Okay. So I don't like to clean. I mean, who does?! & sometimes our house looks pretty messy. I just have a bad attitude when it comes to cleaning. All I can think is "Why clean it when it's just going to get dirty again?!" I can clean Braxtons room and turn my back for 2 minutes and all his toys will be strewn across his room. I can get the living room clean and then he will go in behind me and destroy it. I can start folding clothes and putting them in a laundry basket and leave to go hang up some clothes, come back and all those clothes will be scattered across the floor. Man, life with a toddler can be hard!! Not to mention, I usually get 0 help from anyone (Ahem-DH!) so it just gets a bit overwhelming.
Well, as you all know we have been struggling to get a house. Our credit score is just barely too low to get a home loan. We have been renting for the past 3 years and hate it. Not to mention we need more room!
Well last night Josh was at school. They were talking about keeping your house clean. A clean house is a Godly house, etc, etc. And then God spoke to Josh. He said, (I'm not quoting directly but giving a general idea)
"If you can prove to me you can keep your house clean, I'll get you the house you want and I'll put your credit score where it needs to be. But you have to realize, its not just your wife, its you too." (In regards to the messy house)
Josh came home and told me he knows why we are having such a hard time getting a house, and told me I'm not gonna like it, and then explained what happened at school. I was just like "Ughhh!" It's so hard to keep a clean house but I'm going to try my hardest! I want a house soo bad, more than anything.
So we'll see how this goes.
I've been cleaning all afternoon. I prayed for the strength/energy/motivation etc so I could clean and asked that he take all my preggo aches and pains away so I could get the job done! And so far today-after hours of cleaning-I feel GREAT! and I don't want to stop cleaning! Haha! I even got Braxton to help clean his room! He did a great job! I am very picky when it comes to how his toys are seperated. I have a big toybox for misc toys but I also have several baskets. One for toy cars, one for wooden blocks, one for lincoln logs, and two for his big lego blocks. Well those containers get dumped out all over the floor and mixed up so today I just put one block in a basket, one car in another, etc and he completely seperated them all by himself! I guess I forget how smart he is! LOL I was so proud!
Anyways, I have kinda got off topic. And I feel the urge to go clean the bathroom! Adios! ;)
Wow...want to come over and clean my house?
Samantha said...
June 24, 2009 at 11:58 AM