I had my 26 week dr appointment today.
All week I have been SO worried about stepping on the scale because, well...I've certainly gotten my appetite back and many unhealthy cravings to go along with it. Icecream, gardettos, Mcdonalds...I was sure I had gained a good 10 lbs in one month. Surprisingly-I only gained 3. So that brings my weight 'gain' to -2 lbs. Whoo hoo!
All the normal stuff went on. Weigh, pee in a cup, bloodpressure, check babys heartbeat (it was 156), the doctor comes in, measures the fundal height and then answers any questions. Only thing different was when I got there they gave me the orange glucose to drink to chug in 5 mins, then I was called back for the 'normal routine' stuff and sent back out to the waiting room. The routine stuff took so long that I only had to sit in the waiting room for about 20 mins before I was called back. All the rooms were full so they had to take my blood right where they weigh you and stuff. Ugh. I didn't find that very sanitary but whatever. They only took 2 vials of blood and I was free to go. Oh also-the orange glucose drink really didn't taste that bad! I was shocked! I think it's because this time they gave it to me cold! When I had it with DS they gave it to me warm. Ick! I had no problem drinking it. Funny thing actually-I was drinking and Braxton must have thought it was pop or juice because he asks "Some?" (which means can I have some?") and I told him no..he then asked "Good?" I told him no its not good its yucky! haha
While I was there I asked a few questions about Braxton since his next appt is in 9 months.
First I asked about his cough/congestion. He's been waking up coughing at night several times. I went to walmart to get him something for the cough/congestion but couldn't find ANYTHING for 2 year olds. I tried giving him infant tylenol but it didn't work. All the medicines were for at least 4 yrs and up. So frustrating! So I just bought some triaminic night time strips and gave him one to get him through the night and figured I could ask about them today. My doctor told me ther reason I couldn't find anything for him is because they practically took everything for toddlers off the shelf because "they don't work" so she told me to get any medicine for a 4-6 yr old and cut the dosage in half. So that's what I'll be doing.
I also asked about his speech. I told her he says several words but he leaves the consonants off the ends of words. She said it's normal. Also said that I should be able to understand at least half of everything he says. Which I do. If I couldn't then it would be a problem. So I'm glad I can stop worrying about that!
My next appointment is July 7th. For some reason I got scheduled for 3 weeks instead of 2. But oh well! It's okay! I'm gonna have a busy week that week though! The 7th-dr appt, the 10th-4D u/s, the 11th-Baby shower! whoo!
Oh and I also asked my doctor about babys position. She's still breech so thats why I only feel low kicks still. I told her I haven't felt anything above my belly button yet! So she felt around and said it's because she is still breech! Ugh!! I know its not like it matters since I'm having a csection...I just want these cervix kicks to stop!! They are sooo painful!
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