
A TMI update

DH & I are trying to naturally induce labor using sex & walking.

We're hoping Addie will come a bit earlier than Sept 17th since thats kind of a bad day for her to be born on (too many family birthdays!!) We want her to have her own bday. My doctor already told me if I go into labor she will take the baby. So we started trying to get her out! I decided to start at 36 weeks since I'm 1 week from full term plus I figured it would take over a week for anything to actually 'happen.'

Well tonight after DTD I was cleaning up and noticed some clear jelly like stuff on the tp. I touched it and it was very gelanous (sp?) in texture. Pretty positive it is mucus plug for sure this time. It now comes out in small chunks every time I wipe. DH also said he noticed a bit of blood when he was cleaning up. Though I'm pretty sure that was from my cervix and the MP wasn't blood tinged.

Also had a couple strong contractions during and after DTD.

FX something happens soon-but Addie, can you wait until Thursday perhaps? Mommy has to get her hair done before we go to the hospital. ;)


If you can hold Addie in your arms sooner and have a little fun while working towards that, go for it!!!

I can't wait to see pictures of her!

August 29, 2009 at 8:59 AM  

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