I've mentioned before that I'm *ahem* leaking colostrum.
Well before it was light and not always enough to soak through my shirt but today I have been leaking NONSTOP. I have these big wet circles on my shirt, it's so annoying!
I hope I don't have to start wearing pads in my bra this soon....
Best product EVER!!
Crayon marks=GONE!
I got some of the extra strength magic erasers and they got the crayon off...but I had to scrub my arm off. So I got my blowdryer and would heat up the area I was working on for a little bit and then wipe with the magic eraser and it came RIGHT off.
Housework, that is.
Don't you just hate that? Once you get your house clean it NEVER stays that way, but I guess thats just a part of being a mom/wife. Especially the mom of a toddler. Oh I miss those days when Braxton couldn't walk, couldn't get into anything, couldn't write on the walls (or smear poop on them-yes this happened today!!!)
There is always something that needs done. It gets overwhelmingly annoying.
Why just last week I cleaned Braxtons room, my room, the living room, and one of the bathrooms and now...well now you can't tell. There are toys everywhere, clothes strung all over the place, empty cups everywhere.
I hope I get the hang of this one of these days. I've only been a housewife and mom for 2 years...surely it gets easier?
Today I get to spend my afternoon scrubbing the walls trying to get crayon off (Samantha-I got some magic erasers! FX that works b/c nothing else I've tried does!) Then I'm going through the million baskets of laundry laying around and sorting through them to see what we still wear and then donating the rest of them. Then I get to scrub the stove which has all kinds of melted food stuck to it..again-hoping the magic erasers do the trick! Then of course there is the regular daily pick up (getting all Braxtons toys into his room and put away, picking up trash/dirty dishes that have been left out...etc etc.)
Oh what a fun day that lies ahead of me! ;)
Okay so when I was about 6 weeks I was on the Playtex website and saw that they were giving away FREE bottles. The drop in kind and I had already decided that was what I was going to use so I signed up to receive one...and then I signed up my grandma, and then my mom...so I could get 3 of them. I was told shipping would take 6-8 weeks. I expected that. Most free samples do take a while.
So 8 weeks later (at 14 weeks)...and nothing. I was okay with that though...sometimes it takes longer than that. So I patiently waited. and waited. and waited.
When I was about 20 weeks my grandma told me "You know, I never got that bottle in the mail." I told her "I know, me either. Maybe they ran out of "free" ones or something. Of course being the "old timer" she is she immediatly jumped to the conclusion that we had been scammed and all they wanted was our addresses. hehe.
So I completely gave up on getting the bottles. Not a big deal.
Then yesterday we went to the post office and what was in there? My free bottle! Whoo!
We had to go to my grandmas that day and while we were there she told us the bottle came in. Then she just *had* to see it and she was completely amazed by the drop in liners! Lol!
So I should have a bottle at my dads house too.
I just thought it was crazy how long it took to get the bottles! I'm almost 28 weeks, so thats...22 week shipping!
Last night we got Joshs dad to watch Braxton so we could go to a movie. All day I had been trying to decide between Transformers & Year One (I also want to see My Sisters Keeper but I was going with DH so I had to be realistic.) ;)
I looked up reviews on Fandango and I couldn't find one GOOD review on Year One. & several people I knew had already seen Transformers and told me it was great so my choice was made easy.
When FIL watches Braxton it's always at our house until we get home. So at 6:30 when Josh got off work we headed straight to the theatre. We got there around 7 and the line was SO,SO,SO long. I had never seen it that long!! Standing in line Josh heard from others that Transformers was sold out...so he came back to the car and started calling other theatres. Finally he just went inside to be SURE they were sold out...and came back with tickets. For 10:15! Ugh. The first 2 showings were already completely sold out. The only other choices were 10:15 or 11:15. So we had 3 hours to burn before the movie started.
So we went to walmart to get a few things, went to eat, then decided we had better tell FIL that we got the late show and that it was a 3 hour long movie. (He has no cell phone or anything,) so we had to drive back to Perkins and tell him. So by the time we got back to Stillwater it was about 9:40 so we went to the theatre and waited about 25 minutes for them to start seating, and boy when she said "Now seating Transformers 2" it was like a stompede. I don't think it was even possible to check tickets so many people were rushing through at one time...so by the time I waddled my preggo butt into the theatre there were only front seats left, so we sat in the 2nd row. (I hate sitting at the front it gives me a headache!) So I told Josh I want an outside seat so I can get up and pee without making a whole row of people stand so I can get my big belly through. ;) So I went to the bathroom and came back and Josh was in the MIDDLE of the row. Some guys came by and asked him to scoot over so he DID. :( So I had to SQUEEZE through a tiny row, a whole line of guys standing waiting for me to get through, and me trying not to touch them with either my belly or my butt! (Now thats a toughy!)
Now that I have went into probably waaaaay too much pointless details, the movie was INCREDIBLE. I loved it! It was HILARIOUS and probably better than the 1st movie!! I totally reccomend it! Though probably not a good one to take your kids to since there are some mild sexual scenes and moderate cussing.
We got out of the theatre at 1 and got home around 1:30...and I think I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow. :)
How far along? 27 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: As of last appointment I was -2.
Any new maternity clothes? Nope..though I do need to go shopping for a new dress to wear to my baby shower...
Any new stretch marks? Yes :( TONS of huge, monstrous ones under my boobs, several on my sides, hips and a few new ones at the top of my tummy. :(
Sleep: Horribly uncomfortable.
Best moment this week: Hmm not sure. Addies been SUPER active this week, so its been alot of fun watching my belly jump/move with every kick/roll.
Movement: Yeah...just wish the cervix kicks would stop.
Food cravings: Cant think of any recent ones....
Gender: Girl
Labor Signs: Nope just a whole lot of BH contractions.
Belly Button in or out? In
What I miss: Being able to get out of bed by my self. Now I have to have Joshs help up or I have to just kinda...roll off the bed because everything is sooo sore. Especially my back/hips!
What I am looking forward to: Babyshower!
Weekly Wisdom: Take belly pics. I never did with Braxton but now I wish I would have! With Braxton I just took ONE photo-because I needed it for the baby book. :(
Milestones: 3rd Trimester!
Baby This Week:
Your baby weighs about 2.5 lbs (1.1kg) and is about 10 inches (25cm) from crown to rump and 15 inches (38 cm) long from head to toe.
At this time, the baby has tastebuds which allow it to distinguish between sweet, sour and bitter tastes.
Brain tissue and brain development increases at this time as your baby grows the folds and grooves needed for a developed brain.
Eyebrows and eyelashes are probably present and the hair on your baby's head is growing longer.
Your baby's body is filling out, getting a bit fatter as fat deposition continues, but it is still somewhat red and wrinkled.
Your baby is big enough for his presentation to be determined. That is, your caregiver can probably tell how your baby is oriented in your uterus. He may be breech (bottom down) or head first. If your baby is in a breech position now, there is no need to worry as there is still plenty of room and time for your baby to change positions.
Your baby can feel pain and respond to it in the same way as a full term baby.
Mommy This Week:
Most women have gained between 17 and 24 lbs (7.7 to 10.8 kg) by this time.
Your breasts may start to leak colostrum, the sticky, watery substance which comes before milk. This will be your baby's first food before your milk comes in a day or two after delivery.
You will probably visit your caregiver every two weeks from this point on. Your caregiver may perform a glucose tolerance test this week. If your early blood work revealed that you are Rh negative, your doctor may want to do an antibody test to determine if you have made antibodies to your baby's blood type to see if there is a risk of you having an immune reaction to your baby's blood. If this situation applies to you, ask your doctor for more information.
If you haven't already, you may begin to have vivid dreams about your baby. Braxton Hicks contractions will probably continue preparing your uterus for childbirth.
You may have red stretch marks on your belly and the veins on your breasts will likely have become more prominent.
I just found out I accidetally scheduled my 4D ultrasound for one of the days Josh has to work (remember-every other week he gets 4 days off: Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday.) I scheduled my u/s for July 10th. His week ON. So now I either have to have it a week early or a week late. We won't really have the money to do it a week early so right now it's looking like its going to be later. :( I'm disappointed but...its just 7 days...right?
So I think I'm going to be moving it from the 10th to the 17th. I'll be 31 weeks. I hope thats not so late that the baby looks squished and the pics are horrible....
I am assuming I passed my GD test! I had it done on Tuesday of last week. They said they would have the results on Thursday (2 days later) and would only call if I failed. Well, its almost a whole week later and no phone call! Guess that means I passed! Whoo-hoo!
Okay. So I don't like to clean. I mean, who does?! & sometimes our house looks pretty messy. I just have a bad attitude when it comes to cleaning. All I can think is "Why clean it when it's just going to get dirty again?!" I can clean Braxtons room and turn my back for 2 minutes and all his toys will be strewn across his room. I can get the living room clean and then he will go in behind me and destroy it. I can start folding clothes and putting them in a laundry basket and leave to go hang up some clothes, come back and all those clothes will be scattered across the floor. Man, life with a toddler can be hard!! Not to mention, I usually get 0 help from anyone (Ahem-DH!) so it just gets a bit overwhelming.
Well, as you all know we have been struggling to get a house. Our credit score is just barely too low to get a home loan. We have been renting for the past 3 years and hate it. Not to mention we need more room!
Well last night Josh was at school. They were talking about keeping your house clean. A clean house is a Godly house, etc, etc. And then God spoke to Josh. He said, (I'm not quoting directly but giving a general idea)
"If you can prove to me you can keep your house clean, I'll get you the house you want and I'll put your credit score where it needs to be. But you have to realize, its not just your wife, its you too." (In regards to the messy house)
Josh came home and told me he knows why we are having such a hard time getting a house, and told me I'm not gonna like it, and then explained what happened at school. I was just like "Ughhh!" It's so hard to keep a clean house but I'm going to try my hardest! I want a house soo bad, more than anything.
So we'll see how this goes.
I've been cleaning all afternoon. I prayed for the strength/energy/motivation etc so I could clean and asked that he take all my preggo aches and pains away so I could get the job done! And so far today-after hours of cleaning-I feel GREAT! and I don't want to stop cleaning! Haha! I even got Braxton to help clean his room! He did a great job! I am very picky when it comes to how his toys are seperated. I have a big toybox for misc toys but I also have several baskets. One for toy cars, one for wooden blocks, one for lincoln logs, and two for his big lego blocks. Well those containers get dumped out all over the floor and mixed up so today I just put one block in a basket, one car in another, etc and he completely seperated them all by himself! I guess I forget how smart he is! LOL I was so proud!
Anyways, I have kinda got off topic. And I feel the urge to go clean the bathroom! Adios! ;)
Braxtons rash/reaction that is.
I posted a blog about it yesterday. How I thought it was the new pull ups we tried that gave him the bad reaction?
Well I let him "air dry" for the day (no diaper) and just put him in a diaper before bed. The air dry technique seemed to work. By night time there were no more little red dots. It was back to his normal skin. Well, when I changed his diaper this morning after he woke up they were back! WTH?!
I've never seen anything like this before with him. I'm still positive its not a regular rash. When he gets a regular rash its around the legs and on the bum and its completely red. These are just dots.
I'm stumped. Obviously the diapers we put on him are causing a reaction too. The thing is, this is the same brand of diapers we have always used. Just a new package of them. I'm wondering if maybe the company changed something about them-added something and thats why he's reacting like this to them?
I might buy some Huggies or something and try them and see what happens. If the same thing happens I'll be calling is pediatrician.
It's just frustrating when something like this happens and I can't figure out why it's happening.
I'm pretty sure Braxton has had an allergic reaction to something.
When changing his diaper this morning I noticed alot of red dots all over his front & bottom. :(
It's certainly not a regular ol' diaper rash.
I like to order free samples of new diapers/pull ups and the other day I got some pull ups in the mail. The kind that change color when wet. So I put one on Braxton yesterday.
And now today he has all those red dots. Poor baby.
I asked him if they hurt/itch/etc and he said no so at least they aren't bothering him.
& thank God for free samples! I would have been PO'd if I had bought a whole pack of them and then couldn't use them!
Now we know to stay far away from that kind of pull up!
Whoo-hoo! Today I start my 3rd trimester!! This is going by sooo fast! It's crazy!
I'm definetly feeling like I'm in the 3rd tri. I'm back to that "misreable" part of pregnancy. If you read my blog yesterday then you know I was going crazy cleaning what will be Adelyns nursery. Nesting. I mopped the floors THEN scrubbed them with a washcloth + bleach. Then I went around the boards that go around the room and scrubbed them, I got the crib RE-put together, I moved furniture, I hung things on the wall. All of this led to uncomfortable BH contractions which I continued to have the rest of the night even after I stopped cleaning.
I admit I kinda overdid it yesterday. I could tell I overdid it once I was done. I was so.so.so SORE. My legs hurt, my tailbone hurt, my hips felt like they were going to come apart and fall off my body. When I walked I didn't "waddle" like normal...I think it was more of a hobble. Like a little old lady. Eek. Worst of all-Sleep was unbearable. Turning from side to side was a nightmare. I would move one leg over and leave the other where it was, so my legs were slightly spread and all of a sudden I would hear a loud "POP" and feel some pain. So I would attempt to drag my body over to its other side, and once I did I was in extreme pain and exhausted. Ughh. I remember this happening with Braxton. Only...it wasn't because I had cleaned too much or overdone it. It just happened every single NIGHT!
Aghhhh! Yep. This is definetly the 3rd tri. I hope it goes by fast.
Your baby's eyes, no longer fused shut, are now open.
Your baby's skin still has a very wrinkled appearance, but it is protected and nourished by the covering of vernix, a waxy coating that keeps the skin supple.
Your baby looks almost like a full term baby, but is still much thinner and smaller than she will be at birth.
You can be susceptible to urinary tract infection from this stage onwards. Drinking plenty of water can help.
Your cholesterol levels may be elevated, though this is usually normal in late pregnancy as cholesterol helps build up the pregnancy hormones that are being produced by the placenta. Of those hormones, progesterone is particularly important right now as it aids breast development and the muscles of the uterus.
How far along? 26 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: Well I gained 3 lbs this months but that still puts me at negative 2.
Any new maternity clothes?Nope
Any new stretch marks? Not that I can see...
Sleep: So..freaking...uncomfortable. Ughh. Just rolling over in bed is a (painful) task!
Best moment this week: Starting the nursery! It's looking good I just can't wait until its DONE!
Movement: Yep lots of it.
Food cravings: Ugh, Mcdonald Double cheeseburgers...
Gender: Girl
Labor Signs: No, but I'm noticing alot of Braxton Hicks Contractions now.
Belly Button in or out? In. I don't think it will ever "pop" it never did with Braxton and I was much skinnier when I was pg with him!
What I miss: Comfortable sleep...
What I am looking forward to: My baby shower & 4d ultrasound! 3 more weeks!
Weekly Wisdom: Take it easy when cleaning. Stay hydrated and take frequent breaks.
Milestones: BH contractions are starting
I started working on the nursery today. I got Addies crib in there, she'll be using our dresser so thats already in there. Also have Josh and I's bed in there since we'll be sharing a room with her.
Still don't know if we can paint yet. If we do I think it will just be a cream color.
Basically I'm just cleaning. I moved all the wall hanging stuff I made for her in there. Her wooden letters are over the crib, I'm about to clear off the dresser and make it into the changing table then I'm going to put a shelf over it. I need to move her hairbow holder in there. (actually need to make a new one!)
I just wish I would have started on this sooner! Every time I really start getting into cleaning it up I start having contractions. I've had to stop and rest several times and wait for them to go away. This is new to me. I had VERY few BH contractions with Braxton. Ughhhh.
So I thought I'd rest a little bit and write a blog about the nursery. So here is the bedding we have officially decided on. Yes, I know I've changed my mind about a million times.
Walmart sold a similar set before but I didn't really like it:
Buuuut I just noticed that ALL the accesories (rug, wall stickers, etc etc) are on sale since the set was discontinued! So I'm thinking of buying some of the accesories from the old set since the 2 are sooo similar. Plus, right now the new bedding is all thats available. Accesories will be available at the end of July. Boooo!
Off to work on the nursery some more!!
I had my 26 week dr appointment today.
All week I have been SO worried about stepping on the scale because, well...I've certainly gotten my appetite back and many unhealthy cravings to go along with it. Icecream, gardettos, Mcdonalds...I was sure I had gained a good 10 lbs in one month. Surprisingly-I only gained 3. So that brings my weight 'gain' to -2 lbs. Whoo hoo!
All the normal stuff went on. Weigh, pee in a cup, bloodpressure, check babys heartbeat (it was 156), the doctor comes in, measures the fundal height and then answers any questions. Only thing different was when I got there they gave me the orange glucose to drink to chug in 5 mins, then I was called back for the 'normal routine' stuff and sent back out to the waiting room. The routine stuff took so long that I only had to sit in the waiting room for about 20 mins before I was called back. All the rooms were full so they had to take my blood right where they weigh you and stuff. Ugh. I didn't find that very sanitary but whatever. They only took 2 vials of blood and I was free to go. Oh also-the orange glucose drink really didn't taste that bad! I was shocked! I think it's because this time they gave it to me cold! When I had it with DS they gave it to me warm. Ick! I had no problem drinking it. Funny thing actually-I was drinking and Braxton must have thought it was pop or juice because he asks "Some?" (which means can I have some?") and I told him no..he then asked "Good?" I told him no its not good its yucky! haha
While I was there I asked a few questions about Braxton since his next appt is in 9 months.
First I asked about his cough/congestion. He's been waking up coughing at night several times. I went to walmart to get him something for the cough/congestion but couldn't find ANYTHING for 2 year olds. I tried giving him infant tylenol but it didn't work. All the medicines were for at least 4 yrs and up. So frustrating! So I just bought some triaminic night time strips and gave him one to get him through the night and figured I could ask about them today. My doctor told me ther reason I couldn't find anything for him is because they practically took everything for toddlers off the shelf because "they don't work" so she told me to get any medicine for a 4-6 yr old and cut the dosage in half. So that's what I'll be doing.
I also asked about his speech. I told her he says several words but he leaves the consonants off the ends of words. She said it's normal. Also said that I should be able to understand at least half of everything he says. Which I do. If I couldn't then it would be a problem. So I'm glad I can stop worrying about that!
My next appointment is July 7th. For some reason I got scheduled for 3 weeks instead of 2. But oh well! It's okay! I'm gonna have a busy week that week though! The 7th-dr appt, the 10th-4D u/s, the 11th-Baby shower! whoo!
Oh and I also asked my doctor about babys position. She's still breech so thats why I only feel low kicks still. I told her I haven't felt anything above my belly button yet! So she felt around and said it's because she is still breech! Ugh!! I know its not like it matters since I'm having a csection...I just want these cervix kicks to stop!! They are sooo painful!
He is growing fast and gaining weight now. His skin is less transparent and is becoming opaque as fat builds up.
Your baby's heart is beating 120 to 160 beats per minute, as you have already heard at several doctor or midwife visits.
Until now, your baby's eyes have been sealed shut, but he reopens them this week. The eyes are almost fully formed and the retinas contain all the layers they will have when your baby is born. Your baby's eyes are blue right now, no matter the ethnic origin or eye-color of you and your partner since eyes do not acquire their final color until months after birth.
Your baby is lean right now, but is getting fatter all the time as fat is being deposited. Your baby's skin is getting thicker and paler and is becoming less red and wrinkled as more fat is deposited.
Your baby has eyebrows, eyelashes and fingernails, though all are short and need to grow more.
You may have fluid retention, particularly in the facial area.
The top of your uterus is now between your bellybutton and your ribcage.
Your increasing size may cause increasing discomfort. You might be experiencing back pain, leg cramps, headaches and pressure around your pelvic area.
How far along? 25 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: I only weigh at the drs office so idk...but I am CERTAIN I have gained. ...Haven't been eating too well....probably eating a bit too much icecream.
Any new maternity clothes? No, I think the last time I bought some was 2 weeks ago or so. & they aren't even actually "maternity" Mostly dresses, skirts with elastic (things I can wear after the babys born.
Any new stretch marks? Yep. More on my sides and *dramatic pause* ONE new one on my stomach. It's actually connected to another (old) stretch mark it's just going up higher-towards my boobs. Only way I can tell its new is its bright pink! :((
Sleep: I sleep pretty good. Sometimes its hard to turn over in bed because my hips hurt so bad but nothing I can't handle :)
Best moment this week: I was asleep for it but Josh told me one morning while we were laying in bed he put his arm around my stomach and Addie started kicking him like crazy and very HARD and he felt it all! :D I'm so glad!
Movement: Oh yeah! I can feel kicks, punches, rolls, everything! :)
Food cravings: Ice cream :((
Gender: Girl
Labor Signs: No. But I got my first Braxton Hicks contraction this week!!
Belly Button in or out? In
What I miss: Being able to walk for more than 10 minutes without my feeting swelling and getting super sore.
What I am looking forward to: My 4D u/s & Baby shower! & kinda looking forward to getting the glucose test over with.
Weekly Wisdom: Don't over do things. Your body can only handle so much. Rest alot and don't push your limits :) ((I learned this while nesting-haha)
Milestones: I saw my belly JUMP from a kick! (Now I can't wait to start seeing body parts move across! It's sooo neat!)
Okay so I *think* I got my very first Braxton Hicks contraction today.
I had been shopping for about an hour or more and all of a sudden felt some mild discomfort so I pushed on my belly and it was really hard. After a lil while it went away but came back again a few minutes later. Once I got off my feet they quit and I felt my belly and it was normal again.
When I was pg with Braxton I never really had many of them so it's hard to remember what they are like. I just know that when I DID get them with Braxton it was because I had been doing too much that day. Like shopping, walking, etc. So I think my little shopping spree started it! Lol
It feels like I'm planning my own shower.
My Aunt told me to come up with all the details. (When, Where, Time, Games, Cake, Food, Prizes, Theme, Guest List, etc) And I did. So basically I'm planning it myself, just not paying for it. I guess thats okay I guess-then I know I'm going to like everything that is picked out. I just don't wanna deal with it all. LOL Maybe I'm being lazy...
But here are the details I have planned out so far:
Where: Liberty Church
When: July 11, 2009 (Saturday)
Time: 2 pm
Theme: Pink/Girly
Games: Baby Bingo, (Need one more game)
Diaper Raffle-Prize-Gift Certificate to local Nail Salon
Other game prizes-Baskets full of Bath & Body works items, candles, chocolates, etc.
Snacks: Personalized M&Ms, Nuts, Cheese & Crackers, Pink Punch
Cake: Still have to pick out
Guest List: Almost completed, total so far: 24
I found some cute invitations online that I can just print so I will print them onto heavy paper or cardstock, fill the info, get some envelopes & I'll be ready to send them out!! :)
Your doctor should be able to hear your baby's heartbeat, using a stethoscope or Doppler ultrasound device. If your partner puts his ear right on your belly in the right position, he might even be able to hear it unaided if there is no background noise.
Your baby sleeps and wakes in a more regular pattern now. You may notice that your baby is particularly active when you are resting.
The center of your baby's bones are beginning to harden.
If your baby is a boy, the testes will start to descend into the scrotum now. If your baby is a girl, the vagina will begin to hollow out and mature now.
Your baby can make a fist now and may already have a preference for the right or left hand. With modern medical technology, your baby would have a chance to survive if it were born now.
You may be suffering from cramps and because your baby is pressing against your bladder, you likely feel the need to urinate frequently. Earlier pregnancy symptoms, such as Braxton Hicks contractions, may persist.
You may be feeling indigestion or heartburn at this time. This is because your uterus has displaced your stomach and has pushed your diaphragm and lower ribs up, making it more likely that acid will be pushed up into the esophagus, particularly after large and heavy meals. Progesterone, which is enormously increased during pregnancy also plays a role since it slows down the emptying of food from your stomach. Eating several small meals can help alleviate heartburn. If it becomes very uncomfortable, you can ask your doctor or pharmacist to recommend a safe antacid.
How far along? 24 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: -5 pounds total though I'm sure at my appointment in 2 weeks I'll have gone up a few lbs....pregnancy HUNGER is officially here! =/
Maternity clothes? Yep
Stretch marks? Noticed a few more on my sides! Make it stop!
Sleep: I sleep so well I don't even wake up when I have to pee so by the time I wake up in the morning my bladder is about to burst!! Agh!
Best moment this week: Getting an appetite! Unfortunatly it's the pregnancy hunger that never goes away no matter what!
Movement: Lots!
Food cravings: Gardettos & Icecream. Oh! & Last night I was really wanting to mix pickle & pineapple juice! Still craving Orange Juice too though it gives me horrible heartburn.
Gender: Girl :)
Labor Signs: No...though Braxton Hicks contractions should start in soon.
Belly Button in or out? In but getting shallow!
What I miss: Eating without getting heartburn
What I am looking forward to: My baby shower in 5 weeks! :)
Weekly Wisdom: I'm out fresh out of Wisdom today.
Milestones: Heartburn. Starting to feel baby way up by my ribs!
So I thought I would be excited about Braxton only needing to see the doctor once a year now, but it turns out...I'm not. I have so many questions about his development/whats normal, etc but I don't want to call her for every question. I'm thinking since Brax & I have the same doctor I might just bring up some of my concerns at my next appointment (which is in 2 weeks! Yay!! kind of--I have to do the glucose test-ughhh!) Anyways, right now the only thing that is worrying me is his speech.
At his appointments she always asks if he can say or if he knows "so many" words. He does. He knows lots of words, and he talks alot. It's just the way he speaks. Most words that he says he only says the first syllable or leaves letters off.
Dog=Dah (No G sound)
Camera=Ca (leaves off -mera) -the only way I know he is saying camera is because he always points to it and says "Ca"
Water=Wa (No -ter)
He is like this with nearly EVERY word he speaks. I understand that it's probably normal to be like that with a few words but his whole vocabulary shouldn't be like that.
Being around other toddlers just worries me more. His cousin Gavin-who is (I think) 3 months younger than him speaks SO clearly and so well! I can't help but worry. We were in a restraunt the other day and saw a little boy sitting with his parents-looked 2 or 3 and he was READING. Speaking clear as day and then read the number 2 and his parents say "Yes-2. Thats how old you are!" And my mouth hung open....and I went into panic mode.
It doesn't help to talk to my mom or DH about these worries-so I must rant/worry here :D My mom just tells me to read to him. Which I have tried. I get about 3 words out and he grabs the book from me and pretends to read it while just jabbering non sense. He's always been like that. DH just tells me not to worry and to work with him more often. Siiiigh.
I think I will bring it up at my next appointment. I need some peace of mind.
I think.
It won't start. I turn it on and it tries to start but then I get an error message. I've tried reinstalling Windows, and repairing it but nothing is working. :((
Now I have to use the desk top. Ugh. So I basically only get on a couple times a day now b/c I hate sitting at the desk.
I hate sitting anywhere actually. I'm getting to the point where baby is moving higher up and making it hard to breathe. When I lay down I have no problem but when I stand or sit I am misreable. But then when I lay down I get heartburn. It's a no win situation.
Aghh! Okay this was supposed to be about the computer....
I'm sad. :( Hopefully we can get it fixed soon.
Okay so last time I talked to my Aunt she asked me what baby shower games I wanted to play. I had no idea-I don't want to do the same ones I did with DS. So I've started "researching" games.
I probably won't do this (mostly because most the women from church are invited to my shower) but I think its pretty funny so I had to share.
Watch What You Say - (Materials: Pen and Paper). This is just a game where laughter is the prize! While the mommy-to-be is opening her gifts, have the host or one of the guests write down everything she says while she is opening each baby shower gift. When she has finished opening all the gifts, tell the guests that you would like to read something to them! Say this is what the mommy-to-be said to her man the night she conceived the baby! Then read each little saying from the list!
You will have everyone rolling in tears. Here are some funny sayings that was said at my sister's baby shower:
"Oh my gosh I've never seen one like this before!"
"Oh that feels so soft."
"Awe its so little."
Okay so its not really a game-just entertaining.
Now onto games I actually might do: (haven't decided yet if I want to do these or not. I may keep looking)
Baby Bingo-(Materials: Pens, Pre-printed blank Bingo cards) When its time to open gifts pass out a bingo card and a pen to everyone and have them fill in each blank square with baby items. (bottle, blanket, diapers, etc) The center square of course is a "freebie." As the mother to be opens gifts the guests mark off each item she opens that is on their card. First to bingo wins a prize! It's a great way to keep guests entertained while the mom opens gifts!
Diaper Doo (Materials-small pieces of white material that can be folded into small diaper lapels, safety pins, one small piece of chocolate). As guests arrive, pin a small diaper to each on their lapel. Tell them they will be told later what it's about. At the end of the party ask everyone to remove their diaper and open them up. One person should have a "special surprise" inside. The melted piece of chocolate!
I know for sure I am doing a diaper raffle. Not really a game but a great way for us to get diapers!! & of course we're going to get a pretty great raffle prize-haven't decided what yet but it will be good. :)
If anyone has any fun baby shower suggestions let me know! :)
The ones we played at DS shower:
"Never say baby" Everyone gets a safety pin when they walk in and are told they are not allowed to say baby. If someone does say baby and you hear them you get to take away their pin. Whoever has the most at the end of the shower wins a prize!
"Match the Socks" Take an odd # pairs of socks (we used 13 pairs) and unmatch them. Works best if the socks are different colors/patterns, etc. Have 2 guests get in the floor or at a table across from each other and dump the socks in the middle of them. They then have to match all the socks up quickly. Whoever pairs the most socks is a winner, but not THE winner. 2 more guests do the same, and 2 more after that until all guests have had a chance to play. Then the winners face off against each other until there is a champion. The "champ" gets a prize. (It's lots of fun if you have a competitive family like I do! It got pretty rough! Lol)
"How big is mommys belly?" You can use toilet paper or buy ribbon like rolls specifically made for this game (walmart has them and I think party america does too) Pass the roll around and have each guest cut/tear off how big they think the mom is around. After everyone has their piece of TP/ribbon they hand it to the mom to wrap around her stomach. Whoever guesses correctly (closest) wins a prize.
I can't believe in a few days I'll be 6 months with just a few months left to go! Everything's going by so fast, but I guess thats what happens when you keep busy. Yesterday I realized that my baby shower is in 5 WEEKS!!! How did that creep up on me?! I don't have invitations out yet-I haven't talked to my Aunt about anything. (She's planning it) Aghhh! I need to get started! At LEAST on invites. Thank God I registered early, or else I would have to worry about that too!
Then on the FF Sept boards, we are getting the lists for shower buddies and labor buddies! I can't believe we'll be having our FF shower next month and then 2 months after that September babies will start being born! I spend way too much time on the board that is having babies (which is now June) just reading birth stories, looking at all the baby photos and getting excited when someone says their water breaks. You'd think it was my group. Haha. I just can't believe how fast it's all going by.
I feel so unprepared. I don't want to be living in this house when the baby is born. If we do move we will be cutting it close. The house we are looking at needs a little fixing. Not much. Just the carpet. They are a hideous green. So first we would have to recarpet because it goes through the ENTIRE house. (Pink walls & dark green carpet anyone?! Ugh!) Then paint Addies room, then Braxtons. Then set up the nursery. Unpack.
15 weeks. 15 weeks to get this all done. Including the whole buying a house thing. Which we can't do until we raise our credit score (working on it thanks to the very helful people at the loan co.)
He's so grown up. I miss my little boy. I was going through one of my myspace photo albums and came across lots of old pictures of him and it makes me so SAD! He'll never be that little again...
So I decided to share a few pictures to show how much he's grown (and how much he's changed in just 2 years!!)
1 week old
1 month old
2 months
3 months old
4 months old
5 months
8 months
9 months on Christmas
11 months
13 months