
Face Painting

Last night I let Braxton get into the rest of his paint. I don't remember if I posted pics on here of his last painting experience...This goes to show you can't turn your back for a SECOND when you have a toddler. I got him all set up with paint and paper and he was happily painting away. I sat at the computer (in the same room) and logged onto FF. I look back and he's tugging at his shirt. So I decided-might as well take the shirt off so it doesn't get stained with paint. I take it off and find paint ALL OVER his stomach. He had been painting his belly and then tugging his shirt down over it. So I take the shirt and throw it in the laundry room, come back and it turned into face painting!! LOL So I let him finish up painting until the paint runs out...which didn't take long and then gave him a bath. (My bathtub is pink now... I need to go clean it!) Anyways he had fun and I must admit I have fun watching him! :)


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