their job and could be dilating you. If not, they are just being a big fat pain the the butt. Or in the cervix, to be more precise. :)

August 17, 2009 at 2:25 PM  

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